Saturday 9 January 2016

Local heroes: Unsung women of Africa

 There are lots of women that have being on the fore fronts of great struggles for , and we have carefully selected some ;

Child marriage terminator

Chief Inkosi Kachindamoto 

Brenda Iyoha nominated Inkosi Kachindamoto, who is a chief in the district of Dedza in Malawi. She annulled 330 child marriages last year, sending the children back to school.
"This is a bold step and a statement of intent in the fight to end child marriages," said Ms Iyoha.

Sanitary pad campaigner

Marie-Claire Nabila Kuja stands with a group of girls in Cameroon. 

Chi Yvonne nominated Marie-Claire Nabila Kuja, saying the Cameroonian campaigner "is on an unquenchable quest to ignite change in the lives of women and youths in Africa and beyond".
"Her KujaPads initiative has gone a long way to improve the menstrual hygiene of thousands of girls in Cameroon."
According to Ms Kuja, more than 80% of female students in the North West region of Cameroon have limited access to sanitary pads.

Life-saving community nurse

Mai Charity Salima 

Udk Kalimalwanyo nominated Charity Salima, a community nurse in Malawi, because she "has volunteered for years to help women in maternal health through her community clinic Achikondi in Area 23, Lilongwe.
"She is my unsung hero."
Ms Salima founded her clinic in the impoverished district in 2008, offering affordable pre- and post-natal care, and has since delivered thousands of babies.

 Waging War Against The Menace Of Child Abuse And Violence Against Women

Mrs. Esther ogwu stands firmly  against the menace of child abuse, violence against women and infringement on human rights.She is strongly against Parents who had little or no time for their children.
She organized programs in popular eateries, schools and churches in all areas where she hosted numbers of Parents for seminars on child care and child abuse.
Esther Child Right Foundation became known all over the area.At this point she moved her activities to health centers where she addresses over 500-600 women in a week on issues that borders on child abuse, child rape and neglect.

Mother for orphans

Mary Mangwiza outside Mother Mary's Children Centre in Malawi

Brenda Iyoha nominated Mary Mangwiza for "tirelessly supporting orphans of HIV/Aids in Malawi".
"With very few resources, she offers love and the chance of a meal and early education for children who would otherwise not get any," she says.
Mother Mary's Children Centre looks after more than 900 orphans and other vulnerable children, particularly in the districts of Zomba and Chikwawa.






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