Thursday 3 March 2016

Emir Of Kano: Sanusi Should Come Out And Speak On What He Knows About Ese Oruru Found In His Palace.

It is a Very Big Shame That an Abducted child was found pregnant and illegally married to one Sanusi the emir of Kano's aide. And he has not come out to speak on what he knows about such acts under his domain. It seems such acts are common to the northern leaders Palace and people.
Such discoveries will cause more harm to the unity of Nigeria, if the Federal Government Of Nigeria do not act in a Justify way to prove their stands against corruption and inhuman acts by anyone.
No wonder there is no Northern leader that has boldly spoken against child abuse, when it comes to sex immorality against child brides.
It will be a shame for any monarch that such evil and wicked acts in his domain to be honored or respected. How would you feel if your beloved child is treated like Ese Oruru. She was exposed to what i called life torment.
It will be very good and remarkable for this present Government to show its goodwill to all Nigerians by bringing all those involved in the Abduction of the innocent girl Ese Oruru.

EL-RUFAI NEW LAWS: Could This Be A move Against Christians In Northern Nigeria?

* In Kaduna you cannot preach without license
* Every preacher will have to go and get ONLY one year license (renewable every year). That is, you must always preach without an expired license or you risk 2 years imprisonment.
* If you invite any external preacher (i.e. preacher outside kaduna state), such a person must be licensed for the duration of his/her stay and the body issuing the license has the right to reject external preacher they feel is not qualify to preach in Kaduna state.
* Every preacher who want to be licensed will appear before a screening committee. If he/she scales through, he/she will only be given licensed for one year.
* The law criminalizes the use of CDS, Flash Drive and other communication gadgets except in religious building or inside your house.
* That means, you will be arrested for listening to preaching or religious music inside your cars or in any open place except in your house or religious building.
* If you preach without license, you are guilty of offense punishable with 2 years imprisonment or a fine of 200,000.
You can’t use microphones/loudseakers in your church after 8pm you are guilty of offense punishable with 2 years’ imprisonment or a fine of 200,000.
* Since all preaching must be done within a building, it means public evangelism will be criminalized. Those who preach early morning, known by some as morning cry and preaching inside bus if arrested will be fined N200,000.
* This could also means, people will not be allowed to go out for evangelism on streets or move with vehicles with address systems to advertise their programs.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Russian teen model stabbed 140 times, eyes gouged out, ears hacked off in attack

A TEENAGE Russian model was allegedly stabbed 140 times, had her eyes gouged out and ears hacked off in a vicious attack by her jealous older sister in an drug-fuelled frenzy.
Stefania Dubrovina, 17, was allegedly stabbed to death by her 19-year-old sister Elizaveta before her body was mutilated in a 42-year-old photographer’s St Petersburg apartment in Russia.
A local police source said the two sisters and the man had been having a party.
Elizaveta, 19, was reportedly jealous of her sister. Picture: VK.
Elizaveta, 19, was reportedly jealous of her sister. Picture: VK.
Stefania Dubrovina, 17, was stabbed to death. Picture: VK.
Stefania Dubrovina, 17, was stabbed to death. Picture: VK.
When the man went out to buy more alcohol, Elizaveta allegedly attacked her sister with a knife.
St Petersburg entertainer Stas Baretsky, who knew Stefania for about two years, said he was “shocked” and at death of the “modest and attractive girl”.
Russian newspapers have reported that Elizaveta was jealous of her young sister’s success, and would often copy her style, hair and makeup.
Elizaveta and Stefania were raised in an orphanage. Picture: VK.
Elizaveta and Stefania were raised in an orphanage. Picture: VK.
There are also reports that the elder sister had spent time in a mental hospital, with one of her friends claiming she was always “a bit crazy”.
Elizaveta reportedly attempted to flee the scene after the stabbing, but friends of Stefania stopped her.
Some have claimed Stefania was a sex worker, but Bareckii denied those claims.
He spoke to Stefania hours before her death — and said she was in tears.
The sisters, along with several other siblings, were raised in an orphanage.
The girls’ aunt Ekaterina Dubrovina called the murder a “shocking tragedy”.

Woman says Allah told her to behead child

A woman suspected of beheading a child in her care before brandishing the severed head outside a Moscow metro station says Allah had ordered her to commit the crime.
Police on Monday wrestled to the ground Gulchekhra Bobokulova after she wandered around a Moscow street holding the child's severed head in the air and shouting Islamist slogans.
The 38-year-old divorced mother of three is from the Muslim-majority ex-Soviet state of Uzbekistan.
Eyewitnesses said at the time they believed she was carrying out a terrorist act, but since her detention, Russian investigators have raised the possibility she might be suffering from mental illness.
Investigators said she had been working as a nanny for a Moscow family, and that she had murdered and beheaded one of the children in her care before setting fire to the family flat and fleeing.
State television channels did not report the incident, a move that drew accusations of censorship from some opposition activists but which the Kremlin endorsed, saying it would have been wrong to broadcast such "horrific images".
Bobokulova told reporters on her way into the courtroom on Wednesday that Allah had ordered her to do what she did but that she had repented and agreed with her arrest.
Sat in the metal cage reserved for defendants in Russian courts, Bobokulova waved and said: "I am Allah's messenger. Hello everyone."
Her head was uncovered and she appeared relaxed, occasionally yawning, in contrast to Monday when she had been dressed in black and wearing a hijab.
Investigators have opened a criminal case against Bobokulova, saying they formally suspect her of murder. They have not mentioned suspecting her of any terrorism-related offence.
The court agreed to detain her for two months while the investigation continued after hearing that she presented an "exceptional risk to public safety".
Investigators have said she will undergo psychiatric testing.
An investigator said that to date no one else had been identified who was involved in the crime. The judge spoke of possible accomplices still being at large and hiding from the police, without giving details.
Some rights activists have warned of a possible backlash in Russia against migrant workers from Central Asian countries such as Uzbekistan who have in the past been targeted for beatings by far-right groups.
A Communist Party website campaigning for tighter migration rules displayed a picture on Wednesday of a black-clad woman wearing a burka holding a severed head inside a red circle with a line through it to indicate such individuals should be banned.

Ese Oruru: Emir of Kano Sanusi's Aide Kidnapped a 14 year Old girl from Bayelsa

How Emir of Kano Sanusi's Aide kidnapped a 14year Old Christian Girl from Bayelsa and Converted her to Islam and Allegedly Married her Off. This happens not to be the first time a northern ruler is connected to such unholy act. We want the Nigerian Government to seriously look into this issue with Justice.
All those that are attempting to distort the narrative about the tragic plight of Miss Ese Oruru are evil and we commit them to God’s judgement. The facts are as follows. She is 14 years old and not 18 and she was abducted from her home. She did not leave her home freely or of her own volition. She was cruelly and wickedly carried away and stolen from her parents, family and loved ones and forcefully taken by complete strangers to a distant land. This was a land that she had never seen or been before and which was on the other side of the country.

The truth is that this is not a love story about two inseparable young people: it is rather a sad and tragic tale about pedophilia, child abduction, kidnapping, human trafficking, slavery, rape, impunity, wickedness, religious bigotry and ritual sex. Worse still it is an unfolding drama at the end of which Emir Sanusi Lamido may well have a case to answer. The truth is that that little girl would have been raped over and over again and she may well have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) or some other strange sexual disease by now. She may also be pregnant. Instead of sympathizing with her and considering the fact that she may never be the same again in view of the physical and mental torture and trauma that she has been subjected to over the last few months, some misguided souls and shameless commentators have the temerity to come to social media and say that she was old enough to “get it” whilst others say that she ”loved it” and ”wanted it”. I am utterly disgusted and appalled by these sentiments. Where is the humanity of those that speak and think like this? Where is their compassion and where is their soul? May God judge them and may their own infant daughters be abducted, forcefully Islamised, raped, enslaved and kept against their will as a sex slave in an Emir’s palace in the same way that Ese was. Meanwhile I just watched an AIT video in which Ese’s mother claimed that her daughters abductors said that it was the Emir of Kano himself that ordered her daughters abduction and that she was kept in his palace for over one year for his pleasure. If this is true it confirms the suspicion that the Emir is culpable. Again if what she has said is true it also proves that the Emir is not only a praticing pedophile but also a very sick man who must be held accountable. It is important that Emir Sanusi clears the air and tells us precisely what he did with this little girl otherwise we are entitled to assume the worse and believe what Ese’s mother has told us. Quite apart from that we are compelled to ask whether this sort of thing has happened before and how widespread it is? How many other little girls have been stolen from their homes and forced to join harems all over the nation? The famous high society blogger and respected celebrity Miss Linda Ikeji has just exposed yet another case. This time it is a young 17 year old christian girl, by the name of Miss Patience Paul, who has been abducted from her home, parents and loved ones in Benue state, forcefully taken to Sokoto, locked up in the Sultan’s palace and kept there against her will. The same thing happened to a 13 year old christian igbo girl by the name of Miss Charity Uzoechina two years ago when she was abducted, islamised, raped, married off and forced to remain in the Etsu Nupe’s palace in Minna, Niger state. This was despite the fact that her parents went to the police and authorities and made every effort to get her back. Sadly up till today they have never seen her again. Evidently we live in a strange country where evil is swept under the carpet and often justified. We live in a country where those that expose such abominations and speak truth are demonised, hated, despised and, more often than not, threatened with violence, persecution, intimidation, arrest, spurious criminal investigations and baseless civil court actions. More often than not this is the price for speaking truth and exposing the evil in Nigeria. There is clearly a conspiracy of silence about the perpetuation of evil in this country amongst the ruling elite. The feeling is that anyone can get away with anything providing they belong to a particular circle and class and providing they have money and power. And it is because they have money and power and they have powerful friends in government and in the political class that they feel that they can kill, silence, crush, abduct, cripple, ruin, sue and jail anybody that tests their will and crosses their path or that exposes the truth about their blood-chilling and perverse ways. That is the reality of Nigeria and it is a sad and sorry one. All I can say is thank God for the media and particularly for the Punch newspaper who started the ball rolling last Sunday. If not for their cover story about Ese with all those pictures on their front page the little girl would not be free and on her way home to her family today. Instead she would have still been in slavery and captivity at the Emir of Kano’s palace. We should also thank the Nation newspaper particularly for their timely editorial on this issue which was published on 1st March and which raised some pertinent questions and offered wise counsel about the way forward. The Punch, the Nation, AIT, Channels, Tribune, the Sun, Vanguard, Thisday and all the other newspaper titles and television stations in the Nigerian media and social media has done what no-one else or no other group could do. Not even the Federal Government, the various state governments, the political parties, the politicians, the security agencies, the lawyers or the so-called human rights groups could do what they managed to do or achieve what they have achieved. They have helped to secure the freedom of a helpless and defenseless little girl from slavery, torment, humiliation, destruction, death, disease and bondage and they have brought her home safely to her parents. We need more of this. Kudos to them and God bless them all. And may God damn and shame those that chose to remain silent and look the other way.

All those that are attempting to distort the narrative about the tragic plight of Miss Ese Oruru are evil and we commit them to God’s judgement. The facts are as follows. She is 14 years old and not 18 and she was abducted from her home. She did not leave her home freely or of her own volition. She was cruelly and wickedly carried away and stolen from her parents, family and loved ones and forcefully taken by complete strangers to a distant land. This was a land that she had never seen or been before and which was on the other side of the country.

Read more at:

Monday 29 February 2016

Children sacrificed to bring luck in Uganda elections

Six cases of the mutilation and murder of children as "good luck" sacrifices were reported during the recent Ugandan elections, a children's charity said.
"Child sacrifice cases are common during election time as some people believe blood sacrifices will bring wealth and power," said Shelin Kasozi of Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM), a charity that cares for survivors of attempted child sacrifice.
She said the cases were reported from October to February in Ssembabule, Mukono, Buikwe and Mubende districts in central Uganda. Suspects had been apprehended, but the cases had yet to go to court, she said.
President Yoweri Museveni won a Feb. 18 election, extending his 30-year rule in a vote criticised by the United States and European Union. Ugandans also voted in municipal and parliamentary elections.
Moses Binoga, coordinator of the anti-trafficking task force at the interior ministry, said children had been reported missing in the election period. But he could not confirm KCM's reports and said investigations were ongoing.
He said seven child and six adult sacrifice cases were reported in the country in 2015, compared to nine child and four adult sacrifice cases reported in 2014.
Binoga said the mutilated bodies of children and adults had been found, some with hearts or livers ripped out. In two cases reported last year the victims' heads were missing, he said.
In a 2012 case, 82-year-old Hanifa Namuyanja was sentenced to 15 years in jail for taking part in the sacrifice of her granddaughter Shamim Nalwoga.
Police found the girl's body with her tongue and eyes cut out and genitals mutilated, the court heard.
The United Nations said last year that attacks on albino people in Africa were on the rise, linked to a growing demand from political hopefuls for body parts prized in black magic in the run up to elections in several African countries.

A Muslim Witness recounts Khmer Rouge cannibalism

An ethnic Muslim former prisoner of the Khmer Rouge regime on Monday told a court that he was forced to witness the execution of a woman whose liver was then removed and cooked in front of him.
Meu Peou gave the harrowing testimony at the genocide hearing of "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, 89, and the former head of state Khieu Samphan, 84.
The trial of the top regime leaders focuses on the genocide of ethnic Vietnamese and Muslim minorities including the Cham.
Meu Peou openly wept as he described how he was just a boy when he was detained in western Pursat province accused of betraying the hardline communist cadres by stealing rice.
At the detention camp he witnessed a woman being killed, he said, giving the court graphic details of her brutal murder.
"She was asked to take off her clothes and her body was cut open. There was blood everywhere... her liver was taken out and was cooked for a meal," he recounted, through a court translator.
Up to two million Cambodians died under Khmer Rouge rule from 1975-1979, including an estimated 100,000 to 500,000 Cham Muslims and 20,000 Vietnamese.
Until this trial, the treatment of the two minority groups has rarely been discussed.
Meu Peou said he lost 17 relatives during the murderous rule of the hardline regime, including his father who starved to death after he refused to eat pork.
"I had to force myself to eat pork so I could survive," Meu Peou said, adding Muslims were often forcibly dispersed from their villages.
Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan have already been handed life sentences in a previous trial that focused on the regime's forced evacuation of Phnom Penh into rural labour camps and murders at an execution site.
Cannibalism by Khmer Rouge soldiers has previously been described by other witnesses who testified at the court, including of cadres eating the gall bladders of executed prisoners after drying them in the sun.
While cannibalism was not widespread, the regime's leadership encouraged a searing hatred among its footsoldiers of those seen to be class enemies that led at times to particularly sadistic violence.
Historians have offered different reasons for cannibalism, from the general climate of excessive regime violence, to superstitious beliefs about acquiring an enemy's power through the consumption of their organs to hunger and desperation within the Khmer Rouge's ranks.
The Khmer Rouge regime dismantled modern society in Cambodia in their quest for an agrarian Marxist utopia.
Many key leaders have died without facing justice, including "Brother Number One" Pol Pot who died in 1998.

IS executes eight Dutch jihadists in Syria

The Islamic State has executed eight Dutch members of the jihadist group, whom it accused of trying to desert, activists said Monday.
"Daesh (IS) executed eight Dutch fighters on Friday in Maadan, Raqa province, after accusing them of attempting desertion and mutiny," Abu Mohammad, a member of the citizen journalist group Raqa is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS), said via Twitter.
RBSS has been documenting since April 2014 IS' abuses in Raqa, the group's de facto capital in northern Syria.
Tension has boiled in Raqa over the past month between 75 Dutch jihadists -- among them fighters of Moroccan origin -- and IS intelligence operatives from Iraq, RBSS said.
Three other Dutch jihadists were arrested by Iraqi IS members who accused them of wanting to flee and one of the detainees was beaten to death during the interrogation, according to RBSS.
IS leaders in Raqa sent a delegate to solve the dispute with the Dutch cell's enraged members, but they murdered the intermediary in vengeance, the citizen journalist group added.
The IS leadership in Iraq then ordered the arrest of all the members of the Dutch group, and imprisoned them in Tabaqa and Maadan in Syria.
Eight have since been executed, RBSS said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the conflict, could not confirm the report.
However it said three European jihadists of North African origin were executed in what IS calls the Wilayet al-Furat -- an area stretching across the Syrian-Iraqi frontier.
According to the Dutch secret services, 200 people from the Netherlands including 50 women have joined IS in Syria and Iraq.