Thursday 31 October 2013

15 Lies You’ve All Told Before, During or After sex

sex can be one of the most intimate and bonding experiences two people can have … but it can also be a time fraught with uncertainty, irritation and … LIES! C’mon, we’ve all lied occasionally about, during, or after s*x. “Was it good for you?” can really only be followed by, “Of course it was, honey,” unless you want to break up. If it wasn’t, bring it up later (gently) in the therapist’s office. Here’s 15 ways we lie about s*x.

1. Being on birth control. Sadly, women do lie about birth control sometimes. One woman confesses to telling her husband she is NOT on birth control even though she is. They mutually decided to have a baby, but after they hit financial and relationship problems, she decided it wouldn’t be a good idea. But when she tried to bring up going back on bc again, she says she “knows he’ll be mad and upset and think we’re breaking up or something.”

2. Not being on birth control. Probably the most dangerous s*x lie a woman can tell — secretly trying to get yourself impregnated is never a good idea. Whether it’s to hold a relationship together, to twist a proposal out of a guy, or to just have a baby cause you’re ready and he’s not — STEER CLEAR of this major lie!

3. Of course I’m clean. New couples should have STD talks with each other — but usually it takes the form of, “Have you ever been tested?” and then the other person says, “Of course I have. I’m totally clean.” In reality, you don’t know unless the person shows you test results! And believe me, people lie about it. Some even go so far as to lie when they know they do have an STD. A model is suing her rich ex after discovering she had herpes, which she believes he gave her.

4. You’re the best lover I’ve ever had. Might be true. But if not, you’ll say it anyway.

5. You’re the first lover I’ve ever had. Not everyone lies about this, but some do for some strange reason.

6. Sorry, got my period. One of those sneaky little fallback lies women rely on when they’re not in the mood. Some guys don’t care and will grab you anyway, but enough do get skeeved that it can be reliably used as an avoidance tactic.

7. Nope, not on my period. For the lady who wants some nookie but is afraid her menses-sensitive guy won’t comply if he knows she’s flowin’, she can just do a clean up and act like she doesn’t have it. By the end of the period, should be good for 15 minutes at least. If she leaks, she can be all, “Oh my goodness, I didn’t realize!”

8. I never fantasize about anyone else. Right.

9. I never self service. Okaaaay.

10. I love giving blowjobs. Usually said in the courtship period.

11. Your man-hood is huuuuge!

12. It tastes great.

13. You smell great.

14. That feels great. Yeah, even when he’s pinching your bosoms like a toddler death-gripping a favorite toy.

15. Number of s*x partners. Guys inflate. Girls forget.

Have you ever told a s*x lie? And do you agree with this?

Japan, China Territorial Tensions Rising Over Unmanned Drones

FILE - An unidentified plane flies near disputed islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, in the air over the East China Sea, in this handout photo taken by Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

India Prepares for Mars Mission

A paramilitary soldier walks past the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C25) at the Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota, in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, Oct. 30, 2013.

The largest canyon in the Solar System cuts a wide swath across the face of Mars. Photo Credit: Viking Project.The largest canyon in the Solar System cuts a wide swath across the face of Mars. Photo Credit: Viking Project.
The 1350 kilogram craft equipped with five instruments will study the surface, topography and atmosphere. In particular, it will look for evidence of methane, whose presence can indicate if earth’s closest neighbor has an environment to support life.

If successful, India will be the fourth to survey the planet from up close besides Russia, the United States and the European Space Agency.

India’s Mars Orbiter will be launched two weeks before the United States also sends another spacecraft to Mars.

India’s program has been put together in a relatively short period - about four years.

Several analysts feel rivalry with the other Asian giant, China, whose space program is ahead of India’s, gave momentum to the mission.

Dean Cheng at the Heritage Foundation in Washington said India is taking advantage of an opportunity provided by the failure of China’s first mission to Mars in 2011.

“The failure of the Chinese expedition to Mars I think has given India an opportunity to publicly display its capability and in a sense to play one upmanship with China," Cheng said. "So I think that this particular mission is being moved ahead at this moment in time to make sure that India can show the world that India’s space capabilities are not necessarily that far behind China’s.”

Senior Indian scientists however have said they are not in a race with anybody - only with themselves to excel.

India’s Mars mission does mark a major expansion of India’s space program as it sets its eyes firmly on space exploration. The first such bid came in 2008 when it sent an unmanned craft to the moon.

There has been some criticism of India’s Mars program as an unnecessary extravagance by a country which still needs to do much to improve the life of millions of poor people. For long, India has justified its space program as one which does exactly that by focusing on areas such as weather forecasting and using satellites to beam education programs to remote areas.

A former senior scientist at ISRO, K.R. Sridhara Murthy, hopes the mission will become a stepping stone for more progress. But he added that entering the realm of deep space exploration will hopefully not distract India from these important objectives.

“Certainly there are tremendous needs on the ground which ISRO has to concentrate and find mechanisms of delivery to improve conditions in India and there is lot of potential here…interplanetary missions are good but it cannot be predominant part of India’s program as far as India’s needs are concerned," Murthy said.

India points to the relatively modest budget for the mission: $70 million. Officials say that is a fraction of what the U.S. mission will be costing.

Dean Cheng said India is willing to commit significant resources to its space program. He said besides technological and scientific objectives, the Mars mission is linked to national prestige and a desire by India to be counted among the world’s up and coming countries.

“Assuming that all goes well, India will be joining a very small, very select group," Cheng noted. "This is in a sense India’s coming-out-party if you will, certainly in terms of space exploration.”

That is what India will be hoping - that its coming-out-party in space goes off without a hitch.

Syrian Christians in Limbo, Fearing Repeat of Iraq

Wednesday 30 October 2013

‘The Man With The 91 Kg Scrotum’: Unraveling Medical Mystery

Imagine carrying a bowling ball between your legs that weighs close to 91 kilograms. If that image is too much to stomach, continue reading with caution. Wesley Warren, 49, spent more than four years with this extra burden before having surgery to repair the damage from a rare medical condition called scrotal lymphedema.

When doctors placed the swollen mass they had cut from Warren’s scrotum on the scale, it weighed almost 60 kilograms. That’s not counting the fluid or smaller pieces of tissue the surgeons had also removed from the Las Vegas man.
“There are a lot of people that will look and laugh and stare in shock and awe and amazement,” Warren says as he walks down the street. “It’s tough to deal with it, you know, because essentially, this is a sort of living and breathing freak show.”
It began in 2008, Warren told a filming crew of the new show “The Man with the 132-Pound Scrotum”. He awoke to a shooting pain in his testicles.
The tissue around his man-hood soon began to swell, eventually growing at an estimated rate of 3 pounds per month.
One doctor told Warren that it might be necessary to castrate him to fix the problem; others told him that he would probably die on the operating table. And the cost of the surgery alone would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
After Warren appeared on the American radio show, appealing for help, a fellow scrotal lymphedema sufferer referred him to Dr. Joel Gelman, who offered to do the surgery for free.
Gelman, director of the Center for Reconstructive Urology at the University of California, Irvine, specializes in urethral and penile reconstruction surgery.
Scrotal lymphedema is a very real condition, Gelman says. He hopes media attention surrounding the show will encourage other men with the problem to seek treatment.
Here are some more answers about this condition:
What is scrotal lymphedema?
Scrotal lymphedema, also known as scrotal elephantiasis, is a “massive enlargement” of the scrotum due to thickening of tissue and accumulation of fluid.
What are the symptoms?
The most obvious symptom is a large scrotum; this can range in size from a grapefruit to a basketball. But the mass doesn’t “max out” at any particular size, Gelman said. It will keep growing until the patient seeks treatment.
Warren’s scrotum was the largest Gelman had ever seen.
“Warren didn’t report that he was always in pain, but I think the biggest problem is that the sheer size of the mass made it very uncomfortable for him,” the surgeon said. “It’s like lifting weights to take a step.”
Warren’s man-hood was “buried” about a foot under his skin, Gelman said, but fully functional. A tunnel of sorts had formed from the tip to the top layer of his swollen skin, allowing Warren to urinate without assistance.
How common is scrotal lymphedema?
Giant scrotal lymphedema is rather common in the tropics and sub-tropics. Definite numbers are difficult to come by, and the condition may be underdiagnosed due to physicians’ lack of awareness, Gelman said. Many patients with the condition are also obese and are simply instructed by their doctors to lose weight.
How do you treat it?
Surgery is usually the best option to remove the swollen tissue, Gelman said. A surgeon who specializes in this type of procedure will cut a T-shape in the mass, identify the man-hood and testicles to make sure they aren’t harmed and then excise the excess tissue. The surgeon will then use undamaged tissue to cover the man-hood and scrotum.
How is Warren doing now?
Warren is walking again and enjoying life, Gelman said. He’ll need a follow-up surgery to remove some additional skin that was damaged by his condition. Gelman will perform a skin graft to cover the man-hood and scrotum.
Um, what if I think I have it?
If you are experiencing the symptoms noted above, see a doctor as soon as possible. Ask for a referral to a specialist if your primary care physician is unfamiliar with these types of conditions.
An unusually large scrotum can have a variety of causes, Gelman said.
One of the most common is a hernia, in which a small part of the intestines enters the scrotum. Another cause is fluid buildup on one side of a man’s body between the testicle and the skin; this is called hydrocele. All are treatable and usually not life-threatening unless left too long.
Here’s how Wesley Warren looks now:

Jihadis To Syrian Christians: “Convert To Islam Or You Will Be Crucified Like Jesus”

“You don’t know when and you don’t know where they hit,” says Amir, a 55-year-old Christian merchant. “Life here is often too difficult.”
The mortars have repeatedly hit in his mainly Christian district of Damascus, al-Qassaa, reportedly killing at least 32 people and injuring dozens of others the past two weeks.
Rebel shelling into the capital has increasingly hit several majority-Christian districts, particularly al-Qassaa.
The shelling and recent rebel assaults on predominantly Christian towns have fueled fears among Syria’s religious minorities about the growing role of Islamic extremists and foreign fighters among the rebels fighting against President Bashar Assad’s rule.
Christians believe they are being targeted — in part because of the anti-Christian sentiment among extremists and in part as punishment for what is seen as their support for Assad.
Youssef Naame and his wife Norma, an elderly Christian couple from Maaloula, described how bearded extremist Islamists stormed the northeastern village early last month chanting “God is Great!”
“The jihadis shouted: Convert to Islam, or you will be crucified like Jesus,” Youssef said with a shaky voice in his daughter’s al-Qassaa apartment.
He said they were trapped with other Christians for three days in a small house next to the town church, without food or electricity.
“There were snipers shooting everywhere, we were not able to move,” he recalled. “We were so scared. I lost my speech.”
Though some Christians oppose Assad’s brutal crackdown on the opposition and the community has tried to stay on the sidelines in the civil war, the rebellion’s increasingly outspoken Islamist rhetoric and the prominent role of Islamic extremist fighters have pushed them toward support of the government. Christians make up about 10 percent of Syria’s 23 million people.
“When you bring a Christian and make him choose between Assad and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the answer is clear,” said Hilal Khashan, a political scientist professor at the American University of Beirut, referring to the al-Qaida branch fighting alongside the rebels. “It doesn’t need much thinking.”
The rebels have targeted other Syrian minorities, particularly Alawites, the Shiite offshoot sect to which Assad belongs and which is his main support base. Altogether, ethnic and religious minorities — also including Kurds and Druze — make up a quarter of Syria’s population. The majority, and most rebels, are Sunni Muslim.
But Christian areas have recently been the focus of fighting. A week ago, rebels from the al-Qaida-linked group Jabhat al-Nusra attacked the Christian town of Sadad, north of Damascus, seizing control until they were driven out Monday after fierce fighting with government forces.
Similarly, thousands fled the ancient Christian-majority town of Maaloula when rebels took control of it last month, holding it for several days until government forces retook it. With rebels in the hills around the town, those who fled are still too afraid to return.
Two bishops were abducted in rebel-held areas in April, and an Italian Jesuit priest, Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, went missing in July after traveling to meet al-Qaida militants in the rebel-held northeastern city of Raqqa. None has been heard from since.
In August, rebel gunmen killed 11 people in a drive-by shooting in central Syria as Christians celebrated a feast day. Activists said at the time that many of those killed were pro-government militiamen manning checkpoints. Al-Qaida-linked fighters have damaged and desecrated churches in areas they have seized.
Christians in Damascus are convinced that extremists are deliberately targeting their neighborhoods as rebels battle government forces trying to uproot them from the towns they control outside the capital. Al-Qassaa is close to besieged rebel-held suburbs where Muslim residents have pleaded for international help to save them from starvation and constant government bombardment.
“Recently I noticed that every Sunday, they launch more than 15 mortars a day,” Amir said. “They are targeting specifically Christian areas.”
Hundreds of Christians have fled al-Qassaa to other areas of the capital or into neighboring Lebanon. Nationwide, some 450,000 Christians have fled their homes, part of an exodus of some 7 million during the 2 ½-year civil war, according to Church officials.
Almost all the 50,000 Christians in the mixed city of Homs have fled, and another 200,000 have fled the northern city of Aleppo, both battleground cities. When insurgents occupied the strategic central town of Qusair in 2012, about 7,000 Catholics were forced out and their homes were looted.
Syrian Church leaders fear that Assad’s fall would lead to an Islamist state that would spell the end to the centuries-old existence of Christians on Syrian soil.
“We are not taking any sides in the conflict,” Bishop Luka, deputy leader of the Syriac Orthodox Church, said at his headquarters in the historic Damascus Old Town.
“We are standing alongside the country, because this country is ours,” he said. “If the country is gone, we have nothing left. Nothing will remain of us. “
Source: Associated Press, Washington Times

Man Walks Calmly Into Hospital With 10 INCH Knife Buried In His Skull

Ho Lung sits calmly in a hospital examination room with a 10 INCH knife buried in his skull.
The injured man cheated death after a prank with friends went horribly wrong and he ended up with the fruit knife embedded in his brain.
Following the mishap he walked into his local A&E at Yanji in Jilin province in northeast China and told shocked staff: “I’d like to see a doctor please.”
He was so calm that medics said the receptionist was at first not sure if it was some sort of stunt and it was only when the man leaned down for her to have a closer look that she really realised he had been given a potentially life-threatening injury.
An emergency x-ray showed that the knife blade penetrated through his skull and into his brain but had missed his main blood vessels.
This allowed doctors during a three-hour operation to remove the blade without apparently causing any significant damage.
After the man was bandaged he even asked if he could go home.
Asked how the knife had ended up in his head he declined to give details to doctors, saying: “It’s like this, I was playing a silly game my friend and it went wrong and I ended up with a knife in the head. It was just a silly mistake and it could have happened to anybody.”
In the end doctors agreed to allow the man to discharge himself and he left together with the fruit knife after his wound had been bandaged, and after he told medics he promised to come back for a check-up.

Bride Mistakenly Had Séx With Groomsman - He Didn't Resist

A Chinese bride mistakenly had séx with her new husband's groomsman, after she had jumped into the wrong béd. 
According to reports by Chinese media, Huang, the bride, during the night went out for bathroom located outhouse and then entered the wrong room on her return.
When the woman woke up she realized what had happened. She ran through the house yelling for help and accusing the groomsman of ráping.
It was decided by everyone that the groomsman Ruan should pay the newlywed couple 20,000 yuan.
Meanwhile Ruan resposnded that he wasn't the one who had done something wrong adding that he had no money.
The couple later took the matter to police, but a county-level court ruled that the groomsman was not guilty of rápe.

DOLPHIN Helps Man Propose To His Girlfriend While on Dream Holiday in Florida


A man made his girlfriend’s dream come true when he got a DOLPHIN to deliver his marriage proposal.
Alex Rigby, 27, planned the romantic gesture when he and his girlfriend Debbie Preston, 26, were in Florida for a family wedding this weekend.
The Merseyside woman had always dreamed of swimming with dolphins so Mr Rigby decided to take her to Discovery Cove in Orlando to have a go.
Once she was in the water, she watched in complete shock as a dolphin started swimming towards her as if they were in a film with a buoy that said ‘Debbie, will you marry me?’
Luckily for the blushing groom-to-be, she said yes straight away, sparking celebrations for the family and friends who had joined them.
Mr Rigby didn’t stop there, he then planted a ring on the beach for when his fiancee arrived back on dry land.
“I can’t speak right now.” she gushed shortly afterwards.
“I can plan a wedding. Yeah! Great!”
She added: “I didn’t ever think I’d ever come to Florida, let alone swim with dolphins as well.”
Mr Rigby, whose wedding proposal has gone viral, admitted he had been planning the proposal for some time, but was never sure how to do it.
“When I decided to do it I thought, Florida… so many options,” he said.
“This is what she’s wanted to do all her life.”
And five-year-old daughter Brooke was over the moon with the news, having managed to keep it secret too.
Looking up at Ms Preston, she said: “Mummy, can I be a bridesmaid?”
Family members joked that “lots of sweets” were needed to ensure Brooke kept the plan under wraps.

UNBELIEVABLE: 14-Year-Old Boy Rápes Girl To Death In Lagos

A 14-year-old boy is now under investigation over allegations that he ráped a nine-year-old girl to death.
It was revealed that she sustained injuries as a result of consistent rápe.
She was reportedly ráped over 5 times by Onyi Adimabua, in Lagos.
According to the father of the victim, Onyi is the son of the proprietor of the school his daughter attended.
The 77-year-old man said his daughter died on October 3, 2013.
He said, “Up until my daughter’s death, she was a pupil of Fulfilled Greenland School, Ikorodu, and she was in primary three. One day, she came home and started complaining of pains around her vagina, stomach area. We rushed her to Ikorodu General Hospital.
“A doctor checked her and after conducting some tests on her, told us that my daughter had sustained medical complications due to forced séxual intercourse. I was alarmed by this; so, I had a private discussion with my daughter.
“She told me that it was her school proprietor’s son, Onyi, that had been ráping her. The boy had threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone about it.”
He also recounted that after initial treatments, he took his daughter to Arogbo in Ondo State to be taken care of but her condition continued to deteriorate.
A few days after the troubled father travelled to Ondo State, Onyi, accompanied by his parents, also travelled to Ondo State, to apologise to Jigo’s family. The girl, however, was said to have died that very day.
“On getting to the house where my daughter was, we discovered that she was dead. Onyi confessed that he had been ráping my daughter prior to her death,’ Jigo said.
Onyi’s parents,  have described the incident as the handiwork of the devil.
The 14-year-old boy’s father, Andrew Adimabua, said, “I trained that boy in the way of the Lord and expected so much from him. He has confessed to the act; there is nothing to hide. He told me that he learnt about séx by watching blué (pórnographic) films.
“We are not hiding him and we will cooperate with the police. On the day the little girl died, he was beaten up and made to stay in the rain for hours. As a result, he contracted pneumonia so we sent him home for treatment. When he recovers, he’ll be taken to the police for questioning.”

Pus Cell in Urine: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Remedies of Pus Cells

Pus Cell in Urine

The Significance Of Pus Cells In Urine

Presence of pus cells in urine is a definite indication of some type of infection. Pus is a whitish or yellowish or slightly green substance which is thick like glue. Pus in urine signifies that the body is fighting an infection in the lower or upper urinary tract.  Pus contains dead skin cells, bacteria and white blood cells. The medical term for the pus in urine condition is known as Pyuria and it is a common symptom for various medical conditions. The most common reason for Pyuria is the existence of urinary tract infection.  Women are more prone to urinary tract infections. The condition can be quite severe if it affects a man.  The urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract. The tract consists of the kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters and urethra. The infection can occur at any part of the tract and commonly infections occur in the lower portions such as the urethra and urinary bladder.

Causes Of Pus Cells In Urine

The two most common causes for the presence of pus cells in urine are
  • Urinary tract infection or UTI
  • Sexually transmitted diseases

Urinary Tract Infection

Pus in the urine makes the urine appear cloudy, frothy or as brown discharge. Pus is produced in the body as the immune system tries to fight against the infection. Diseases such as diabetes increase the chance of urinary tract infection.  UTI is common in women as the urethra in women is shorter than in men. This makes it easier for the microorganisms to enter the female urinary tract and cause infection. Twenty percent of the women who have developed UTI will see recurrence in the future.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STD’s can trigger pus cells in the urine. Men and women are prone to STD’s if they have an active sex life and are not cautious in their sexual relationships. Mycoplasma and Chlamydia are the cause for STD’s, which in turn cause the presence of pus cells in urine.

Other Causes

Some of the other causes for pus seen in urine are
  • Viral infections
  • Anaerobic bacterial infection
  • Fungal infections
  • Chemical poisoning
  • Kidney stones
  • Fastidious bacteria
  • Tuberculosis of the urinary tract
  • Infection in prostate glands in men
  • Cancer of the urinary organs or genital organs
Sometimes pus cells in urine also result from old age and pregnancy. Certain medications also cause the condition of pus in urine.

The Symptoms Of Pus In Urine

Sometimes there won’t be any symptoms of urinary tract infection or the presence of pus in the urine. When the symptoms occur they are as follows
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Fever
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain or discomfort while urinating
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
If the pus in urine is caused by UTI the pain may be felt deep inside the bladder or at the tip of the urethra through which the pus cells exits the body.  If the pus is formed by STD’s, there will be fever, weakness and there will be an overall feeling of being ill.

Complications Associated With Pus Cells In Urine

Depending on the cause of the pus in the urine there are different complications that can occur in a person.
  • If the urinary tract infection is left untreated, the infection may reach the kidneys.
  • When the infection affects the kidneys the patient become dehydrated, as they cannot keep anything down.
  • This situation will lead to kidney problems
  •  Though UTI’s are rare in men, they are prone to more complications.
Hence it is necessary to know about the symptoms of UTI as well as pus cells present in the urine and get it treated by the right method.

Treatment For Pus In Urine

A urinalysis is the useful and cheap diagnostic test for any unexpected substance in urine.  Treatment for pus cell in urine depends on the underlying cause.
  • According to the underlying cause for the condition the treatment will differ.
  • To control infections, doctors may suggest antibiotics
  • If the condition is caused by kidney or bladder stones, it is necessary to remove the stones by dissolving it or using any other method
  • Drinking plenty of water and fluids will help in removing the pus cells out of the urinary tract
  • To get relief from symptoms such as burning sensation while urinating, drink an alkaline mixture
  • You can use various home remedies to control the symptoms such as pain, irritation, vomiting etc. and to remove the pus cells

How To Prevent The Condition?

  • Take sufficient water, fluids in any form such as juices without sugar, coconut water lemon water etc. helps to remove the infection through urine.
  • Avoid spicy foods, coffee, tea etc. if you suspect urinary tract infection
  • Bacteria that affect the urinary system pass through stools. So, clean the anus from front to back after defecating
  • Another mode of transmission of the bacteria from one person to the other is through sexual intercourse. So, it is necessary to pass urine before and after sexual intercourse and keep the genitals clean.
  • Avoid resisting the urge to urinate. Holding the urine for long keeps the harmful bacteria inside the bladder.

Home Remedies For Pus Cells In Urine

The main problem associated with pus cells in urine is the severe pain or burning sensation while urinating and the urine that looks cloudy with pus cells. At early stages it is possible to treat the urinary tract infections using home remedies. Negligence will result in infection of the kidneys which may cause vomiting, chills, back pain, fever etc. There are great numbers of home remedies available for UTI infections and for sexually transmitted diseases, which will help to remove the pus cells from urine.

Cranberry Juice

This is one of the most popular home remedy to control the pus cells in the urine caused by the UTI.  The juice of cranberry is acidic in nature and this makes it hard for the bacteria to survive in the body of a person regularly taking cranberry juice.  Another component in cranberry called proanthocyanins prevents the bacteria from the adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. Hence the bacteria get removed from the body along with urine.  It is necessary that you take unsweetened juice to get faster results. The sugar content in the juice will reduce the acidity of the juice. It is necessary to consume at least 400 ml of juice every day.

Uva Ursi

This herb has antiseptic property. The active component which gives the anti- septic property is called arbutin. This herb is effective in reducing urinary tract infections and thus reducing the pus in urine. This herb has tannin content hence pregnant women should avoid taking this herb. To treat UTI the herb can be used in capsule form or along with tea.

Drink Plenty Of Water

This is one of the cheapest and the easily available remedy to reduce the problem of pus in the urine.  Drinking water regularly will help to wash down the bacteria and its removal through urine. This will reduce the infection of the urinary tract. Apart from reducing infection, water dilutes the urine and hence there will be less pain while urinating. To get best result drink 2-3 glass of water every hour.

Avoid Douching

Women should avoid douching if the pus in urine is caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Douching changes the normal pH balance of the vagina and it can flush the infection in the uterus and Fallopian tubes and this will result in pelvic inflammatory disease.

Golden Seal

This herb is effective in treating Chlamydia which is a cause of pus cell in urine. If you think Chlamydia is the reason for your condition you can take this herb in the capsule form. You can consume one or two capsules per day. This herb is capable of stimulating the immune system and boost the defense of the body this will reduce the infection and the formation of pus.


This herb has antimicrobial property and it helps to strengthen the immune system. You can consume it in the form of capsule to treat Chlamydia infection.


Garlic is helpful in the treatment of various health conditions. It can be also used in the treatment of Chlamydia as it has a natural antibiotic effect.  You can either consume it in the raw form or you can use as an additive in your food. There are also garlic capsules available in the market which makes it easy for you to swallow it.

Wild Oregano

This is another home remedy to treat Chlamydia. This herb is believed to have antibacterial properties and hence used for the treatment.

Baking Soda

If you are having first signs of urinary tract infection which can lead to formation of pus in urine, try using a mixture of ½ tsp baking soda with eight ounces of water. Drink this mix to maintain the acid-base balance and to prevent the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.

Cucumber Juice

Cucumber will cool your body and increase the quantity of urine expelled from the body. Take 25ml of cucumber juice three times a day to get rid of a UTI.

Coriander Seeds

Take 10 grams of coriander seeds and soak it overnight in one glass of water. In the morning grind the seeds along with water strain it and drink the infusion mixed with sugar candy. This will help to reduce the infections.

Cinnamon Powder

If you are suffering from pus in urine take 2 grams of cinnamon powder with a glass of water. This will reduce the discomfort and pain during passing the urine

Use Condoms

It is necessary to use condoms while engaging in sexual activities as the UTI’s and sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Switch To Healthier Diet

It is better to avoid saturated and trans fat in the diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables that will help to boost the immune system.

Practice Good Hygiene

It is necessary to have a hygiene life style to prevent infections and to get rid of the infections. Take daily showers and use herbal products to clean the body.  Do not use chemicals or harsh soaps to clean the genital area.
Pomegranate Juice 
Like cranberry juice, pomegranate juice also reduces the chances of infection.   Drink pomegranate juice on a daily basis to prevent UTI’s and to reduce the UTI.

Avoiding Alcohol And Smoking

Avoiding alcohol and smoking will improve the resistance power of the body and the body will be able to fight the infections better. This will reduce the pus formation.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an important role in the immunity of the body to various diseases and infections. Include vitamin C containing fruits and vegetables in your diet like oranges, strawberries, melons, grapes etc.


Yoghurt contains good bacteria called lacto bacilli. Consuming yoghurt will increase the good bacteria in our urinary tract and prevents the bacterial infections of the vagina and urethra.

Green Tea

Green tea is an antioxidant and it will improve the immunity of the body and prepares the body to fight against infections.

Fiber Rich Foods

Fiber rich foods like beans, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables prevent constipation and hence prevent fecal contamination leading to infections.

Pine Apple

Pine apple is another effective remedy for reducing the inflammations caused by UTI.  When pineapple is consumed regularly, the enzyme present in it called Bromelain will reduce the urinary tract infection. This enzyme is well known for its anti-inflammatory property.  It is necessary to use fresh pineapple pieces or juice to get the best effect.

Tea Tree Oil

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil help to reduce the infections.  Mix 1 tsp of tea tree oil in your bath water and use this water to wash the opening of the urethra to reduce the infection. Repeat the remedy three to four times a day to get faster results.
Are you a person suffering from pain and discomfort due to pus cells in the urine? Are you looking for some ways to control the pain and discomfort? Then try the above remedies. Some infections are difficult to cure with home remedies and if the symptoms persist or worsen get medical attention.

Pornógraphy case: Covenant University was right to expel student – Court

The law suit filed by 20-year-old Longji Felix Vwamhi, a 400 level student of Information and Communication Technology Department of Covenant University against the institution, has been struck out by Justice Mobolaji Ojo of an Ogun High Court sitting in Ota, Ogun state on Wednesday.
Vwamhi had challenged the institution over his expulsion for being in possession of pornógraphic materials in his laptop.
The case was dismissed for lack of merit.
It would be recalled that Vwamhi was on November 27, 2012 expelled from the institution following the outcome of the Disciplinary Committee set up by the university which found him guilty of being in possession of pornógraphic materials and indecent dressing.
The Covenant University, its Vice Chancellor and Chancellor were the first, second and third defendants, respectively while Felix’s mother, Mrs
Indo Felix Vwamhi of Block House 13 Mbora Estate, Abuja was a co-plaintiff in the suit.
While delivering his judgment, Justice Ojo found out that the student had indeed violated the university regulations as contained in chapter 4, section 35 of its student’s hand book which prohibits public display or possession of pornógraphic films or photograph.
He noted that the student also admitted being in possession of the laptop containing the pornógraphic materials and sharing same laptop with friends in the school.
He affirmed that the panel set up by the university to try the student did not violate section 36 of the 1999 constitution as amended and the principles of “Audi Alterem Partem and Nemo Judex in Causa Sua” . That one cannot be a judge in his own course.”
According to him, the claimant did not state categorically that the chairman of the panel was biased being the Dean of Students Affairs whose staff investigated the student in question.
The Judge also faulted the claimant’s counsel for his inability to file counter affidavit against the issues raised by the respondents, adding that, in a situation where the party to a dispute could not file counter affidavit it would be assumed he admitted.
Justice Ojo however, stated that the school authority should reconsider the passionate appeal made by the student’s father to revisit and review the decision of the Student Disciplinary Committee to avert possible miscarriage of justice and colossal human and material wastage.
The father pleaded with the university authority to tamper justice with mercy and recall the student, stressing that he needs encouragement to complete his education, having spent four years already.

Man Cuts His Own Manhood, Forgets To Take It To Hospital To Sew Back On [PHOTOS]

Yang Hu was left in agony after severing his manhood from his body, and decided to cycle to the hospital to have it re-attached to his body.
But rather than prep him for immediate surgery, doctors told him to get on his bike again and go home because he forgot to bring it with him.
Yang, from Jiaxing, in Zhejiang province, east China, eventually rode home to pick up his man-hood but doctors hit him with yet more bad news – it had been without blood for too long and was therefore impossible to re-attach.
The 26-year-old was depressed at his single life since he moved to the city and began long hours at a clothing factory, according to pals.
His depression grew so bad that he cut off his man-hood in a sudden act of haste, believing it would stop him thinking about finding a lover.
Yang’s pals have now blasted the doctors at the hospital for not providing an ambulance for him to go home and collect his man-hood.
They said that his private parts could have been saved if he hadn’t had to cycle back, taking up valuable time.Man Cuts His Own man-hood, Forgets To Take It To Hospital To Sew Back On
Stuart Frain was seconds away from death when he accidentally cut off his arm
Last year retired fireman Stuart Frain accidentally hacked off his arm using a circular saw.
He picked up the limb – whcih was barely hanging on to the rest of his body, and ran hundreds of yards with it before he finally managed to get help.
He just managed to get to hospital in time for the arm to be re-attached to his body.
Mr Frain said at the time: “Because it’s quite secluded where I live I ran for help holding the arm.
“When I arrived at hospital they said that I’d probably only been about 90 seconds away from death.”

See 64-Year-Old Ripped Grandfather Proving It’s Never Too Late to Get Fit


Robert – a grandfather from Kentucky, is living proof that it’s never too late to start exercising and get fit. He started working out intensely at the age of 56 when he was overweight and unable to walk without a cane. Now, he’s got amazingly toned muscles and is in the best shape of his life.
“At 56 years old, I was overweight, couldn’t really walk, had braces and was walking on canes and walkers. I wasn’t really happy with my life and the way things was going,” Robert explains. He decided to change all of this so he joined a gym despite everyone being very skeptical of his abilities. The man was very determined to prove everyone wrong and went to the gym regularly.
But it wasn’t until he discovered a group of training enthusiasts on YouTube – who exercise anywhere, without using any kind of specialized equipment – that his passion for training really took off. “I discovered calisthenics watching BarStarzz on YouTube about a year and a half ago and I decided I would give it a whirl and fell in love with it,” the ripped grandfather says. This type of exercise can be done anywhere and is incredibly good for improving flexibility and strength.
Once a slow grandpa who had a tough time keeping up his grandchildren, Robert is now in great shape and has killer abs to boot. He’s even able to do the “flag” which many men half his age are unable to do. The “flag” is a feat of strength which requires him to hold on to a vertical bar and align his body parallel to the ground. Just the ability to keep that pose for a long period of time is simply amazing. But it’s not a surprise to Robert who says “I feel better now than I did when I was 18 years old.” And if you’re wondering how he was able to achieve such a level of fitness excellence, the fittest grandpa in the world says it’s all about training hard and keeping at it: “My advice to other people is to take an hour or two a day and get started on the calisthenics, cardio, weight-lifting – whatever you can do. It pays off in the long run, you feel a lot better.”

Woman Accidentally Arranges sex Date With Father-In-Law

As bad first dates go, it’s hard to top the one had by Wang Pai and a woman known as Lili.
The two met online and hit it off enough to meet in person in their home town of Muling City, China, for hot s*x.
Trouble was, it was only when they met in person did they realize that Wang, 57, was the father-in-law of Lili, 28, according to the Daily Star.
To make matters worse, Wang’s son, Wang Jai (or “Da Jun”), came home, saw the hook-up email on his wife’s computer and followed her to the hotel in hopes of ruining the rendezvous — not realizing he’d soon be running into his Dad.
The two had no idea of the other’s identity when they decided to meet. Wang Pai had used a photo of a fellow army buddy, while Lili had used a fake picture and the name “Ming Chen” during their chats.
Naturally both were shocked when they first laid eyes on each other, Pai admitted.
“When I opened the door, I don’t know if she was more surprised or me,” Pai said according to Orange News.
“She turned round and ran off down the hallway straight into her husband, my son, who had been following her. He started shouting and then he attacked her, and then he attacked me.”
Wang Pai allegedly told his cheating wife: “I’m out there working my a*s off to earn money, half-dead with fatigue, and all the while you two are messing around,” the Daily Mail reported.
Wang Pai allegedly knocked out two of his wife’s teeth and gave his father a serious head injury that required him to be taken to the hospital. He was detained for five days by police, the Metro reported.
No word on if there’s any plan for counseling — or a second date.

Prison Break: Inmates Escape Crawling Through Jail’s Plumbing System

An audacious plot by inmates at an American prison has seen a nationwide manhunt launched after four cons escaped through the jail’s plumbing system.
The men managed to get a clean getaway after prying open a maintenance hatch in the shower block and crawling through the water ducts.
When they reached a wall, they knocked out a cement block which led to an unlocked door outside the prison area.
“All they had to do was push the door and walk out because it’s not in the jail,” said Caddo County Sheriff Gene Cain.
They apparently kept their clothes on in the shower.
In a statement police said: “Caddo County Detention Centre had four inmates escape from the detention centre through the trap door above the shower and then into the pipe chase and out the pipe chase door.”
Authorities only realised something was amiss when they received a call around 2:40am on Sunday reporting that “four suspicious-looking men in orange jumpsuits” were walking near the jail.
An alert was put out for Dylan Ray Three Irons, 21, Prime Tounwin Brown, 23, Anthony James Mendonca, 24, and Triston Cheadle, 32.
The men were last seen about one block from Caddo County Detention Centre wearing their orange prison uniforms which were later found discarded.
According to Oklahoma Department of Correction records, Cheadle was charged with robbery with firearms. He was also awaiting sentencing on a separate charge of possession of methamphetamine.
The other three men were already sentenced and were waiting to be transported to the state Department of Corrections.
Mendonca had been charged with carrying a concealed weapon and resisting arrest. Three Irons was charged with a probation violation and Tounwin Brown with second degree burglary, Sheriff Smith said.
A prison source said: “All neighbouring forces have been alerted to the escapees. We are actively looking for the men.
“Their escape seems as easy as it does daring. There are several red faces at the prison and the Governor is fuming.”

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Cockroach Farms Booming In China


Cockroach farming is booming in China as the country looks for new, cheaper medicines for its rapidly ageing population, says Malcolm Moore.
The correct way to eat a cockroach, at least in this corner of northern China, is to fry it not once but twice in a wok of smoking hot oil.
The cockroach, whose innards resemble cottage cheese, has an earthy taste, with a slight twinge of ammonia. But they have become popular in China not for their taste, but for their medicinal benefits.
“They really are a miracle drug,” said Liu Yusheng, a professor at the Shandong Agricultural university and the head of Shandong province’s Insect Association. “They can cure a number of ailments and they work much faster than other medicine.”
For a decade, Mr Wang farmed another type of insect, Eupolyphaga Sinensis, which is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
But in the past two years, the demand for cockroaches has soared, and Mr Wang has switched his entire production to Periplaneta americana, or the American cockroach, a copper-coloured insect that grows to just over an inch and a half.

World’s Tallest Man Finds Love with Woman Who Barely Reaches His Waist


The world’s tallest man — 8-foot-3-inch Sultan Kosen of Turkey — says he would like to find a comfortable car for himself and his bride.
Kosen was set to marry Merve Dibo — who’s about two-and-a-half feet shorter than he — Sunday in the Turkish city of Mardin, the Anadolu Agency reported.
While preparing for his wedding, the Guinness Book of World Records-certified tallest man in the world told Anadolu Agency he had given up hope that he’d meet a life partner when an acquaintance introduced him to Dibo.
“Now I will have my own family and private life,” Kosen said.
While saying it was “unfortunate I could not find a suitable girl of my own size,” Kosen said, “but I believe I’ve found the person for me.”
Kosen said all he really wanted now was a vehicle that can accommodate his frame so he can travel comfortably with Dibo, the news agency said.
Besides his record height, Kosen also is in the Guinness records because of his nearly 9-inch-wide hands and 14-plus-inch-long feet.

Confessions Of A Captured Insurgent: “Most Boko Haram Members Cannot Leave For Fear Of Being Killed”

boko-haramMalam Bukar Modu, a detained Boko Haram member, said that the sect had nothing to do with Islam, as it was mainly involved in armed banditry, looting and killing of innocent people.
Modu, who was captured on Oct. 6 after the sect’s early morning attack on Muslim worshippers in Damboa, Borno, said this in Maiduguri on Saturday.
He told newsmen that the sect succeeded in attacking innocent people during their operations.
“We went on a mission to attack people in Damboa on Oct. 6, a few days to the last Sallah celebration.
“We shot many people but I was also shot in the leg during the operation; I later became unconscious.
“My people took me away at the end of the operation but they decided to dump me in a nearby bush because they thought I was dead.
“I regained my consciousness in the morning before I was apprehended by security agents, who provided food for me and took care of my bullet wounds,” he said.
Modu said that he was recruited into the sect by his cousin about a year ago.
“He used to keep his gun in our compound in Maiduguri. One day, he said that he was not comfortable with me being outside the sect because I knew all his secrets.
“He gave me two options: to either join the sect or be killed; so, I had no other option than to join the sect”, he said.
Modu said that he was given an “express training” on the handling of AK 47 rifle as soon as he joined the sect.
“We were always given orders to attack individuals without questioning until we finally relocated to Marte in Marte Local Government Area of Borno during the middle of this year,” he said.
Modu said that his group comprised about 150 militants, who took refuge in a nearby bush after the military invasion of Marte camp.
“We were kept in the bush by our commanders; sometimes, we survived on filthy water because we did not have access to safe water and we barely had something to eat,” he said.
Modu said that most of the “foot soldiers” of the Boko Haram sect had wanted to abscond but they could not do so because of the fear of being caught and executed.
“Our commanders usually conduct roll-calls on a daily basis to prevent anybody from running away; once you are caught, the penalty is death”, he said.
Modu said that many “foot soldiers”, who tried to escape at the camp, were summarily executed.
“Any time we carry out an attack in a place, we steal food, drugs, money and everything we need.
“Sometimes, I feel guilty of committing crimes against God but our commanders always tell us that it is God’s work that we are doing.
“It is a terrible thing to be a member of  the sect but many foot soldiers like me cannot leave for fear of being killed,’’ Modu added. (NAN)

Alhaja Banker Arrested For Stealing N12M

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on Wednesday October 23, 2013 arraigned a banker, Yagana Ibrahim Bukar, before Justice Fatu Riman of the Federal High Court Kano on 10-count charge bordering on money laundering and theft.
The accused is said to have abused her position as account officer at Skye Bank Plc and stole N12, 626, 250 of depositors’ fund. She allegedly perpetrated the scam by posting the sum into three Sky Bank accounts belonging to her family members- Hajja Fanna, her sister; Grema Ibrahim Bukar, her brother and her child, Ummu Kulthum.
In order to conceal the illicit origin of the money, the accused allegedly used part of the money to open a provision store in the Kawo area of Kano Metropolis.
One of the charges read; “that you Yagana Ibrahim Bukar on or about 15th August 2011 in Kano within the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court converted the sum N1, 166, 920 (One Million One Hundred and Sixty Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Naira Only) derived directly from participation in theft by depositing the said amount into the Skye Bank account of Hajja Fanna with the aim of concealing the illicit origin of the resources and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 15(1)(a)(ii) of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, 2011.
The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges.
In view of the plea of the accused, the prosecution counsel, Nasiru Salele told the court to proceed with the trial, adding that his witnesses were ready to testify.
But the defense counsel, Ma’aruf Yakasai pleaded with the court to admit his client to bail.
Justice Riman adjourned the case to October 25, 2013 for ruling on bail application and fixed Monday October 28, 2013 for continuation of hearing.
Wilson Uwujaren
Head, Media and Publicity
24th October, 2013


US Support For Márijuana Legalization At Its Highest Yet

A woman smokes marijuana

Public opinion on pot legalization appears to have crossed a major threshold: For the first time, a Gallup poll found that a solid majority of American adults support making márijuana legal.
Fifty-eight percent of Americans say the drug should be legal, according to Gallup’s latest survey, compared with 39 percent who oppose legalization. The other 3 percent had no opinion.
When Gallup first asked about pot in 1969, only 12 percent favored márijuana legalization. That weed-backing minority grew to 28 percent by 1977 and then stagnated for two decades before starting to steadily pick up more supporters around the year 2000.

Venezuela Creates Happiness Agency

At first, many Venezuelans thought it was a joke: President Nicolas Maduro is creating a Deputy Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness.
The president says that the pediatrician in charge of the agency will coordinate all anti-poverty missions created by the late President Hugo Chavez.
Wags had a field day Friday, waxing sarcastic on Twitter about how happy they felt a day after the announcement.
Oil-rich Venezuela is chronically short of basic goods and medical supplies. Annual inflation is running officially at near 50 percent and the U.S. dollar now fetches more than seven times the official rate on the black market.

Yemeni Father Burns Daughter Alive For Contacting Fiance Against Custom

A Yemeni father has burned his 15-year-old daughter to death for keeping in touch with her fiance, police said, sparking further outrage in Yemen, where an eight-year-old girl died from internal bleeding on her wedding night a month ago.
Police said a 35-year-old man had been arrested after the teenager’s death in a remote village in the central Taiz province.
“The father committed this heinous crime on the pretext that his daughter had been keeping contacts with her fiance,” the police website said on Tuesday, giving no further details.
Some local news websites reported that the father had caught the girl chatting by telephone with her fiance.
Traditional tribal customs in parts of Yemen prohibit contacts between men and women before marriage. Poverty and concern about “family honour” prompts many Yemenis to marry off their daughters young, often below the age of 18, a practice that has been criticised by international rights groups.
Yemeni authorities said last month they were investigating the death of the eight-year-old girl in northern Yemen, and that they would prosecute those responsible.

Faroe Island Men ‘Import Brides’ To Increase Population

The Danish Faroe Islands, located between Norway and Iceland, has experienced a falling birth rate that threatens the archipelago’s future population. Men outnumber women by 2000 and the total population of the Faroes is just 48,500. As reported by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, many Faroese women leave the islands to study in large cities like Oslo, Copenhagen or London and half never return. Hermann Oskarsson, the islands’ former chief economic advisor, warned that by 2023, the population could fall to 37,000. He told Politiken newspaper, “It is a question of survival. The young women that should be here to give birth to children are gone.”
Some Faroese men feel they have the solution to the emigration of Faroese women and have started ‘importing wives’ from the Philippines and Thailand. Filipinos and Thais are the largest groups of foreigners on the Faroes numbering 200. Mostly women, that number has doubled since 2006. It is unclear if the rise in immigration of people from the Philippines and Thailand is due to the ‘bride imports’ or to employment or other factors.
Bjarni Ziska Dahl, a teacher and shepherd, was single for years but in 2010 married his wife, Cherelle, a Filipino woman. About her husband Cherelle said, “He’s a good man. Yeah. He’s just simple.” Bjarni’s brother Heini, and some of their friends also tied the knot with Filipinas. Despite their countries being so far apart, Cherelle and Bjarni said that Filipinos and Faroese have common cultural values with their close family ties and living everyday life simply.