Thursday 3 March 2016

Emir Of Kano: Sanusi Should Come Out And Speak On What He Knows About Ese Oruru Found In His Palace.

It is a Very Big Shame That an Abducted child was found pregnant and illegally married to one Sanusi the emir of Kano's aide. And he has not come out to speak on what he knows about such acts under his domain. It seems such acts are common to the northern leaders Palace and people.
Such discoveries will cause more harm to the unity of Nigeria, if the Federal Government Of Nigeria do not act in a Justify way to prove their stands against corruption and inhuman acts by anyone.
No wonder there is no Northern leader that has boldly spoken against child abuse, when it comes to sex immorality against child brides.
It will be a shame for any monarch that such evil and wicked acts in his domain to be honored or respected. How would you feel if your beloved child is treated like Ese Oruru. She was exposed to what i called life torment.
It will be very good and remarkable for this present Government to show its goodwill to all Nigerians by bringing all those involved in the Abduction of the innocent girl Ese Oruru.

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