Friday 3 June 2016

Nigerian Woman Beheaded In Kano Over Blasphemy

Angry Muslims youths in Kano on Thursday evening decapitated a woman trader over allegations that she blasphemed Prophet Muhammad.  The victim, who was said to be of Igbo extraction was accused of blasphemy during a religious argument at Wambai market.  The woman, who sells plastics at the local market was in the company of her husband when she was murdered. Contacted, the Public Relations Officer of the Kano Police Command, DSP Musa Magaji, confirmed the incident. 

Angry Muslims youths in Kano on Thursday evening decapitated a woman trader over allegations that she blasphemed Prophet Muhammad. 
The victim, who was said to be of Igbo extraction was accused of blasphemy during a religious argument at Wambai market.
The woman, who sells plastics at the local market was in the company of her husband when she was murdered.
Contacted, the Public Relations Officer of the Kano Police Command, DSP Musa Magaji, confirmed the incident.
He said  '' At about 4 30 pm, there was a disagreement between the murdered woman and some traders bordering on religion.
''The woman was said to have blasphemed Prophet Mohammed, which did not go down well with the mob.
He said, the woman whose named he didn't disclose, was in the company of her husband when the incident happened but the timely intervention of the police saved the husband, who was immediately whisked for safety.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Ogoni Visit: Fayose Says Buhari Has Surrendered to Militants, Calls for Dialogue

Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State has said President Muhammadu Buhari’s cancellation of his scheduled official visit to Rivers State to flag off clean-up Ogoniland was an embarrassment.
He has therefore, urged him to dialogue with the Niger Delta Militants, especially the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) in order to end hostilities in the oil rich region and save the Nigerian economy from imminent collapse.
Fayose said Buhari’s failure to attend the flag-off on Thursday apparently because of threat from the Niger Delta militants was a demonstration that the President had surrendered to the superior powers of the militants.
It should be recalled that the NDA had warned President Buhari to stay away from the Niger Delta region if he desired to live.‎
According to a statement issued by Lere Olayinka, the governor’s Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Fayose said it was shameful and embarrassing that the President, a retired miliitary general, could succumb to threat from militants despite that he told Nigerians that he was going to lead from the fronts
Fayose, who wondered why the President was not always interested in visiting states in the country as against his penchant for overseas trips, added that it was time that the President stopped acting like a foreign president.
He said it was obvious that the President’s approach to civil unrest of any kind under the government was causing more security problems in the country, adding that “the President cannot afford to continue to talk tough on issues that dialogue can resolve.”
The governor said: “Now that the President has surrendered to the threat and intimidation of the Niger Delta Avengers, he should emulate late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua by having a round-table talks with the Niger Delta militants.
“By not going to Ogoni today (Thursday) because of threat from the NDA, our president has shown that he is actually afraid of the militants and the best thing to do in a situation like this is to dialogue with the militants so as to save Nigeria economy from imminent collapse.
“It also shows that the President’s ability to secure Nigeria and its people is suspect because if the President could succumb to threat from militants and abandon his official function for his deputy, ordinary Nigerians should seek help elsewhere.
“The President should therefore save Nigeria the agony of military misadventure in the Niger Delta by holding dialogue with the militants with a view to resolving their grievances.”Fayose also reiterated that “the Niger Delta region as at today is still the golden goose laying the golden egg on which all other regions are surviving,” saying “diversification as good as it sounds, takes time. We need to appreciate these regions as our only source of income.”

Revealed: How DSS stopped Buhari from attending Ogoni cleanup flagg off..Is he a coward general

Facts have emerged on why President Muhammadu Buhari cancelled his scheduled official visit to Rivers State to flag off the clean-up Ogoniland programme.
The President was billed to personally preside over the flag off on Thursday but sent his Vice, Yemi Osinbajo, to represent him at the eleventh hour.
However, presidency sources told our correspondent in Abuja Thursday night that the cancellation may not be unconnected to the intriguing power play by the Agencies in charge of the nation’s security architecture.
According to sources, the leadership of the Department of State Services, DSS (Nigeria’s Secret Police) was said to have advised the President against undertaking the trip despite assurances by the Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) and the Military High Command.
Ahead of the visit, the presidential advanced team comprising protocol, security, medical and the media had landed in Port Harcourt and Ogoniland, waiting to receive President Buhari.
Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike, had also on Wednesday during a broadcast to the people of the state assured Mr. President of a rousing welcome, saying they were ready to receive him.
One of the presidency source who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “There was no reason for the DSS not to have allowed President Buhari undertake the trip” said adding that there was no apparent security threat to the president’s life despite statement credited to the new Niger Delta militant group, the Avengers threatening the life of the President.
“It is most unfortunate that a well planned trip that would have endeared the president to the South-South people was aborted at the last moment.
“This historic trip would have remained indelible in the minds of the people. The People of Ogoniland as well as the entire Niger Delta people were waiting anxiously to receive the president only to be told that he would be represented by the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo.
“The security operatives that advised him against coming to the Niger Delta just destroyed the goodwill Mr. President would have enjoyed among the people. It is most unfortunate.
“The advice was also designed to put the National Security Adviser (NSA) to the president in bad light, as one who doesn’t know what he is doing. They have been trying to undermine his office ever since but had repeatedly failed.
“This idea of ascribing health reasons to Mr. President’s inability to travel is not healthy for the government.
“It portrays the President as a sick President and that is not the case with President Buhari.
The source stated further that “the advice was also designed to put the National Security Adviser (NSA) to the president in bad light, as one who doesn’t know what he is doing. They have been trying to undermine his office ever since but had repeatedly failed”.
President Buhari had on assumption of office in May 2015, assured that he would implement the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, which recommended the clean-up of Ogoniland that has been devastated by long years of oil spillages.

Nigeria's Buhari cancels visit to oil-producing Niger Delta-government source: Is he scared?

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has cancelled at the last minute a visit planned for Thursday to the oil-producing Niger Delta, which has been hit by a wave of militant attacks, a government source said.
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo will instead visit the restive southern region to launch a cleanup programme of the Ogoniland, an area badly hit by oil spills, the source said, without giving a reason for Buhari's cancellation.
Buhari had already skipped a visit to the commercial capital Lagos in the south last month at the last minute. Posters with his picture had been already hung up to welcome the president before his spokesman cited "scheduling" difficulties.
It would have been the first visit of the former military ruler to the Delta since taking office in May last year. Critics have accused Buhari, a Muslim from the north, of ignoring the predominately Christian south.
The southern Delta swamps have been hit by a series of militant attacks on oil and gas pipelines which have brought Nigeria's oil output to a 20-year low.
Hours after the announcement of Buhari's visit to the swamps on Tuesday the Niger Delta Avengers militant group, which has claimed several attacks on Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell facilities, issued a warning to oil firms that their "facilities and personnel will bear the brunt of our fury".
The Avengers have accused Buhari of ignoring local problems.
Buhari said on Sunday the government would hold talks with leaders in Nigeria's main oil-producing region to address their grievances, in a bid to stop a surge in pipeline attacks.
Residents in the swamp areas have for years complained about oil industry pollution and about economic marginalisation by the government.
Local officials and Western allies such as Britain have told Buhari that moving army reinforcements to the Delta region would not be enough to stop the attacks and that the population's grievances should be dealt with.

PDP Jubilates: As Buhari set to launch Jonathan’s Achievements

The Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi, has stated that the Abuja-Kaduna rail project, constructed by former President, Goodluck Jonathan, would be launched by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Amaechi, who spoke with journalists after a test ride of the rail project on Wednesday, June 1, said that Buhari would be commissioning the project in July and would be ready for commercial use later in July this year.
This is coming as a vindication of the development strides of the Peoples Democratic Party-led, PDP, government, during the Jonathan era.
Amaechi, had earlier assured Nigerians in February, that the project was 100 percent complete, and would be ready for launch in May 2016, including the Lagos – Calabar project, constructed by Jonathan.
“The Lagos – Calabar project was awarded by former President Goodluck Jonathan and we are also flying with it. What we are doing is implementing those projects that have not been implemented for so many years,” the minister said.
“What we are doing is implementation of what we met in office. We are not among those who will abandon good ideas.
“If we see an idea that is good, we will adopt it. The Lagos – Kano project was awarded by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and we are flying with it”.
However, he said that the Buhari administration was committed to ensuring the sustenance of the rail project upon completion in July.
“We are looking at bringing Mr. President to commission in July. In two weeks time, they will do the test run of the track without passengers, after that two weeks, it will take another two weeks to do test run with passengers and it will be free of charge, and that will take us to the end of June.
“Which means by first week in July, we believe that the president will come and flag it off for commercial service,” he said.
The former Rivers governor also said the cost of conveying passengers will be subsidized. He however, noted that the details of cost were still being worked out.
“Is it sustainable? The answer is yes, because it is on its own. If you say whether it will be subsidized, it will be. We are working out the details of how much it will cost to carry passengers and to maintain it,” he said.
Amaechi, also said that the test ride indicated that a part of the phase was already completed.
“At the beginning we had done the test run, but then it was not completed. Today it has been completed. So today is the first test run that we are doing on the completed standard gauge.
“The signaling communication stations are all completed now, so you can actually technically say today is the first day of test running the completed project,” he said.
He pledged that the ministry of transportation will partner with the Nigeria Identity Management Commission, NIMC, to ensure smooth registration of passengers without hitches.

Buhari’s leadership style will break Nigeria, accelerate actualisation of Biafra – IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has declared that the leadership style of President Muhammad Buhari will speedily bring about the actualisation of the sovereign State of Biafra.

IPOB’s stance was contained in a statement signed its spokespersons, Barrister Emma Nmezu and Dr Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya.
The group claimed that Buhari had done more than any past leader in the history of Nigeria to divide and dismember the country.According to the IPOB, Buhari’s leadership had significantly catalyzed and fast-forwarded the restoration of the nation of Biafra.‬
‪The statement reads, “Without the efforts of Buhari, the crescendo reached today on the return of the nation of Biafra would not have been possible.
“From bombing of Cross River and Akwa Ibom States with the banned NAPALM bombs, through the genocidal killings of Biafrans from August 2015 to February 2016, and to the utter disregard of court orders, Buhari has steadily and consistently worked in the favour of the re-emergence of Biafra.

“The irrelevance to which former President Goodluck Jonathan consigned Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) was reversed by Buhari, all to the advantage of Biafrans.‬”The group claimed that Buhari’s blood-thirsty nature, among several other factors, were propelling him to quicken the restoration of Biafra.

IPOB said, “Among these are the blood-thirsty nature of Buhari and the neo-Hitler attitudes of this despot. Another big factor is the misinformation he received from his incompetent Department of State Services (DSS) who deceived him into believing that incarcerating the leader of IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, will work in his favour.

“There is also his belief in using weapons and brute force to solve simple political problems. Today, it is evident that if anybody is in danger in the entire Nigeria, it is attributable to Buhari. This man is an incarnate of Mohamed Siad Barre of Somalia and the outcome is the ongoing dismemberment of Nigeria and the quickened restoration of the nation of Biafra.‬
‪”Just like his role model Mohamed Siad Barre, Buhari has indulged in crimes against humanity and in selective cum partisan indictments. For instance, he ordered the unlawful arrest, detention and public intimidation of Femi Fani-Kayode for standing up for the truth when most Yoruba so-called elites are terrified to speak.

“The condemnable barbaric slaughter of hundreds of innocent Shiite Muslims in Zaria and unwarranted illegal detention of their leader Zakzaky are all contributing to the calamitous collapse of the Lugard-created Nigeria. Why Fani-Kayode is being detained for alleged fraud while Chibuike Amechi and Bola Ahmed Tinubu are allowed to walk freely is beyond human comprehension.‬
‪”Why arrest Fani-Kayode, a Yoruba man, when a Hausa-Fulani man called Ibrahim Lamorde, a former Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) boss that stole Four Trillion Naira is free to enjoy his loot? Why arrest Fani-Kayode for corruption when Halliburton scandal involving mainly Hausa-Fulani people is yet to be investigated?‬
‪”From his terrible public utterances, to his divisive and sectional government policies, through his placement of only Hausa-Fulani people in his “kitchen cabinet“, to killing of Biafrans and Shiite Muslims, Buhari has worked tirelessly for the balkanization of Nigeria.”‬
‪Urging the President to continue with his style of leadership, IPOB stressed that the actualisation of Biafra was only a matter of time.

‪”The Indigenous People of Biafra are happy for this leadership style of Buhari. We pray that he continues unceasingly.

‪”Even the illegal incarceration and unconstitutional prosecution of the leader of IPOB have worked maximally to the favour of Biafrans. We urge Buhari to continue and not to stop because we want to see the independent nation of Biafra come very soon and Buhari is speedily bringing it to fruition,” the statement said.‬