Sunday 4 December 2016

We pay Fulani herdsmen to pacify them - Governor El-Rufai: WHAT A SHAME

You paid foreigners to stop killing Nigerians in Nigeria, ah!
This is unbelievable, a foreigner breaking law and order causing crisis and security threat to the citizens of our country taking Innocent lives and instead of arresting, prosecuting and possibly deporting them to their countries of origin, you are here spending tax payers money as compensation to the same people killing them? This is an insult to the state and Nigeria as a country. Can Nigerians do same in their countries and be compensated?
It seems the Governor needs to be checked seriously...paying the murderers and killers of Nigerians on Nigerian soil.
 Read below the baseless and stupid reasons
- Governor Nasir El-Rufai says Fulani herdsmen involved in killing are not from Nigeria
- He said they were from neighboring African countries and were trapped due to the post-election crises in 2011
- The governor said he had to pay to pacify some of them
Governor Nasir El-Rufai has revealed that his government has paid money to Fulani Herdsmen to pacify them to stop killing in Southern Kaduna.
The region as well as some parts of the south has been affected by rampaging herdsmen who kill and sometimes destroy crops.

Vanguard reports that the governor of Kaduna spoke in his office where he revealed that the herdsmen where not from Nigeria but from neighbouring countries.
He said the herdsmen usually brought their cattle to Nigeria and then return t their country but the post-election violence in 2011 affected them as some of them were killed while cattle destroyed.
He blamed this as the genesis of the problem but that his administration has reached out to the herdsmen and even paid them money to stop their killing.
The governor said: “Fulani herdsmen from across Africa bring their cattle down towards Middle Belt and Southern Nigeria. The moment the rains starts around March, April, they start moving them up to go back to their various communities and countries.
“Unfortunately, it was when they were moving up with their cattle across Southern Kaduna that the elections of 2011 took place and the crisis trapped some of them.
“Some of them were from Niger, Cameroon, Chad, Mali and Senegal. Fulanis are in 14 African countries and they traverse this country with the cattle.
“So many of these people were killed, cattle lost and they organised themselves and came back to revenge.
“So a lot of what was happening in Southern Kaduna was actually from outside Nigeria. We got a hint that the late Governor Patrick Yakowa got this information and he sent someone to go round some of these Fulani communities, but of course after he died, the whole thing stopped. That is what we inherited. But the Agwai committee established that.

“We took certain steps. We got a group of people that were going round trying to trace some of these people in Cameroon, Niger republic and so on to tell them that there is a new governor who is Fulani like them and has no problem paying compensations for lives lost and he is begging them to stop killing.
 “In most of the communities, once that appeal was made to them, they said they have forgiven. There are one or two that asked for monetary compensation. They said they have forgiven the death of human beings, but want compensation for cattle. We said no problem, and we paid some. As recently as two weeks ago, the team went to Niger republic to attend one Fulani gathering that they hold every year with a message from me.”

Presidency blasts Emir Sanusi, Says He's talking without facts,

The Presidency has issued a stern reply to the condemnation of the President Muhammadu Buhari government made by Emir of Kano Muhammad Sanusi II on Friday, December 2.
Garba Shehu, a senior special assistant to the president on publicity affairs, said in series of tweets on his verified Twitter handle late on Saturday, December 3 that the Emir, his own spiritual leader, spoke without having the necessary facts.
According to him, all allegations made by Sanusi were half-baked in some cases and totally untrue in others.
He said: “With every respect to the Emir, you know he is my ruler, because I'm from Kano. He doesn't have his facts as far as those issues are concerned.

“The issue in CBN, that government has overdrawn its Central Consolidated Account is true, but the overdrawing is within limits.

“The overdraw does not exceed 1.5 trillion. It is incorrect to say, as he did that the account was overdrawn by 4.5 trillion.
“But even assuming that he was correct. This is a government that has money in excess the amount he mentioned in the Treasury Single Account, TSA.

“It is just like you, a bank customer operating two accounts, one in the red & the other, well-funded to the point that it can at any time wipe the indebtedness on the other. Would any bank manager lose their sleep over this?

“This, I am told is what the IMF found at the CBN and they said it is perfectly normal.
“As for his opposition to the USD 30 billion loan, I'am aware that the Minister of Finance is responding to that. As a private citizen, I want to read his statement again.

“I thought that the borrowing is for projects that include the railway development in Kano, his own city.” recalls that Emir Sanusi had condemned the financial policies of the Buhari administration and accused the government of being illegally funded by the central bank. He also condemned the government for wrongly seeking for a foreign loan.

The former Central bank governor delivered the condemnations while speaking at a policy monitoring dialogue hosted by Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development, at Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja.

This Buhari's special adviser lacks knowledge about how banking operates. An account in red attracts high debit interest, and it is an indication of bad credit for the government. Buhari should know that such action compares him with Idi amin of Yuganda. He printed notes to run Yuganda's economy, which is comparable to over drawing a fed government account.