Friday 21 June 2013

Doctors Shocked As Man Starts Bleeding Green Blood

green blood
Doctors were shocked after seeing a patient that was bleeding green blood, according to reports.
A team of Canadian surgeons got a shock when the patient they were operating on began shedding dark greenish-black blood, the local newspaper reported.
He emulated science officer Mr. Spock of Star Trek Enterprise, who supposedly had green Vulcan blood. In this case, the unusual blood color of the 42-year-old was the result of the medication he was taking for migraine headaches.
The surgery of the man’s leg went ahead successfully and his blood returned to normal once the drug had tapered off. The patient had been taking large doses of sumatriptan, 200 milligrams a day. This had caused a rare condition called sulfhaemoglobinaemia, wherein sulfur is incorporated in the hemoglobin oxygen transport compound in the red blood cells.
In describing the case to the local newspaper, doctors, led by Dr. Alana Flexman of St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver wrote: “The patient recovered uneventfully and stopped taking sumatriptan after discharge. “When seen five weeks after the last dose, he was found to have no sulfhaemoglobin in his blood.” The man had needed urgent surgery because he had developed a dangerous condition in the legs after falling asleep in a sitting position.
The surgeons performed urgent fasciotomies, a limb saving procedure involving surgical incisions to relieve pressure and swelling caused by the condition known as compartment syndrome. In compartment syndrome, inflammation and pressure in a confined space limits the flow of blood to tissue that causes localized damage to the nerves.
It is commonly caused by trauma, internal bleeding or a wound dressing or cast being too tight.

Meet The Lady Who Has Slépt With Over 5,000 Men In Nine Years

A BÉD-HOPPING babe has revealed that she has had séx with 5,000 men at the age of just 25.
Blonde beauty therapist Nikki Lee also admitted she had never slépt with the same man twice.
Nikki, who also works as a model, averages two men every day and had slépt with precisely 2,288 by the time she turned 21.
In a story that will horrify most Brits, she said she knows the exact number because she has kept a tally. Nikki even claimed to be “proud” and has become so obsessed with séx that she admits it is her “drug”.

The Esséx girl has slépt with men in every place possible, including parks, cinemas, alléyways, clubs and teen discos.

Shameless Nikki revealed that when she ran out of men in her own town, she headed abroad for three séx sessions a day.

And she boasted about her “personal best” of four men in one night during a boozy holiday to Ibiza. Talking about the first time she had séx, Nikki said: “I’d discovered something I was good at.

“I started keeping my notebook within weeks. I was proud of how many men I was sléeping with and I was scared I would lose track.

“Every lád I recorded was proof I was more séxy than other girls.

“I put a star beside the láds who were best in béd.

“By the time I was 18, I’d moved out of home and in with friends and there were nearly 800 in my book.”

Nikki claimed she has been careful and uses condoms as well as the contraceptive pill.
She told Love It! magazine: “My behaviour wasn’t hurting anyone. I visited my local séxual health clinic every couple of weeks to make sure my lifestyle wasn’t harming me.”

But séx experts say that Nikki is damaging herself in lots of ways.

Séxpert Dr Pam Spurr said: “I’m shocked Nikki has slépt with so many men. It’s technically possible but emotionally it’s very dangerous.

“Detáching all your feelings and sleéping with strangers could leave you psychologicálly damaged.

Attract Women: Six Easy Lessons

Every guy wants to be able to attract women. You’re in a bar with your buddies, having a few drinks after work, and suddenly you spot a sexy vixen giving you the eye from across the room. You brush it off and keep schmoozing with your friends, but then you notice a second, very pronounced glance. You give yourself a quick pep talk, head over, and initiate a conversation with the woman.
The conversation starts off well; she seems interested and bubbly. You take the typical first encounter route, asking her where she works, where she’s from, and what she does for fun. Just when you’re starting to feel confident, she begins looking around the room and stops contributing to the conversation. You quickly steer the discussion to a new topic, hoping that it will end the uncomfortable silence that seems to be growing. But it doesn’t work. She takes a brief sip from her drink, excuses herself to go to the bathroom, and never returns.
If this happens to you on a regular basis, then this article is for you. Read on and find out how you can attract women and keep the conversation intriguing.
Lesson number one: women don’t want to be interviewed,. Instead of asking her of questions like “where are you from” and “what do you do for fun,” make a definitive statement or a cold read. For example, say “you’re not from around here, are you?” or “you must be a lawyer.” This is a terrific method to prevent the conversation from turning into a boring interview. Try to practice this tactic the next time you’re in a bar because it’s a crucial behavioral component to attract women.
Lesson number two: women are attracted to healthy men. Don’t talk about how tired you are or that you had the flu a week ago. Instead, mention things that show good health. For example, tell her something funny that happened when you went for a run or while you were at the gym.
Lesson number three: don’t brag! It’s great that you have a nice car and a great job, but don’t tell her that directly. Although women are attracted to wealth, they are not attracted to men who brag about it. The reason behind this is that women can sense that a tendency to brag likely stems from low confidence. Instead of bragging, tell her an interesting story that allows her to decipher independently that you’re successful.
Lesson number four: when you talk to a woman, make sure to have a relaxed body posture. Relax your shoulders and put your weight on one leg. Lean comfortably against a wall or the bar if possible. Most important of all, hold your drink to your side, not in front of you. Men have a tendency to hold their drinks firmly in front of their stomachs. This creates an artificial barrier between you and the woman and hinders your ability to attract her. If you can incorporate these suggestions, you will come across as a much more confident and desirable person.
Lesson number five: try to be a little mysterious. If she asks you questions, don’t give her elaborate, detailed answers. Instead, provide her with clues about who you are and let her figure out the rest. This will intrigue her and prompt her to learn more about you.
Lesson number six: women love to role play. Indulge her appetite for fantasy by making her your personal assistant and giving her a playful order. Or pretend that you are a loving couple and then break up with her when she says something that you don’t like. Tease her and tell her that if she makes up for it, you might take her back.

Guard shoots Jew dead at Jerusalem’s Holy Western Wall

JERUSALEM (AFP) – An Israeli security guard shot dead a Jewish visitor at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray, on Friday, apparently mistaking him for a Palestinian militant.
Public radio said that police were seeking to have the guard remanded in custody.
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said that he was being taken in front of a magistrate, but had no further details.
“There was a Jewish guy, an Israeli guy, who was in the bathroom area,” Rosenfeld told AFP.
“He for some reason shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’,” Rosenfeld said. “A security guard drew his weapon and fired several shots at the suspect… He died from his wounds a few moments ago.”
An acquaintance told army radio that the man was a volunteer at a nearby soup kitchen run by the Hassidic Chabad movement.
“He’s a regular here, well-known,” David Dahan said.
“He’s on his own here, his parents are in France.”
Rosenfeld could not immediately confirm reports that the man held both French and Israeli citizenship.
The shooting took place shortly before 8 am (0500 GMT) as the plaza in front of the Wall filled with worshippers for morning prayers ahead of the start of the Jewish Sabbath at sundown.
The site was closed to the public for more than two hours afterwards.
Paramedic Zeevi Hessed told news website NRG that his team rushed to the scene as reports of a shooting came in.
“When we reached the place, we saw him lying at the Western Wall plaza,” he said. “He had been shot in several parts of his body… Sadly there was nothing we could do but declare him dead.”
Rosenfeld said that an investigation had been opened into the shooting.
Public radio quoted the private security guard as telling police investigators that he thought the man, 46, was pulling something from his pocket as he shouted, and was about to attack him.
It said that police found nothing suspicious on the man’s person.
Privately-owned Channel 10 TV said the dead man was believed to be mentally disturbed.
It cited witnesses as saying that the guard fired between seven and 10 bullets, that the fire was unjustified, and that the man appeared to be a harmless eccentric.
Rosenfeld said the circumstances were still unclear.
“We’re looking into the background: why the security officer opened fire and what the motives were of the guy, the 46-year-old — it’s very strange behaviour.”
The Western Wall’s rabbi, Shmuel Rabinovitch, told the Ynet news site: “Regardless of the circumstances, such a case is a terrible tragedy.”
Ynet quoted witnesses it did not identify as saying that the guard did not fire warning shots or attempt to disable the man but shot directly at his chest.
The site is venerated by Jews as the last remnant of the wall supporting the Second Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.
Above it is the compound housing the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.
Known to Jews as the Temple Mount, the compound is a deeply sensitive location where clashes frequently break out between Palestinian worshippers and Israeli forces.
Jews are not allowed to pray inside the Al-Aqsa mosque compound

Six Suspected Boko Haram Members Caught By Traders In Borno

Six suspected Boko Haram gunmen were on Wednesday arrested by traders at Gamboru market in Maiduguri, Borno State, and handed them over to men of the Joint Task Force, JTF, according to eyewitnesses.
Eyewitnesses said when the gunmen entered the market, they were spotted by a trader who saw weapons hidden under their garments.
“It was a trader that alerted us when he saw them and we immediately trailed and rounded them up,” a 36-year-old grocery merchant in Maiduguri, Babagana Aji said.
“We caught them before they could bring out their guns. After we succeeded in disarming them, we beat them blue and black before handing them over to the soldiers.”
Sanusi Dantakai, who is also a trader at the market said Gamboru traders were fed and couldn’t take more of the attacks on them in their own land, prompting their action.
“This Gamboru market had suffered several attacks. Boko Haram has set it on fire twice and killed several traders and an orange vendor, among others,” he said.
“We are tired of the losses we incur at every attack carried out by Boko Haram. That was why we summoned courage to catch them today.”
Just as residents have joined in the offensive against the Islamist sect in Borno, suspected Boko Haram members, yesterday evening, detonated an Improvised Explosive Device, IED, in Maiduguri, targeting the patrol vehicle of the JTF.
Spokesman of the JTF, Lieutenant Colonel Sagir Musa and the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Gideon Jubrin, could however not be reached for confirmation as total network blackout remains in the state with the emergency rule still in place.

Police Parade Suspected Cultists, Kidnappers In Edo State

Police Parade Suspected Cultists, Kidnappers In Edo State


The suspects, who included cult leaders allegedly involved in the recent killing of students of the University of Benin, were arrested with cache of arms, including AK47 riffle, two AK 47 rifle magazines, 23 rounds of 7.62mm live ammunition, two Magnum pump action guns, one English-made cut to size double barrel gun and 107 live cartridges.
The state commissioner of police, Mr Foluso Adebanjo, while parading the suspects before Journalists, vowed to rid the state of criminal elements just as he solicited the cooperation of members of the public in giving useful information to the police.
Mr Adebanjo said the suspects were arrested in different locations in the state, adding that the kidnappers among them were involved in the abduction few weeks ago of some foreigners and members of the Nigeria Union of Teachers.
Speaking on the Okada ban in the state capital, the CP hailed the move saying about 90 per cent of crimes perpetrated in the state were carried out on motorcycles.
He added that the ban on Okada riders will help check the activities of criminals in the state.
In his words, “the ban on Okada is a very good thing and for security purposes. A lot of crimes being committed in Benin City are bike-related. They use bike to rob people, kill people and even cultists use bikes to operate.
“So we have no fear that the ban on Okada will increase crime, we are fully prepared to take care of that. These people arrested failed to heed to my earlier call that they should repent or face the fire power of the police. We are going to charge them to court. I am also advising others to repent or leave the state because we will not tolerate cultism, killings and robbery in Edo State.”

Ovarian Cancer Explained 2

Stages of Ovarian Cancer

The initial surgery for ovarian cancer also helps determine how far the cancer has spread, described by the following stages:
Stage I: Confined to one or both ovaries
Stage II: Spread to the uterus or other nearby organs
Stage III: Spread to the lymph nodes or abdominal lining
Stage IV: Spread to distant organs, such as the lungs or liver

Types of Ovarian Cancer

The vast majority of ovarian cancers are epithelial ovarian carcinomas. These are malignant tumors that form from cells on the surface of the ovary. Some epithelial tumors are not clearly cancerous. These are known as tumors of low malignant potential (LMP). LMP tumors grow more slowly and are less dangerous than other forms of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates

Ovarian cancer can be a frightening diagnosis, with five-year relative survival rates that range from 89% to 18% for epithelial ovarian cancer, depending on the stage when the cancer was found. But keep in mind that these odds are based on women diagnosed from 1988 to 2001. The treatments and outlook may be better for people diagnosed today. For LMP tumors, the five-year relative survival rates range from 99% to 77%.

Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Surgery is used to diagnose ovarian cancer and determine its stage, but it is also the first phase of treatment. The goal is to remove as much of the cancer as possible. This may include a single ovary and nearby tissue in stage I. In more advanced stages, it may be necessary to remove both ovaries, along with the uterus and surrounding tissues.


In all stages of ovarian cancer, chemotherapy is usually given after surgery. This phase of treatment uses drugs to target and kill any remaining cancer in the body. The drugs may be given by mouth, through an IV, or directly into the belly (intraperitoneal chemotherapy.) Women with LMP tumors usually don't need chemo unless the tumors grow back after surgery.
medical conditions, including osteoporosis. It's vital that women have regular follow-up care after being treated for ovarian cancer.

Risk Reducer: Pregnancy

Women who have biological children are less likely to get ovarian cancer than women who have never given birth. The risk appears to decrease with every pregnancy, and breastfeeding may offer added protection.

Risk Reducer: 'The Pill'

Ovarian cancer is also less common in women who have taken birth control pills. Women who have used the pill for at least five years have about half the risk of women who never took the pill. Like pregnancy, birth control pills prevent ovulation. Some researchers think ovulating less often may protect against ovarian cancer.

Risk Reducer: Tubal Ligation

Getting your tubes tied, formally known as tubal ligation, may offer some protection against ovarian cancer. The same goes for having a hysterectomy -- removing the uterus while leaving the ovaries intact.

Risk Reducer: Removing the Ovaries

For women with genetic mutations that put them at high risk for ovarian cancer, removing the ovaries is an option. This can also be considered in women over 40 getting a hysterectomy.

Risk Reducer: Low-Fat Diet

While there is no definitive diet to prevent ovarian cancer, there is evidence that what you eat can make a difference. In one recent study, women who stuck to a low-fat diet for at least four years were less likely to develop ovarian cancer. Some researchers report the cancer is also less common in women who eat a lot of vegetables, but more studies are needed.

The Worst Web Design Errors to Avoid at All Costs

No web designer ever starts out with the intention to create a website that's burdened by mistake after mistake. However, good intentions never ensure success, which is why many websites all over the Internet are plagued by web design errors that simply repulse site visitors from ever coming back...and with good reason!
You know you've encountered these annoying websites when you surfed the Internet because they always suffer from the same problems. They're full of slow-loading web pages, extremely small or extremely large text, the ugliest color combinations you've ever seen, external links failing to open in new browser windows and pop-up windows galore.
As a web designer - assuming you're a web designer who wants to build your reputation and credibility - your number one goal is to enhance the user experience of any site visitor. A person should feel so comfortable on your site that he wants to keep coming back for more...and more...and more...
Try to contain your temper as we list the worst web design errors to avoid at all costs.

The Curse of the Slow-Loading Web pages

When visitors come to your site, they want an efficient user experience that's characterized by fast-loading web pages. No one wants to wait several seconds for a webpage to finish loading all of its graphics! That just makes for a frustrating user experience. Besides, patience isn't a strong suit of a site visitor - nor should it be.
Here's an example of a torturously slow-loading site that will make you want to scream: Scobleizer. Even though it's by a guy who worked as a technology evangelist for Microsoft, Robert Scoble, that didn't help the site avoid the curse of slow-loading web pages!
If your web pages load in a slow and irritating manner, check to see if you're causing one of two huge errors:
Graphic files that are excessively large
Excessive overuse of graphics in general
What you should do is keep the amount of graphics on your webpages to a minimum...unless, of course, you know how to include lots of graphics without sacrificing efficient load times.

Really Small or Really Large Text

One of the most common and aggravating design errors is the inclusion of too small text on webpages. Sure, small text lets you fit together lots of information, yet that's negated by the fact that it's extremely difficult to read. This is particularly true when you look at small text on a high-resolution monitor.
On the flipside, there are sites whose web pages have really large text. There's no silver lining here: Large text just looks absolutely unattractive and amateurish, too. Large text becomes a real nuisance if you're looking at it on a system that features low resolution such as 800 by 600 pixels.
How do you avoid falling into this trap? Just compare the text you use on your website to other sites, and be sure to ask various people of different ages if they're able to comfortably read the text on your site from just a few feet away from the monitor. If they can't, you've got to correct the issue.
Here's an example of a site with hard-to-read small text: Y Combinator's Hacker News. Here's an example of a site with excessively large text: Kk Designs.

Horribly Ugly Color Combinations

A big part of an enjoyable user experience is looking at a site with a harmonious and inviting color scheme. That's why ugly color combinations are hard to forgive.
Check out this example of horrid color combinations on a website. It's the UK's Reading Borough Council's website. Note how boring and drab the color scheme is, mainly because its color combination is based on just one color.

web design Errors

Sometimes, simplest is really best: Color combinations that use, for example, black text on a white background are easy on the eyes and nice to look at due to minimalist effectiveness. In addition, standard link colors appear easily. To do a little more, you can always utilize a graphical bar on a webpage and even include one or two interesting graphics on a webpage, so that they possess a colorful appearance without giving up each webpage's readability.

Links Fail to Open in New Tabs or Browser Windows

Some websites let links to other sites open in the same tab or browser window while other websites allow their links to other sites actually open in a new tab or window. This may just be a matter of personal preference for some, but to many more, external links that fail to open in new tabs or windows are just annoying. They're also confusing because you can't see at a glance where you've just been.
If your site's external links open in a new tab or window, a site visitor will feel more in control of his user experience. He'll be able to quickly reference where the new tab or window opened up to without losing track of what webpage sent him there! Such a browsing experience provides superior organization to a person and, thus, more comfort.

The Scourge of Pop-Up Windows

If there's anything as irritating as a plethora of graphics on a site that slows its load time to a crawl, it's the presence of pop-up windows that have the user frustratingly clicking away to close them as soon as they appear. Still one of the classic thorns in the sides of site visitors, pop-up windows are, at best, a distraction, particularly if they're just for ads!

web design Errors

Think of it this way: As a web designer, you want your site visitors to focus on your content and be impressed by it. You do this by providing extremely valuable content. However, pop-up windows impair the ability of users to concentrate on your content, and they may also drive them away. Further, pop-up windows infect your site with a low-quality appearance. If you want more site visitors, you definitely don't want to make them associate your site with spamming, which pop-up windows tend to be viewed as.
Here's an example of a website with intrusive pop-up windows, even though it's popular: 1-800 Click on various menu tabs and categories of flowers on the site, and be prepared to encounter the aggravating "See all gifts in your recipient's location" pop-up window! If you're really lucky, you get to see the pop-up window prompting you to chat with a customer representative.

You're Better Than These Web Design Errors!

Avoid these worst web design errors at all costs! Your reputation as a web designer is on the line, after all. If any of your web design projects include some of these mistakes, then your credibility can take a hit, which is not what you want. You want to project yourself as a highly competent web designer who knows what he's doing.

In addition, your commitment to your principles as a web designer should absolutely forbid you from committing any of these design errors. Your number one job is to make sure a site visitor has the best possible user experience when he comes on a site designed by you. He won't get that user experience he deserves if any of these errors are present on your site. So take inspiration and design a site with user experience first and foremost in your mind!

A Woman Virtually Nobody Has Heard Of Is On The Verge Of Becoming The Most Powerful Woman In The World

Bill Clinton, Janet Yellen
President Clinton is applauded by members of his White House staff engaged in budget negotiations in the White House Rose Garden (May 16, 1997)

It's looking increasingly likely that Ben Bernanke will no longer be the Chairman of the Federal Reserve at this time next year.
In an interview Monday, President Obama said Bernanke has "already stayed a lot longer than he wanted or he was supposed to."
When asked about his intentions regarding plans for the future, Bernanke has not said much, though the Fed chairman has decided to skip this year's Jackson Hole summit of world central bankers in August, where he would normally be responsible for delivering the keynote address.
In recent years, the Jackson Hole keynote has been an important stage for signaling big shifts in U.S. monetary policy, a key driver of economic dynamics not only in America, but around the world.
This year, the most important signal from the keynote may not be in the contents of the speech, but in who is delivering it in Bernanke's place: Federal Reserve Vice Chairwoman Janet Yellen, who is widely tipped as the frontrunner to replace Bernanke when his term expires in January.
If Obama does select Yellen to replace Bernanke, she will become the first woman ever to chair the Federal Reserve, putting her in arguably the most powerful policy-making role in the world. And of course, unless you follow the Fed, you've probably never heard of her.
(Global financial markets have reinforced the notion that the Fed chair is all-powerful in recent weeks: as fears that the Fed will begin slowing the pace of its monetary stimulus have seeped into the marketplace, U.S. government debt has sold off dramatically, causing major reverberations in virtually every market around the world. Because U.S. monetary policy is so influential, economist David Beckworth, for example, has referred to the Fed as a "monetary superpower.")
By every account, Yellen is a thoughtful and brilliant economist, which has allowed her to rise to where she is today.
"Ms. Yellen climbed the Fed ranks by being methodical rather than iconoclastic," writes Wall Street Journal reporter Jon Hilsenrath in a recent profile of the Fed vice-chairman. "She shows up at policy meetings with carefully crafted statements. Those who work with her say she arrives at the airport hours early."
"Ms. Yellen climbed the Fed ranks by being methodical rather than iconoclastic. She shows up at policy meetings with carefully crafted statements. Those who work with her say she arrives at the airport hours early."
"[Yellen] is very low-key, but impresses people quickly with the depth of her understanding and the sincerity of her views," said fellow Berkeley professor Andrew Rose in 1994, describing her as "collegial, persuasive and effective."
She has also worked with the academic elite of the economics sphere her entire career. Her mentor at Yale, where she received her Ph.D. in 1971, was Nobel-Prize winning economist James Tobin, whose legacy is enshrined in today's economics textbooks. After graduating from Yale, she taught at Harvard for five years. Then, she did a two-year stint (1976-1978) as a staff economist at the Federal Reserve, where she met her husband, fellow economist and future Nobel Prize winner George Akerlof.
After the Federal Reserve, Yellen was faculty at the London School of Economics for two years. Then, in 1980, she accepted a position at the University of California, Berkeley, where she stayed until her appointment to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in 1994 by President Bill Clinton.
Months before his April 1994 nomination of Yellen, Clinton had selected one of Yellen's long-time colleagues in the Berkeley economics department, Laura D'Andrea Tyson, to chair the Council of Economic Advisers (making Tyson his top economist at the White House).
According to an L.A. Times report Clinton's 1994 nomination of Yellen, Tyson was "deeply involved in the selection process for filling the Fed vacancies." The report went on to assert that "Yellen, who would succeed Republican Wayne Angell on the board, also fulfills the Administration's desire to name a woman or a minority to offset the appointment of [Alan] Blinder, a white male, to be Fed vice chairman."
(Tyson herself was reportedly tapped by Clinton over then-World Bank economist Larry Summers because Summers and Clinton's vice president, Al Gore, didn't see eye-to-eye on issues related to environmental economics.)
So began Yellen's long career in monetary policy-making, which has already been momentous in reshaping the directives that have emanated from the central bank and driven major changes in the global economic landscape.
One of the defining moments for Yellen that crystallized both her economic views and her character traits came two years into her tenure on the FOMC.
In a recent profile of Yellen, New York Times correspondent Binyamin Appelbaum tells the story:
In July 1996, the Federal Reserve broke the metronomic routine of its closed-door policy-making meetings to hold an unusual debate. The Fed’s powerful chairman, Alan Greenspan, saw a chance for the first time in decades to drive annual inflation all the way down to zero, achieving the price stability he had long regarded as the central bank’s primary mission.
But Janet L. Yellen, then a relatively new and little-known Fed governor, talked Mr. Greenspan to a standstill that day, arguing that a little inflation was a good thing. She marshaled academic research that showed it would reduce the depth and frequency of recessions, articulating a view that has prevailed at the Fed. And as the Fed’s vice chairwoman since 2010, Ms. Yellen has played a leading role in cementing the central bank’s commitment to keep prices rising about 2 percent each year.
Inflation has become one of the biggest stories in economics recently as annual inflation rates have been declining and seem stuck persistently below the Fed's 2.5% threshold for tightening monetary policy. Today's consumer price index release revealed that core price inflation remained stubbornly unchanged at 1.7% in May.
Persistently below-target inflation readings have provided support for the argument that the Fed should continue with its controversial bond-buying program aimed at providing monetary stimulus to the economy.
As arguably the most dovish member of the FOMC – meaning she tends to focus on unemployment concerns rather than keeping inflation at bay – Yellen has undoubtedly had a big role in shaping the course of current policy.
Yet Yellen's record shows that she has not always argued for easy monetary policy and higher inflation, despite her dovish tilt.
"The risk of an increase in inflation has definitely risen, and I would characterize the economy as operating in an inflationary danger zone." — Janet Yellen, September 1996
Later in 1996, the economy was expanding, labor markets were tight, but core inflation was on a steady downward trend.
At the September 1996 FOMC meeting, though, Yellen argued, "conclude that the risk of an increase in inflation has definitely risen, and I would characterize the economy as operating in an inflationary danger zone."
While Yellen ultimately supported then-Chairman Alan Greenspan's decision to leave interest rates unchanged, she couched her decision by saying, "I find myself very close to the margin and would also have been quite willing to support an upward adjustment of 25 basis points today, had you proposed that."
In 1996, Yellen's argument rested on the thesis that the labor market was too tight.
To be sure, things are much different now – the unemployment rate remains stubbornly elevated around current levels at 7.6%, and concerns over inflation appear to be all but dead at this point.
And given the Fed's current policy stance – committed to unprecedented monetary easing until signs of improvement in the labor market re-emerge – perhaps it's just as accurate to say that Yellen has already become the most powerful woman in history.
Taking over the chairmanship in January would cement it.

A 16-Year-Old Is Becoming Mobile Ad Star By Telling Companies What They're Doing Wrong

Sixteen-year-old Ash Bhat's parents are terrified that he is going to drop out of school.
It's not drugs or bad grades that's afflicting the rising high school junior. Ash is just really, really good at programming.
In fact, the San Jose native won a full scholarship to Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), which sold out in two minutes in April, and a summer job at Kiip, one of the hottest mobile advertising startups in the Valley, by telling the companies what they're doing wrong.
Kiip's Brian Spittler told Business Insider that the company hired Ash "after he discovered a bug in one of our codes that was allowing him to redeem unlimited rewards." (Kiip provides users with rewards during natural pauses in mobile games, essentially incentivizing ad clicks with treats.)
"I exploited it for a little bit, but then I thought there might be a consequence," Bhat said. So he emailed Kiip's CTO along with a video documenting the program error.
That was in February, which Ash defines as his "breakthrough" month when he started dominating hackathons and getting public attention. He was offered an internship paying thousands of dollars shortly after.
Although Kiip's wunderkind founder Brian Wong is only 22 — "I've been able to connect with Brian pretty well, he knows what it's like," Ash said — the next youngest intern is a college junior at Berkeley. 
"I'm the youngest by far," Ash said.
He got a scholarship to the highly anticipated WWDC in a similar manner.
"I told [Apple] Siri sucks, you shouldn't make it so users have to touch [a button] to talk to it," he said. So Ash created and submitted an app that allows people to navigate iOS with only voice commands, using a software that is always listening as opposed to being turned on with a click.
Ash started programming as part of a (successful) attempt to convince his parents to buy him a MacBook Pro.
"They said it was $2,000, we aren't getting it for you," Ash said, so he decided to make some apps to convince them it would be a good investment. "I originally thought it was something I would do once or twice and then just keep the Macbook," but Ash was quickly hooked.
He got his first paycheck for a couple hundred dollars from Apple for an app called iSchoolerz, which creates customized mobile apps for different schools, as a 14-year-old. The app is now used by 16,000 students and is run by three people, Ash and some friends.
Ash also applied for a Y-Combinator, but co-founder Paul Graham personally reached out to him.
"He said I was way too young to drop out of high school," Ash said. "Paul started talking about a hand gliding analogy that while you're getting an education you are reaching more and more paths ... I didn't really agree with that, you can always learn if you drop out."
Ash says his parents, however, are adamant that he stay in school.
"My mom is the biggest advocate of education," Ash said. "I went to a hackathon without their permission the other day, that I won actually, and she went crazy."
The young programmer, who is currently writing code that is already getting used by developers and immediately impacting the company, is probably heading back to high school in Fall.
But Kiip told us, "we definitely want to keep him on board after the summer."

Is Your Prostate Normal?

A Visual Guide to Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

 illustration showing normal prostate 

What is an Enlarged Prostate?

An enlarged prostate occurs when a man's prostate gland slowly grows bigger as he ages. More than half of men over age 60 have this condition, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Some men have symptoms and others don't. The exact causes are unknown, but one thing is sure: BPH is not cancer and it does not lead to cancer. The prostate sits below the bladder and produces fluid for semen.

Symptom: Frequent Need to Urinate

Do you have to pee more often these days? Especially at night, when you're trying to sleep? That’s a common symptom of BPH. It happens when the growing prostate presses on the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of your body. The bladder has to contract more strongly to get urine out. As a result, the bladder may start to contract even when it only contains a little urine, which makes you get the urge to go more often.

Symptom: Difficulty Urinating

With an enlarged prostate, it may take you longer to get the flow of urine going, and the flow may be weaker than it used to be. You may dribble urine or feel as if there's still some inside even though you're finished urinating. These symptoms happen because the pressure on the urethra makes it narrow, so your bladder must work harder to pass urine.

Symptom: Inability to Urinate

This can happen when advanced BPH blocks your urethra entirely -- or as a result of a bladder infection. Bladder muscles also may become too weak to force urine out of the body. From any cause, it can lead to permanent kidney damage. You can prevent this by seeing your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms. If you suddenly can't urinate, go to a hospital emergency room immediately.

Who Gets an Enlarged Prostate?

Most men get an enlarged prostate as they age. The prostate gland grows throughout most of a man's life, first at puberty and then from about age 25 on. It usually doesn't cause symptoms before the age of 40. But by age 85, up to 90% of men have symptoms. Only about a third of men with an enlarged prostate are bothered by symptoms.

What Causes the Prostate to Grow?

No one knows for sure. It is believed that different hormones such as testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and estrogen may play a role. It is also unclear why some men with BPH will have symptoms while others do not. Vasectomy and sex do not raise the risk of having BPH.

Getting Diagnosed Early

BPH symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions. If you have symptoms, it's important to see your doctor, who can rule out other possible causes, such as an infection or cancer.

Ruling Out Prostate Cancer

Symptoms of BPH can be scary because some of them are the same as those for prostate cancer. But an enlarged prostate is much more common than prostate cancer. And if you have BPH, you are no more likely than other men to develop prostate cancer. Because the two conditions share some symptoms and can occur at the same time, however, your doctor will need to evaluate you.

How Will Your Doctor Diagnose BPH?

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and may do these tests:
  • A digital rectal exam to check for prostate enlargement or irregularities
  • Lab tests of urine or blood
  • An ultrasound scan and a prostate biopsy
  • A urine flow study to measure the strength of your urine stream
  • A cytoscopy, in which a thin tube inserted through the penis allows the doctor to view and evaluate the urethra and the bladder 

When Does BPH Need to Be Treated?

Whether you need to treat BPH depends on your symptoms. If you have none or your symptoms are not severe, you probably won't need treatment. But recurring infections, kidney damage, difficulty urinating, or a leaky bladder can really impact your quality of life. In these cases, medications or surgery may help.

Treatment: Watchful Waiting

If your symptoms are mild, you and your doctor may choose to monitor your condition. With this approach, you'll probably need to visit the doctor one or more times a year. And if your symptoms don't get worse, that may be all you ever need to do. Up to a third of all mild cases of BPH have symptoms that clear up on their own.

reatment: Lifestyle Changes

These strategies may help:
  • Cut down or cut out alcohol and caffeine.
  • Drink small amounts all day rather than large amounts all at once.
  • Avoid fluids at bedtime.
  • Avoid decongestants and antihistamines.
  • Go when you have the urge and when a bathroom is handy.
  • Double void: Empty your bladder, wait a moment, then try to empty it again.
  • Relax. Stress can trigger the urge to pee.
  • Exercise regularly.

reatment: Drugs for Urine Flow

Often prescribed for high blood pressure, alpha blockers help relax the muscles in the prostate gland and bladder. This allows urine to flow more freely. Alpha blockers approved by the FDA to treat BPH include alfuzosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin, and terazosin.

Treatment: Drugs to Slow Prostate Growth

A class of medications known as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may stop the prostate from growing or even shrink it in some men. They lower the production of DHT, a hormone involved in prostate growth. However, these medications -- which include dutasteride and finasteride -- can also lower sex drive and cause erectile dysfunction. And it can take up to a year to feel the benefits.

Treatment: Medicine Combos

Some men benefit from taking more than one medication for their enlarged prostate. In fact, combining a medicine that relaxes the bladder muscles with one that slows prostate growth may work better than either drug alone. Medicines used to manage an overactive bladder may also be added to standard BPH medications.

Treatment: Complementary Medicine

In some studies, saw palmetto extract has shown promise in treating BPH symptoms. These include frequent urination and trouble starting and maintaining flow. Other studies have found it to be no better than a sugar pill. With no clear benefit yet -- and a risk that herbal treatments may interfere with other drugs -- the American Urological Association does not recommend saw palmetto or other complementary medicines for BPH.

Will BPH Affect My Sex Life?

There is some evidence that older men with severe BPH symptoms may be more likely to have problems in the bedroom, compared to other men their age. Some of the medications commonly used to treat BPH have been associated with problems getting an erection and ejaculating. If you develop sexual issues, talk to your doctor. A change in medications may be enough to correct them.

Living with BPH

Some men never even know they have BPH. Others are never troubled by it. But if you have bothersome symptoms, there are many options for treating them to help you maintain a high quality of life. The most important thing is to see your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms.


Bodies float in India’s rivers as flash flood kills scores more

On June 21, 2013 · In News
1:02 pm
DEHRADUN (AFP) – Rescue workers recovered scores of bodies from the Ganges river in northern India on Friday, as the death toll from flash floods and landslides topped 200, with thousands of mainly pilgrims and tourists still stranded.
Helicopters and thousands of soldiers have been deployed to rescue more than 50,000 people from religious sites, almost one week after floods and landslides from torrential monsoon rains struck the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, a government minister said.
More than 200 people have been killed in the disaster after raging rivers swept away houses, buildings and even entire villages, and destroyed bridges and narrow roads leading to pilgrimage towns high in the mountains, the minister said.
But the death toll is likely to rise, as flood waters recede showing the extent of the devastation and rescue workers reach more isolated areas of the state, known as the “Land of the Gods” for its revered Hindu shrines and temples.
“So far, 207 people have lost their lives. But the toll may go up as debris in many areas is yet to be cleared,” said Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde in New Delhi.
Another 17 people have been killed in the neighbouring state of Himachal Pradesh, a senior government official said. Floods and landslides from monsoon rains have also struck across the border in Nepal, leaving at least 39 people dead, the government there said.
In Uttarakhand, police said they have recovered 40 bodies floating in the Ganges near the pilgrimage town of Hardwar.
“We have recovered some 40 bodies which floated downstream and the process of identification is on,” Hardwar police chief Rajeev Swaroop told AFP by phone.
The military operation, involving some 43 helicopters and more than 10,000 soldiers, was concentrating on reaching those stranded in the holy town of Badrinath after earlier finding widespread devastation in the Kedarnath temple area.
“Village after village has been buried in the debris and people who got in the way of the waters have been washed away,” Uttarakhand disaster relief minister Yashpal Arya told AFP.
Rescue workers who have managed to reach those stranded are racing to cut down trees and clear vegetation to allow military helicopters to land and evacuate those most in need, a state official said.
“Thousands of tourists are waiting in the dense forests. They had all taken refuge in the jungle after hotels and other buildings collapsed,” said the state’s principal secretary Rakesh Sharma.
“We are trying all possible ways to rescue them. Roads are totally destroyed,” he said.
Some of those stranded in mountain areas are trying to walk to safer ground, with photos showing pilgrims, aided by soldiers, using ropes and makeshift ladders to climb down cliffs and cross rivers.
Soldiers have also reached some of the villages in lower-lying areas by boat, ferrying women clutching babies, children and elderly men to safety. Video footage shows only roofs of the houses visible above the water line.
Relatives of those missing faced an anxious wait in the Uttarakhand capital Dehradun, where military helicopters and other aircraft were landing carrying some of those rescued.
Distraught relatives clutching photographs of missing family members were waiting outside Dehradun airport for news, an AFP photographer on the scene said.
Amit Thakur, 40, said his 11-year-old nephew has been missing since their family-run hotel collapsed last week.
“I just hope the army will trace our little boy. I have been standing outside the airport for the last three days to get any information about him,” Thakur told AFP.
Army field hospitals have also been set up throughout the state, with the elderly seen on canvas beds awaiting medical attention.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh late on Thursday described the situation as “distressing” and announced a 170-million-dollar aid package and an online appeal for funds, asking “all citizens of India to stand with our distressed fellow countrymen” and “donate generously”.

Foods That Can Save Your Heart

Thyme, Sage, Rosemary and Oregano 

Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs make many other foods heart-healthy when they replace salt, sugar, and trans fats. These flavor powerhouses, along with nuts, berries -- even coffee -- form a global approach to heart-wise eating. Read on for more delicious ways to fight heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Fact: Rosemary, sage, oregano, and thyme contain antioxidants.

Black Beans

Mild, tender black beans are packed with heart-healthy nutrients including folate, antioxidants, magnesium, and fiber -- which helps control both cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Tip: Canned black beans are quick additions to soups and salads. Rinse to remove extra sodium.

Red Wine and Resveratrol

If you drink alcohol, a little red wine may be a heart-healthy choice. Resveratrol and catechins, two antioxidants in red wine, may protect artery walls. Alcohol can also boost HDL, the good cholesterol.
Tip: Don't exceed one drink a day for women; one to two drinks for men -- and talk to your doctor first. Alcohol may cause problems for people taking aspirin and other medications. Too much alcohol actually hurts the heart.

Salmon: Super Food

A top food for heart health, it's rich in the omega-3s EPA and DHA. Omega-3s may lower risk of rhythm disorders and reduce blood pressure. Salmon also lowers blood triglycerides and reduces inflammation. The American Heart Association recommends two servings of salmon or other oily fish a week.
Tip: Bake in foil with herbs and veggies. Toss extra cooked salmon in fish tacos and salads.

una for Omega-3s

Tuna is a good source of heart-healthy omega-3s; it generally costs less than salmon. Albacore (white tuna) contains more omega-3s than other tuna varieties. Reel in these other sources of omega-3s, too: mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and anchovies.
Tip: Grill tuna steak with dill and lemon; choose tuna packed in water, not oil.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This oil, made from the first press of olives, is especially rich in heart-healthy antioxidants called polyphenols, as well as healthy monounsaturated fats. When olive oil replaces saturated fat (like butter), it can help lower cholesterol levels. Polyphenols may protect blood vessels.
Tip: Use for salads, on cooked veggies, with bread. Look for cold-pressed and use within six months.


A small handful of walnuts (1.5 ounces) a day may lower your cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the arteries of the heart. Walnuts are packed with omega-3s, monounsaturated fats, and fiber. The benefits especially come when walnuts replace bad fats, like those in chips and cookies -- and you don't increase your calorie count.
Tip: A handful has nearly 300 calories. Walnut oil has omega–3s, too; use in salad dressings.


Slivered almonds go well with vegetables, fish, chicken, even desserts, and just a handful adds a good measure of heart health to your meals. They're chock full of plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. Almonds may help lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Tip: Toast to enhance almonds' creamy, mild flavor.


These green soybeans are moving beyond Japanese restaurants, where they're a tasty appetizer. They're packed with soy protein, which can lower blood triglyceride levels. A half cup of edamame also has 9 grams of cholesterol-lowering fiber -- equal to four slices of whole-wheat bread.
Tip: Try frozen edamame, boil, and serve warm in the pod.


Make soy protein the main attraction more often at dinnertime by cooking with tofu instead of red meat. You gain all the heart-healthy minerals, fiber, and polyunsaturated fats of soy -- and you avoid a load of artery-clogging saturated fat.
Tip: Chop firm tofu, marinate, then grill or stir-fry, going easy on the oil. Add tofu to soups for protein with no added fat.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a hearty, healthy substitute for white potatoes for people concerned about diabetes. With a low glycemic index, these spuds won't cause a quick spike in blood sugar. Ample fiber, vitamin A, and lycopene add to their heart-healthy profile.
Tip: Enhance their natural sweetness with cinnamon and lime juice, instead of sugary toppings.


This sweet, juicy fruit contains the cholesterol-fighting fiber pectin -- as well as potassium, which helps control blood pressure. A small study shows that OJ may improve blood vessel function and modestly lower blood pressure through the antioxidant hesperidin.
Tip: A medium orange averages 62 calories, with 3 grams of fiber.

Swiss Chard

The dark green, leafy vegetable is rich in potassium and magnesium, minerals that help control blood pressure. Fiber, vitamin A, and the antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, add to the heart-healthy profile.
Tip: Serve with grilled meats or as a bed for fish. Saute with olive oil and garlic until wilted, season with herbs and pepper.

Stack of Carrots


The latest research on carrots shows these sweet, crunchy veggies may help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. They're also a top cholesterol-fighting food, thanks to ample amounts of soluble fiber -- the kind found in oats.
Tip: Sneak shredded carrots into spaghetti sauce and muffin batter.


Try this nutty, whole grain in place of rice with dinner or simmer barley into soups and stews. The fiber in barley can help lower cholesterol levels and may lower blood glucose levels, too.
Tip: Hulled or "whole grain" barley is the most nutritious. Barley grits are toasted and ground; nice for cereal or as a side dish. Pearl barley is quick, but much of the heart-healthy fiber has been removed.


Oats in all forms can help your heart by lowering LDL, the bad cholesterol. A warm bowl of oatmeal fills you up for hours, fights snack attacks, and helps keep blood sugar levels stable over time -- making it useful for people with diabetes, too.
Tip: Swap oats for one-third of the flour in pancakes, muffins, and baked goods. Use oats instead of bread crumbs in cooking.


This shiny, honey-colored seed has three elements that are good for your heart: fiber, phytochemicals called lignans, and ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in plants. The body converts ALA to the more powerful omega-3s, EPA and DHA.
Tip: Grind flaxseed for the best nutrition. Add it to cereal, baked goods, yogurt, even mustard on a sandwich.

Low-Fat Yogurt

While low-fat dairy is most often touted for bone health, these foods can help control high blood pressure, too. Milk is high in calcium and potassium and yogurt has twice as much of these important minerals. To really boost the calcium and minimize the fat, choose low-fat or non-fat varieties.
Tip: Use milk instead of water in instant oatmeal, hot chocolate, and dried soups.

Foods Fortified With Sterols

Want the heart-healthy power of vegetables in your milk or on toast? Margarine, soy milk, or orange juice can deliver -- when they're fortified with cholesterol-fighting sterols and stanols. These plant extracts block cholesterol absorption in the gut and can lower LDL levels by 10% without affecting good cholesterol.
Tip: Consume at least 2 grams of sterols a day.


Coffee and tea may help protect your heart by warding off type 2 diabetes. Studies show that people who drink 3-4 cups a day may cut their risk by 25% -- and even decaffeinated coffee works. Caution is due, however, for those who already have diabetes or hypertension; caffeine can complicate these conditions.
Tip: Choose black coffee or a non-fat latte to limit fat and calories.

Cayenne Chili Pepper

Shaking hot chili powder on food may help prevent a spike in insulin levels after meals. A small study in Australia showed that simply adding chili to a hamburger meal produced lower insulin levels in overweight volunteers.
Tip: Chili powder is a blend of five spices, while dried chili pepper comes from a single hot pepper. Both are good substitutes for salt in recipes.

Kosher Salt

This may be worth a try for people with high blood pressure. Kosher salt may give you more salty flavor with less actual salt -- and less sodium -- than if you sprinkled table salt on your food. The larger crystals impart more flavor than finely ground salt. You’ll still need to measure carefully; a teaspoon of Kosher salt has 1,120-2,000 mg of sodium, while the daily limit for most people is 1,500 mg. And in cooking, the taste advantage is lost.
Tip: Mix with your favorite herbs for a homemade, lower-sodium spice blend.


Cherries are packed with anthocyanins, an antioxidant believed to help protect blood vessels. Cherries in any form provide these heart-healthy nutrients: the larger heart-shaped sweet cherries, the sour cherries used for baking, as well as dried cherries and cherry juice.
Tip: Sprinkle dried cherries into cereal, muffin batter, green salads and wild rice.


The list of healthy nutrients in blueberries is extensive: anthocyanins give them their deep blue color and support heart health. Blueberries also contain ellagic acid, beta-carotene, lutein, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.
Tip: Add fresh or dried blueberries to cereal, pancakes, or yogurt. Puree a batch for a dessert sauce.

Ovarian Cancer Explained

What Is Ovarian Cancer?
This cancer begins in the ovaries, the twin organs that produce a woman's eggs and the main source of  the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Treatments for ovarian cancer have become more effective in recent years, with the best results seen when the disease is found early.

Illustration Of Ovarian Cancer 
Ovarian Cancer Symptoms
Symptoms include:
  • Bloating or pressure in the belly
  • Pain in the abdomen or pelvis
  • Feeling full too quickly during meals
  • Urinating more frequently
These symptoms can be caused by many conditions that are not cancer. If they occur daily for more than a few weeks, report them to your health care professional.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Shocking Longevity Miracle: 250 Years Old Yogi From India

 250 Years Old Yogi From India
The first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, more than fifty years ago, said that his father had sat at the feet of Devraha Baba as a child – that is, in the middle of the nineteenth century – and Devraha Baba was already elderly at that time.
This rare video footage was recorded for a russian television channel around 1987-1989, so it is not in English.
Reporter say: This is Devraha Baba, who lives on this wooden platform. He is not a robber or a psycho but a person highly honored and respected not only in India but also far from its borders. He was visited on many occasions by famous and rich Kashigy (?), Sultan of Brunei (?), artists and actors – Liz Taylor, Roger Moore; rulers of India that visited him were Indira Gandhi and Radjiv Gandhi, and ministers of the government.
So it is our turn now to see him! Let see what is happening these are high power people from Delhi that brought their children suffering from diarrhea. Conventional drugs would not help them so these people are using alternative methods to deal with their problems.
Baba cures people using only words and by touching them using his foot. Up to 3,000 people come to see him daily, some for advise, some to get healed and others just to see him.
As we can see, people are sitting by the fence and waiting for when Baba would give them a sign to approach. It happens that people being sent away by means of his young helper. Rumors about this wise man spread from eastern India, state of Bihar in the mid-1950s, when a village was attacked by a pack of wild bears eating people. That is when Baba appeared from one of the huts and stopped the bears by raising his hand. Since then Baba was seen in other parts of India.
He could understand the language of animals, heal people by his look or word, give advice and tell the future. In the past he would do predictions of political future for whole countries. For that he was once arrested and only personal involvement of Indira Gandhi helped to get him out of the jail. Some say that Baba was her personal advisor during her last days. This holy man could not protect her but predicted the day she would die (she wrote about it).
Reporter: What do you eat?
Devraha Baba: Nothing by your standards.
Reporter: How old are you and do you remember your parents?
Devraha Baba: I do not have any age. I was born from the river Yamuna when it was blessed by Krishna.
(At this point somebody from the crowd commented that he is 200 years old or just under that.)
Reporter: People talk about the end of the world that is expected at the end of this century (this interview is dated to mid 1980s), can you comment on that?
Devraha Baba: This is a secret and the time has not come yet to reveal that. I can only say that what ever would happen will be good for the humanity, as I am praying for that.
Reporter: After such an answer we had little hope for our next question: What can you say about the future of the Soviet Union? And here a miracle happened as we got a long answer from this Person who does not even know how a radio or a newspaper looks like:
Devraha Baba: Litva has distorted the Baltics and the 3 Republics would separate, other Republics would follow up. You are going thru a difficult period of suffering but at the end everything will be ok as you will be purged. Your President Gorbachev will visit India this or next year. Let him come over and I would give a good advice to him and bless.
Reporter: Can we pass on your message to him?
Devraha Baba: No, let him come in person.
Reporter: Can we get a blessing from you?
Reporter says: Here there was a delay for about 15 minutes during which he would glance at us with one eye, greenish and bottomless. Meanwhile it was commented from the crowd that his last blessing happened about 1 year ago and that he does not bless when people ask for it. So we were about to leave when Baba decided to bless me. I am going to comment on my feelings while it is happening. They say that usually insulation is used between the foot and a head to be on a safe side.
Reporter says: Later When saying goodbye Baba told us not to leave Delhi quickly after we would return there. We forgot all about it and went off to another assignment. Just recently we found that a train near Bombay was derailed. We were planning to take this train. Well, it could be just a coincidence, or maybe not?

World's Largest Reticulated Python Snake, Indonesia

Largest Reticulated Python Snakes in the world
World's Largest Reticulated Python  Indonesia Captured by VillagersIndonesian villagers claim to have captured a python to have nearly 49 feet long and weighs almost 990 pounds, a local officer of told.If confirmed, it would be the largest snake ever of the world kept in captivity.
Hundreds of people flocked to see the snake at the zoo primitive in the village Curugsewu the country main island of Java. Local government official Rachmat said the reticulated python measured 48 feet 8 inches and weighed in at 983 pounds.
Largest Reticulated Python Snakes

World's Largest Reticulated Python Snake in Indonesian Zoo Guinness Book of World Records lists the longest ever captured snake to be 32 feet. The heaviest - a Burmese Python kept in Gurnee, Ill - weighs 402 pounds, said the book's website.

The Indonesian newspaper Republika said the snake eats, was caught last year but only recently put on public display, three or four dogs a month.
Pythons reticulated is the World's longest snakes. They are capable of eating animals as large as sheep, and have been known to attack and eat people.The species is native to the swamps and jungles of Southeast Asia.
World's Largest Reticulated Python Snakes

 Largest Reticulated Python Snake Found from Indonesian Village BalikpapanEast Kalimantan   6.95 m (22.8 ft) long and weighed 59 kg (130 lb).

Reticulated Python Snake species is the biggest snake native to Asia. Generally, reticulated pythons length of more than 6 m (20 ft) are very rare, although according to the Guinness Book of World Records is the existence of more than one snake regularly so long. One of the largest examples of scientifically measuring from Balikpapan, measured East Kalimantan, Indonesia, under anesthesia at 6.95 m (22.8 ft) and weighing 59 kg (130 pounds) after not eating for 3 months. data published widely reported that samples several feet have not been further confirmed. Source

The Girl With X-Ray Eyes: Japanese scientists confirmed

Russian X-ray girl Natasha Demkina still uses her gift to help common people
Natasha, in 2004 and 2008
Natasha Demkina, is a young woman from Saransk, Russia, who claims to possess a special vision that allows her to look inside human bodies and see organs and tissues, and thereby make medical diagnoses. She is hailed in Russia as “the girl with X-ray eyes”. She describes her phenomenal abilities it as follows:

“I have two sights. I can switch any minute without reason, should I want to see the state of health of a person,” Natasha said. “This switching makes no difficulty to me; I just need to think about it. I can see the full structure of a human body – how internal organs are positioned and how they function. It’s hard to explain how I identify diseases. Afflicted organs produce a kind of radiation. The second sight is active only in the daytime; it does not work at night.”

According to Natasha and her parents, she discovered her unusual abilities at the age of ten. At first Natasha scanned her acquaintances and relatives. This phenomenon was widely covered by television in the winter of 2003-2004. At that time Natasha was about to finish school. In January of 2004 Natasha with her mother were invited to London by the English press and she demonstrated her abilities live on the British television. She also participated in an experiment organized by The Sun. The girl demonstrated her extraordinary powers on The Sun reporter Briony Warden, who had suffered multiple injuries in a car accident. The girl contrived to describe all the fractures of the woman.
Britain’s The Sun obtained an opportunity to conduct their own experiment to confirm unbelievable abilities of the Russian X-ray girl. At first Natasha Demkina astonished doctors in her own country.
The prodigy child arrived in London together with employees of the British newspaper.
The newspaper published the results of the experiment in one of its issues (click here to read). The editorial staff was unanimous to choose reporter Briony Warden to test the girl’s abilities. The reporter had suffered numerous injures when she was knocked down by a car in October of 2003.
The woman had not recovered from her injuries at the time when the experiment was held. Before Natasha appeared in the reporter’s house in North London, Briony had removed a plate from her leg and concealed all the visible traces of her injures. As the blonde reporter (who bears her age well, the editorial staff said) came to the place of the experiment, she was immediately questioned.
Briony, 36, said that she had been fully dressed and let the girl scan her. This is how she described her meeting with the Russian wunderkind:
“Her pupils dilated and she seemed to have fallen into a trance.”
“At first she started scanning the injured part of my back that she called “a lockout”. In fact I have four healing fractures of the back and slight nerve damage.”
“She described my pelvis as asymmetrical and pointed to the right side with several fractures. She pointed at my jaw and said she saw “some foreign body” there”. Later Briony said that she had a titanic plate there to support bones.
“The most wonderful moment was when she discovered damage in my left leg.”
“In fact both my shin and spellbone are broken. I was surprised because she found two separate fractures and said that I had problems with bending a knee joint.”
“Then she said she saw “the traces of several metal pins and screws that dinted in the bone”. Without seeing the scars she could not know that a fortnight ago my leg was fastened with several pins and screws.”
“She even said that the scars left by pins and screws were covered with a new tissue, which was absolutely true, for my last X-ray photography had showed it.”
Dumbfounded Briony added: “Natasha is an amazing person. I was very skeptical until she concentrated on my major fractures. I was strongly impressed by that. It seemed that she was looking at my X-ray image. My consulting orthopaedist alone might know more.”
After the examination The Sun reporters described the accident that had happened to Briony. Natasha said that she could see that “all her injuries would close up well”.
Natasha understood that she had a gift at the age of ten. One day she told her mother about the structure of the human body. The little girl did not know the actual medical terms and she described kidneys as beans and bowels as a goffered hose. Her mother was scared and she decided to consult experts. At the doctor’s Natasha described the structure of his organism. Doctors were at a loss.
The girl can scan organs, determine their condition, and detect cells, bacteria or viruses in the organism. She can switch to the second sight at will, but she has terrible headaches after long sessions. However, she can neither scan nor heal herself.
Tatyana Demkina (the mother) tried to conceal the daughter’s anomaly, but their apartment soon became the place where many sick people would come for help. Once came a woman who could not become pregnant for nine years. Natasha agreed to help her and the woman gave birth to a boy in due time. But the happy family did not even invite Natasha to see the baby.
Natasha dreams of becoming a doctor to do her work legally and save patients. Her mother consulted experts several times to confirm her daughter’s gift.
“We’ve been hiding our daughter’s gift for a long time,” said Nikolai Demkin, Natasha’s father. “But her uniqueness became public property, and after that our family was haunted by reporters. Local newspapers also wrote about her and some articles brought us much sorrow,” the man said.

In 2004 Natasha finished school and entered the Medical Department of the Moscow State Medical Stomatological University. She currently works at the Moscow Center for Special Human Diagnostics.

There are many “skeptics” tried hard to defame her, but nowadays people are not so easy to be misled. 

Meet The Woman With The World's Largest Natural Breast, Her Breast Heavier Than Average 4-Year-Old Child


ANNIE Hawkins-Turner is used to people being unable to look her in the eye — as she boasts the world's largest natural breasts.
Her gigantic size 102ZZZ assets weigh nearly 85lbs, each heavier than the average four-year-old child.

And she now makes a living from her unusual assets - starring in soft-core porn movies under the pun-tastic name of Norma Stitz.
Annie, originally from from Atlanta, Georgia, is known worldwide for her raunchy videos and gets plenty of attention in person as well.
See More Photo Below:

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