Wednesday 30 October 2013

See 64-Year-Old Ripped Grandfather Proving It’s Never Too Late to Get Fit


Robert – a grandfather from Kentucky, is living proof that it’s never too late to start exercising and get fit. He started working out intensely at the age of 56 when he was overweight and unable to walk without a cane. Now, he’s got amazingly toned muscles and is in the best shape of his life.
“At 56 years old, I was overweight, couldn’t really walk, had braces and was walking on canes and walkers. I wasn’t really happy with my life and the way things was going,” Robert explains. He decided to change all of this so he joined a gym despite everyone being very skeptical of his abilities. The man was very determined to prove everyone wrong and went to the gym regularly.
But it wasn’t until he discovered a group of training enthusiasts on YouTube – who exercise anywhere, without using any kind of specialized equipment – that his passion for training really took off. “I discovered calisthenics watching BarStarzz on YouTube about a year and a half ago and I decided I would give it a whirl and fell in love with it,” the ripped grandfather says. This type of exercise can be done anywhere and is incredibly good for improving flexibility and strength.
Once a slow grandpa who had a tough time keeping up his grandchildren, Robert is now in great shape and has killer abs to boot. He’s even able to do the “flag” which many men half his age are unable to do. The “flag” is a feat of strength which requires him to hold on to a vertical bar and align his body parallel to the ground. Just the ability to keep that pose for a long period of time is simply amazing. But it’s not a surprise to Robert who says “I feel better now than I did when I was 18 years old.” And if you’re wondering how he was able to achieve such a level of fitness excellence, the fittest grandpa in the world says it’s all about training hard and keeping at it: “My advice to other people is to take an hour or two a day and get started on the calisthenics, cardio, weight-lifting – whatever you can do. It pays off in the long run, you feel a lot better.”

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