Friday 22 November 2013

The Olufi of Gbongan Osun State Nigeria Oba Adewale Asabi

Olufi Adewale Asabi, who reigned from 1926 to 1948, was the son of Olugboira and Osunfolahan. Despite the fact that he was a prince, he was made to work on the farm by his parent and in his early manhood, he had learn the value of dignity of labour.

When he came to the throne as Olufi of Gbongan in 1926,he knew he had a lot to do and did not waste a minute in executing his plan.The first thing he did was to unite his people so that they might not forget the diffrence between the various groups . He then proceeded on his plan to expand the town. As a very wealthy ruler,he engaged all able-bodied men in the town, made them cut the forest around the town and gave out land freely to those who willing to build houses. He was very generous.

After the work of expandsion,it was determination of Asabi to develop Gbongan to a point where it could be know,at least,to important towns in his neighbourhood. He needed money for the exercise .With the help of his Chiefs ,he raised money locally to constructed roads linking Gbongan with some important trade centers and towns in Yoruba land, prominent among the roads was the one linking Gbongan with Iwo town.It was the agreement between the ruler of Iwo and Olufi to construct the road half way to each of the town so that they could meet mid-way.
The roads to Wakajaye,Akiriboto II and Ode omu were all constructed and used during his reigh .
Trading activities developed well during Asabi's reign.Gbongan's was able to trade with Ede ,Osogbo,Iwo,Ibadan,and Ile Ife during Asabi his reign make the rulers in places like Iwo,Orile Owu,Apomu,Ikire and Ile Ife welcome traders from Gbongan and protect their interest,Asabi befriended these rulers.To futher strengthen Gbongan's relationship with ILE IFE Asabi gave his daughter, Oyewe,to Oni Adesoji Aderemi as wife.
He encourage traditional activities and even led people,most of the time to perform sacrifices at the the shrines of various deities.
He used to lead his people during Edi and Egungun festival and encouraged people living in the farm to come home for the festival.He not only encouraged the tranditionalist,he equaly encourage CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS Invited them to trandition festival.
To improve the communication system the more ,he requested the district Officer attach to Gbongan to advise the then Resident Officer to grant Gbongan a post agence.
The request was granted and post Agence was sited very close to his palace.
He also request for sanitary inspectors.The District Officer then did not hesitate to grant his request he then wrote British colonia District headquter in Lagos , the request was granted but not situated in Gbongan but Ikire a nearest most populated town ,call Oluyoro hospital.
Gbongan benefited a lot from Asabi's.
He build palace for himself through direct labour . The palace,apart from the main court,consisted of about Eighty roams,with zoo and palace Hall,main gate leading into the courtyard,and Egungun festivals once a year in the front of the King Asabi Palace.
He maintain an occasional market in front of his palace and kept a mini zoo .
He hated idleness and any lazy man found roaming about the town was compulsoryly sent to the farm to cultivate own farm.
Victim of the laws were said to have come to show appreciation by offering Oba Asabi part of the harvest.
In his praise,a song was locally composed for Olufi ,which goes like this.
Laye Olugbon mo ke borun meje
E o ma fiwe l'orin.

Laye Aresa mo ke borun mefa,
E o ma fiwe l'orin

Laye Asabi mo ra koko
Mo ra 'ran mo ra Sanya baba Aso
Af'ole loni Gbongan o dun a'fole''
During the reign of Olugbo I bought seven veils.
Keep song in record
During Aresa I bought Six Veils.
Keep song in record.

During Asabi reign I bought Koko(a type of green cloth)
Velveteen and sanya father of cloths.
Only lazy people will say Gbongan is not prosperous''

This song was mostly rendered by women of Gbongan long after his demise in 1948 .It goes to show how much love Asabi enjoyed.It goes as a great ruler.

Craig Cobb White Supremacist Lynches Himself after Learning of His Black Ancestry

White Supremacist Lynches Himself after Learning of His Black Ancestry STAMFORD,  – After white supremacist Craig Cobb learned that he was 14% black while in front of a live studio audience for the Trisha Goddard Show, he decided to “end the humiliation” by lynching himself, according to members in attendance.

“I didn’t expect that,” said audience member Jon Baker. “Being here I figured we’d be treated to some wacky, Maury Povich-type stuff. But a real-life, up-close hanging? That’s straight out of a Tarantino flick.”
Cobb at first denied the DNA test results linking him to a Sub-Saharan ancestry, referring to the findings as statistical noise. “Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on, just wait a minute,” said a frantic Cobb. “Do I look
But as host Trisha Goddard moved to fist-bump Cobb while exclaiming “Bro!” Cobb reportedly said that he “could feel the blackness suddenly and uncontrollably creeping up inside of [him],” precipitating a fist-bump reciprocation.
“At that moment he realized it was true,” said Baker. “He was undeniably black. But instead of embracing his heritage, he ran from it. I guess it’s all he knew how to do.”
By this point, NBC had already cut to commercial, providing Baker and fellow audience members with an exclusive, front-row seat to the spectacle that was about to ensue—one that no one attempted to stop.
“He’s a white supremacist, which is pretty much the lowest form of humanity,” continued Baker.
“So we kind of just sat there and let him do his thing. First he created a noose from his shirt and then he stepped on to the chair. Then, well – I don’t think I need to explain the rest.”
Not even members of the white enclave that Cobb helped form in Leith, N.D. felt sympathy for their deceased white supremacist leader.
The white supremacist attempting to turn a small North Dakotan town into a ‘white enclave’ has undergone a DNA test which proves he is of Sub-Saharan African heritage, MailOnline can reveal.
Craig Cobb, 62, submitted to the test as part of The Trisha Show’s ongoing Race in America series and was given the results of the DNA Diagnostics test by the host, Trisha Goddard, to the whoops of her studio audience.
On hearing the results Cobb, who insists he is not a white supremacist but a Creator, a religion which favours ‘racial awareness’, immediately dismissed the news that genetically he is 14 per cent Sub Saharan African, 86 per cent European, as ‘statistical noise.’

After 80 Years, Alabama Finally Pardons the 'Scottsboro Boys'

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama's parole board wrote a new ending for the infamous "Scottsboro Boys" rape case Thursday morning by approving posthumous pardons more than 80 years after the arrests.
The board made the unanimous decision during a hearing in Montgomery for three Black men whose convictions were never overturned in a case that came to symbolize racial injustice in the Deep South in the 1930s.
Nine Black males were falsely accused of raping two white women on a train in northeast Alabama in 1931. The men were convicted by all-white juries, and all but the youngest defendant was sentenced to death.
The state senator who got a law enacted to permit posthumous pardons said the Scottsboro Boys' lives were ruined by public officials and juries who ignored evidence, and that it was time to right a wrong.
"It is a promising reminder of how far we have come from those regretful days in our past," Republican Sen. Arthur Orr of Decatur said.
The founder of the Scottsboro Boys Museum in Scottsboro, Shelia Washington, said the pardons "give the history books a new ending — not guilty."
The Scottsboro Boys case became a symbol of the tragedies wrought by racial injustice. Their appeals resulted in U.S. Supreme Court rulings that criminal defendants are entitled to effective counsel and that blacks can't be systematically excluded from criminal juries.
The case inspired songs, books and films. A Broadway musical was staged in 2010, the same year a museum dedicated to the case opened in Scottsboro.
Five of the men's convictions were overturned in 1937 after one of the alleged victims recanted her story. One defendant, Clarence Norris, received a pardon before his death in 1976. At the time, he was the only Scottsboro Boy known to be alive. Nothing was done for the others because state law did not permit posthumous pardons.
In April, the Alabama Legislature passed Orr's bill to allow the parole board to issue posthumous pardons for old cases where the convictions involved racial discrimination.
The three Scottsboro Boys considered by the parole board on Thursday were Charles Weems, Andy Wright and Haywood Patterson.
The board said the other five — Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams and Roy Wright — were not eligible under the new law because their convictions were overturned on appeal and the charges dropped.
Washington said some of the Scottsboro Boys changed their names and started new lives. The museum, working with students and faculty members at the University of Alabama, has found the graves of four of the nine. Washington said the next goal is to find all the graves and erect historical markers.
"They didn't know how much they meant in history while they were alive," she said.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Mexican president denies meeting Justin Bieber

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico's president has denied a tweet by Justin Bieber saying the singer met with the president and his family prior to a show.
It was the latest sour note in Bieber's controversy-filled Latin American tour.
President Enrique Pena Nieto's office put out a tweet late Monday that read "@Presidenciamx denies meeting between President @EPN with the singer @justinbieber."
That was a response to a tweet from Bieber's official account saying "just met some amazing mexican beliebers and the presidente of mexico and his familia."
Apparently, Bieber was confused about whether the president was there or not.
Early Tuesday, Bieber wrote in a tweet, "correction. I met the presidente's family and all their friends in the private meet and greet with all their security. They were very nice."
The 19-year-old pop sensation faces two criminal complaints and demands for refunds in Argentina, in addition to trouble with police for allegedly spraying graffiti in Brazil.
Bieber angered Argentines by abandoning a concert after less than an hour and not showing up for a photo-op that some fans paid hundreds of dollars extra for. The singer's manager, Scooter Braun, said Bieber came down with food poisoning after a concert Saturday, and despite eight hours of intravenous fluids, insisted on trying to do Sunday's concert against doctors' advice.
One Argentine lawyer is accusing Bieber of sending bodyguards to attack a photographer outside a Buenos Aires nightclub.
Another accuses him of defiling the national symbol by dragging two Argentine flags off stage with his feet and a microphone stand before 45,000 "beliebers" during the first of two concerts in River Plate stadium.

UN Palestinian agency to stop paying wages

A Palestinian man carries bags of wheat flour distributed at an aid distribution centre of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza City on September 17, 2013
A Palestinian man carries bags of wheat flour distributed at an aid distribution centre of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza City on September 17, 2013 (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)
New York (AFP) - The United Nations will stop paying wages to thousands of workers helping Palestinian refugees next month because of a growing cash crisis, a top UN official said Tuesday.
The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), one of the UN's oldest agencies, faces a "dire situation" with a $36 million deficit, under secretary general Jeffrey Feltman told the Security Council.
"UNRWA will be unable to adequately fund its core services -- especially in education, health and poverty mitigation -- and will be unable to pay December salaries of its 30,000 teachers, medical personnel and social workers," Feltman said.
The agency was set up in 1950 to help Palestinian refugees who lost their homes because of the 1948 Middle East conflict. It estimates that it now helps about five million people.
The United States and European Union have traditionally been UNRWA's biggest donors to its two year budget of more than $1.2 billion.
The agency also faces a crisis in the Hamas-controlled Gaza territory, after Israeli authorities discovered a tunnel from the besieged strip into Israel in October.
Israel suspended the entry of all construction materials into Gaza and since then 19 out of 20 UNRWA construction projects in the territory have been halted.
Feltman said the halt of the building work had "put thousands of people out of work" and called on Israel to reconsider its move.

Gazans in double border trouble with Egypt and Israel

It was the publicity stunt of the year in Hamas-ruled Gaza: the delivery of Kentucky Fried Chicken from a branch in Egypt through a tunnel under their shared border.
But since the service was launched in spring, the Hamas-friendly Egyptian government of Mohamed Morsi has been toppled in an army coup.
And since then, Egypt's military has destroyed hundreds of the tunnels, sending the takeaway orders into free-fall with the rest of Gaza's economy, already squeezed by trade restrictions imposed by its other neighbour, Israel.
In Rafah, the sprawling city which straddles the Gaza-Egypt border, the dust raised by hectic smuggling activity has settled in the wake of the Egyptian army's campaign against the tunnels.
Just a few scattered diggers are working under tarpaulins covering the entrances to abandoned tunnels, excavating "for the future".
"Is there a future for tunnels? Not with Sisi," sighs a Gazan border police officer, referring to Egyptian military chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
The flow of state-subsidised Egyptian fuel to Gaza has all but dried up since the July coup, dwindling from about a million litres a day in June to 10,000-20,000 litres a week now, according to the latest report of the UN Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The shortage caused the shutdown on November 1 of the Palestinian territory's only power plant, which provided about a third of the strip's electricity.
The closure has resulted in power cuts for 16 hours a day.
Without electricity, water treatment stations have stopped working, and last week sewage began spilling onto the streets of several neighbourhoods in Gaza City.
Now the Al-Yamama delivery company is looking back nostalgically on its days of delivering Egyptian KFC.
"Despite the high prices because of transport costs, people paid to have something that does not exist here," said Haitham al-Shami, a 29-year-old partner in the business.
"It was a challenge," he said, "to show that Gaza is not only war and death. We love life, but we have nothing."
His subterranean fast food service, largely conceived to promote Al-Yamama's business, lasted only a month before being banned by Hamas "for public health reasons" even before the tunnel crackdown, Shami said.
According to Palestinian economist Omar Shaaban, Gazans had developed a taste for small luxuries, which Israeli and Egyptian restrictions have taken away again.
"Gaza is a modern society. People in Gaza know Nescafe and capuccino and these products," he said.
"Now we have become a relief society -- we depend on international humanitarian assistance for food."
Israel first imposed its land, sea and air blockade on the coastal strip in 2006 after militants there seized an Israeli soldier, who was eventually freed in a lop-sided prisoner swap in 2011.
It was further tightened in mid-2007 when the Islamic militant group Hamas took control of Gaza.
Israel eased the blockade slightly following an international outcry after its botched commando raid on a Turkish Gaza-bound flotilla in 2010, allowing food and some building materials to be trucked in.
"The siege destroyed the industrial productive sector, the siege prevented any export from Gaza, only five or six items were allowed," said Shaban, director of local think-tank Palthink.
"We're not suffering because of a lack of rain or because we don't have food. It's a man-made catastrophe, because somebody decided to make our life difficult," he added.
"We are a hostage by four kidnappers," he said, naming Israel, Hamas, the Western-backed Palestinian Authority which rules the West Bank, and the international community.
Palestinian negotiator Mohammed Shtayyeh wrote last month in left-leaning Israeli daily Haaretz that token Israeli economic measures would not change the Palestinians' lives.
"In recent years, some international parties have tried to convince the world that solutions begin by removing a roadblock or allowing ketchup and mayonnaise into Gaza," he said.
"What Palestine needs is ending the Israeli occupation, which is the only way for Palestine to reach its full economic potential."

Woman critical after Bangalore ATM machete attack

A woman was critical after an unidentified assailant attacked her Tuesday with a machete inside an automatic teller machine (ATM) kiosk in the city centre.

"The incident occurred when the assailant hit the victim, Jyothi Uday, 44, a manager in the Corporation Bank's Mission Road branch, on the head with a machete inside her bank's ATM kiosk and left her bleeding before disappearing with her cash (Rs.2,500) and mobile," Deputy Commissioner of Police D.C. Rajappa told IANS here.

She was rescued by passers-by who noticed blood spilling on the road from inside the kiosk, whose shutter was pulled down by the assailant after the attack.

No security guard was present at the kiosk when the incident took place.

Jyothi is battling for life in a hospital.

"We have registered a case under section 397 of the Indian Penal Code for attempting to cause death or grievous injury while committing robbery or dacoity and formed a special team to nab the assailant at the earliest," Rajappa said.

The CCTV camera footage, obtained by the police from the bank, shows the unmasked assailant entering the kiosk when Jyothi was before the ATM to draw cash, and threatening her after pulling down the shutter from inside.
The CCTV camera footage, obtained by the police from the bank, shows the unmasked assailant entering the kiosk when Jyothi was before the ATM to draw cash, and threatening her after pulling down the shutter from inside.

"As seen in the footage, the assailant took out a country pistol and a machete from a shoulder bag and asked Jyothi to draw cash from the ATM. When she tried to escape, he pushed her to a corner and hit her on the head with a machete. After checking her bag, he left the kiosk by again pulling down its shutter from outside," Rajappa described after viewing the footage.

The ATM kiosk is located on the ground floor of the LIC building diagonally opposite the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike head office in the Corporation Circle and a furlong from the Ulsoor Gate police station.

"As the assailant did not wear any mask and is clearly seen in the footage, we have circulated his photo to all police stations and check-posts to trap him before he gets out of the city. We are hopeful of cracking the case," Rajappa added.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

On this day in 2011: Yakubu steals six-goal show for 10-man Blackburn

Looking back at Premier League history, we recall when Yakubu helped 10-man Blackburn hild Wigan rifles through the annals of the Barclays Premier League to find significant events.

19 November 2011 – Wigan Athletic 3-3 Blackburn Rovers

Yakubu Ayegbeni converted a penalty in the ninth minute of stoppage time, awarded for a foul on his own goalkeeper Paul Robinson, to earn Blackburn Rovers a dramatic point at the DW Stadium.
"If we carry on playing like that then we won’t be in the position we're in right now"
Roberto Martinez, Wigan
Robinson had come forward for a corner but was kicked in the head by David Jones and Yakubu took the chance to level the scores from the resultant spot-kick.
Wigan had looked set to end a run of eight successive Barclays Premier League defeats, nine in all competitions, after they had led 2-1 and 3-2 but the draw ensured they stayed bottom of the table, a place and point behind Rovers.
Blackburn had arrived only 50 minutes before kick-off in this Lancashire derby but were quickly into their stride as they took the lead after just 68 seconds, Yakubu chipping the ball over Ali Al-Habsi, after Steven Nzonzi had flicked on a long ball. It was the Nigerian's 100th league goal in England.
Wigan levelled in the seventh minute, when Jordi Gomez scored from 20 yards, and went ahead with a Steven Caldwell header in the 32nd minute.
Morten Gamst Pedersen had hit a post at the other end in between those goals and Rovers' task looked harder when David Dunn was sent off for a second yellow card after fouling Mohamed Diame just after half-time.
But the visitors equalised on the hour when Junior Hoilett headed home a cross from Pedersen, who had appeared to dribble the ball straight from a corner, but it was revealed that it already been taken unbeknown to the Wigan team.
Substitute Albert Krusat restored Wigan's lead with a 20-yard shot in the 88th minute before Yakubu's rescue act.
Wigan manager Roberto Martinez said: "The performance was magnificent. We did enough to win the game comfortably. If we carry on playing like that then we won’t be in the position we're in right now."
Blackburn manager Steve Kean lauded his team's never-say-die attitude.
"It tells you everything about the spirit at this club that we twice came from behind to earn a point," he said. "The lads just don't stop, they keep working and there were some outstanding performances."
Wigan managed to survive relegation as they finished the campaign in 15th place but Blackburn did go down after finishing 19th.

2014 World Cup: Frustration for Barclays Premier League stars

There was frustration for a large number of players from the Barclays Premier League in the first legs of their European play-offs for the FIFA 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil.

Greece 3-1 Romania

West Ham United defender Razvan Rat captained Romania as they went down 3-1 in Athens, with Konstantin Mitroglou scoring twice for Greece. Fulham midfielder Giorgios Karagounis was a 77th-minute substitute for Greece, while Manchester City goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon remained on Romania’s bench.

Iceland 0-0 Croatia

Tottenham Hotspur’s Gylfi Sigurdsson and Cardiff City’s Aron Gunarsson both played the whole match for Iceland, who were reduced to 10 men against a Croatia side for whom Southampton’s Dejan Lovren was an unused substitute.

Ukraine 2-0 France

A France team that included eight Barclays Premier League players in Kiev have it all to do in Paris on Tuesday after this defeat. Roman Zozulia put Ukraine ahead and Arsenal defender Laurent Koscielny conceded the penalty for Ukraine’s second goal by Andriy Yarmolenko and will miss the second leg after receiving a red card towards the end of the match.
Also starting for France were Hugo Lloris (Spurs), Mathieu Debuchy, Loic Remy (both Newcastle United), Patrice Evra (Manchester United), Samir Nasri (France), Olivier Giroud (Arsenal), while Moussa Sissoko replaced club-mate Remy in the 62nd minute. Among France’s unused substitutes were Gael Clichy (Manchester City), Bacary Sagna (Arsenal), Mamadou Sakho (Liverpool) and Yohan Cabaye (Newcastle).

Portugal 1-0 Sweden

Manchester United winger Nani played the whole match as Portgual claimed victory with a late goal from Cristiano Ronaldo. For Sweden, there were four Barclays Premier League players in the starting XI: Martin Olsson (Norwich City), Sebastian Larsson (Sunderland), Johan Elmander (Norwich), Alexander Kacaniklic (Fulham). West Bromwich Albion defender Jonas Olsson remained on the Sweden bench.

World Cup qualifying results

15 November

Europe play-off first leg
Greece 3-1 Romania
Iceland 0-0 Croatia
Portugal 1-0 Sweden
Ukraine 2-0 France

Selected international friendly results

Argentina 0-0 Ecuador
Czech Republic 2-0 Canada
England 0-2 Chile
Italy 1-1 Germany
Jamaica 0-1 Trinidad & Tobago
Rep of Ireland 3-0 Latvia
Scotland 0-0 United States
Turkey 1-0 Northern Ireland

Shaker Aamer, Last Brit In Guantanamo Bay Says Leave Us To Die In Peace, Or Tell The Truth

haker Aamer, the last British prisoner being held at Guantanamo Bay, has called for authorities to "let the world come and visit" to allow people to see how inmates are treated "like slaves".
Speaking out from his prison cell for the first time since he was incarcerated in 2002, Aamer said: "You cannot walk even half a metre without being chained. Is that a human being? That's the treatment of an animal."
SEE ALSO: Have I Lost Hope At Guantanamo?

Shouting from his cell, in a programme broadcast by CBS's 60 Minutes, he said: "Tell the world the truth ... Please, we are tired. Either you leave us to die in peace - or either tell the world the truth. Open up the place. Let the world come and visit. Let the world hear what's happening.
shaker aamer
Shaker Aamer pictured with his two children

"Please colonel, act with us like a human being, not like slaves."
Aamer, one of 164 prisoners at Guantanamo, has been held for 11 years without charge and is accused of being a close associate of Osama bin Laden, which he denies.
He has been cleared for transfer by both the Bush and Obama administrations, according to Reprieve, the legal charity and human rights group which is representing him.
Earlier this year, Prime Minister David Cameron raised Aamer's case with President Barack Obama at a G8 summit and the British government has repeatedly stated that it wants him returned to the UK.
Despite having British residency and a British wife and four children living in Battersea, London, US authorities have repeatedly threatened to send him back to Saudi Arabia, his birthplace, against his wishes.
Clive Stafford Smith, his lawyer and Reprieve's director, told CBS that Aamer has agreed to whatever conditions the British government want to put on him if he was released, "because he has nothing to hide".
He said: "What I have said and what Shaker has said for years is that if you have got an allegations against him, put up or shut up."
SEE ALSO: Clive Stafford Smith on why he held a hunger strike over Shaker Aamer

shaker aamer
Shaker Aamer has been imprisoned since 2002

Commenting on why Aamer is still being held despite being cleared to leave, he said: "I think it is a fascinating question and I would love a little more transparency.
"I wish someone official would give me an explanation and they won't. No one will say why they won't let him go."
In a statement Mr Stafford Smith said: "CBS' show gives a very rare and very shocking glimpse inside Guantanamo Bay. Everyone in the prison - the guards and the men - is suffering horribly, day after day.
"Obama must fulfil his promise to close the prison and Shaker Aamer must come home to his family in the UK, which is what David Cameron has said he wants."
Aamer was detained in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2001 after he went to the country to carry out voluntary work for an Islamic charity, Reprieve said.
It is alleged that he was tortured at the Bagram Air Force base while being questioned by US forces and in February 2010 it emerged that the Metropolitan police was investigating allegations of MI5 complicity in his torture.
A spokesman for the Foreign Office said: "Mr Aamer's case remains a high priority for the UK government and we continue to make clear to the US that we want him released and returned to the UK as a matter of urgency.
"The Prime Minister raised Mr Aamer's case with President Obama during the G8 in Northern Ireland in June. The Prime Minister later wrote to President Obama reaffirming the importance the UK places on the request for Mr Aamer's release.
"The Deputy Prime Minister went on to raise Mr Aamer's case with Vice-President Biden in September. We are confident that the US government understands the seriousness of the UK's request for Mr Aamer's release.
"Any decision regarding Mr Aamer's release ultimately remains in the hands of the United States government. We continue to monitor Mr Aamer's welfare through engagement with the US authorities."

Teacher, Mark Berndt, Pleads Guilty To Feeding Students Semen-Laced Cookies In Los Angeles School

An American teacher is to be jailed after admitting blindfolding his students and feeding them cookies laced with his own semen.
Mark Berndt, 62, pleaded guilty to 23 crimes committed at the Miramonte Elementary School in Los Angeles against 30 pupils over two decades, reports AP.
Berndt referred to his vile crimes as "tasting games".
mark berndt

Mark Berndt will likely be sentenced to 25 years
All of the pupils affected are now in therapy and some have developed eating disorders, reports the Daily Mail.
John Manly, an attorney who represents 30 of Berndt's students and their parents, said: "He's going to jail essentially for the rest of his life
"You can't ask for more than that."
"For all intents and purposes, this man murdered these children emotionally."
Berndt was exposed after a drugstore photo technician noticed photos of blindfolded third-graders (8-9 years of age) that were amongst photos submitted by the teacher for developing.
He was reported to police who found a plastic spoon with traces of semen on a classroom bin.
He was removed from his post in 2011.
It later transpired complaints against him had been ignored leading to an overhaul in how LA schools dealt with allegations of sexual abuse.
Another teacher from the school, Martin Springer, is awaiting trial after being charged with lewd acts on a child in a case involving a second-grader.

Joanna Dennehy Pleads Guilty To Murdering Three Men Found Stabbed And Left In Ditches

A female serial killer has pleaded guilty to murdering three men before dumping their bodies in ditches.
Joanna Dennehy admitted killing Kevin Lee, 48, Lukasz Slaboszewski, 31, and John Chapman, 56, who were found with multiple stab wounds between March and April.
The 30-year-old from Peterborough also pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to the attempted murders of another two men, Robin Bereza and John Rogers.

Lukasz Slaboszewski (left) and John Chapman
Dennehy's shock guilty pleas left the oak-panelled courtroom stunned.
Her barrister, Nigel Lickley QC, said: "The course of the arraignment is not one we had anticipated."
Dennehy, who appeared in the dock in a white shirt with a star tattooed under her right eye, told the judge, Mr Justice Sweeney: "I've pleaded guilty, and that's that."
joanna dennehy serial killer

Kevin Lee
She also admitted "preventing the lawful and decent burial" of all three murder victims.
The killer, who was flanked in the dock by security guards, appeared alongside her boyfriend Gary Richards, who denied three charges of preventing burial and the two attempted murders.
Bald-headed Richards, who is 7ft 3in tall, is also known as Gary Stretch.

Joanna Dennehy
Dennehy was caught after a manhunt, during which police distributed her picture and described her distinctive tattoo.
Two other defendants appeared at the hearing by videolink.
Leslie Layton, 36, of Bifield, Orton Goldhay, pleaded not guilty to perverting the course of justice at an earlier hearing, while Robert Moore, 55, of Belvoir Way, Peterborough, denied assisting an offender.
Police launched a nationwide appeal to find Dennehy following the murders.
They urged members of the public not to approach her and described her as having "a very distinctive green tattoo on her right cheek, beneath her eye".
She lived in the Peterborough area at around the times of the killings.
Lee, 48, was found in a ditch in Newborough, Cambridgeshire, on March 30. He died from stab wounds to the chest.
Slaboszewski, 31, was stabbed in the heart and Chapman, 56, was stabbed in the neck and chest. They were found at nearby Thorney Dyke on April 3.

Angelina Jolie Pays Tribute To Late Mother In Governors Award Speech

angelina jolie governors award speech
Angelina Jolie accepts her award at the 2013 Governors Awards on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013.
Angelina Jolie, who won Best Supporting Actress for the 1999 film "Girl, Interrupted," was honored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences again on Saturday night with an honorary Oscar. Jolie was given the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the 2013 Governors Awards, an honor bestowed upon those in Hollywood "whose humanitarian efforts have brought credit to the industry." (Past winners include Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Lewis, Paul Newman, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor.)
"It's quite overwhelming," Jolie said when accepting her award, before reciting an elegant acceptance speech that included mention of Louis Zamperini, the World War II veteran and former POW who is the subject of Jolie's next film, her family (Brad Pitt and son Maddox Jolie-Pitt were in the audience) and her mother. "She wasn't really the best critic since she never had anything unkind to say, but she did give me love and confidence," Jolie said of her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who died in 2007 after battling ovarian cancer. "Above all, she was very clear that nothing would mean anything if I didn't live a life of use to others. And I didn't know what that meant for a long time. [...] It was only when I began to travel and look and live beyond my home that I understand my responsibility to others."

Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be The Democratic Presidential Nominee

The biggest problem in the U.S. now is corruption. The public know this, and are therefore unprecedentedly cynical about their government; they (as will soon be documented here from a Gallup survey) overwhelmingly view our government as being corrupt. However, conservatives accept corruption as the natural order of things, something that must simply be accepted, because the rich have the most property to protect and therefore (in the view of conservatives) the rich have the right to rule so as to protect their property (since they have the most of it). Furthermore, conservatives think that the rich have earned their wealth by selling what people want, and have therefore already proven their superiority -- they've earned their control over the government. In the view of conservatives, poor people have the least property to protect, and should therefore have the least say in government. The poor are also failures economically; nobody wants to be poor; and so conservatives are doubly favorable towards rule by the rich. However, conservatives rarely vote Democratic; so, the people who don't mind our government's corruption aren't actually prospective voters for the Democratic Presidential nominee in 2016 anyway. The Democratic Party thus should simply ignore those voters, because they belong, unalterably, to the Republican Party.

Non-conservatives ("liberals"), however, don't think that the only role of government is to protect wealth; so, since Democrats are overwhelmingly not conservatives, they overwhelmingly do find disturbing that their government is corrupt, and they are therefore much more disinclined to vote for a corrupt person than non-Democrats are. Thus, if the Democratic Party were to nominate a corrupt person to represent the Party in the 2016 Presidential election, voter-turnout for the Democrat against the Republican would be significantly depressed by that fact. The Republican Party can safely nominate a corrupt person (it won't depress their vote), but the Democratic Party simply cannot safely do that. For example, Barack Obama wasn't clearly corrupt until he became President; if the public had known back then that he's corrupt, John McCain might have beaten him, instead of having been beaten by him. Hillary Clinton has a clearly corrupt record, but Barack Obama, back then, simply did not. Obama's record was ambiguous. This was crucial to Obama's victory.

Now will be presented the latest of the many surveys that show that the U.S. Government is widely recognized by the American people to be corrupt: A Gallup poll issued on 18 October 2013, was headlined "Government Corruption Viewed as Pervasive Worldwide," and Gallup buried near the end of it in a table (and they didn't even make note of the fact) showing that among the 129 countries that they surveyed, each of which nation had over a thousand citizens answering their poll in each given country, the United States was viewed by its citizens as being even a bit more corrupt than the people elsewhere in the world viewed their own country. 73% of Americans said "Yes" when asked: "Is corruption widespread throughout the government in the United States?" The people in only 62 other nations answered "Yes" at an even higher rate than 73%, so citizens in the U.S. are actually slightly more cynical about our government than citizens worldwide are about theirs. (Gallup also reported that countries that had a controlled press weren't able to fool their publics, who recognized their government's corruption notwithstanding the controlled press' trying to hide it. Corruption-perceptions were unaffected by press freedom or lack thereof.)

Although Republicans and other conservatives might not be terribly disturbed that the U.S. Government is corrupt (and they therefore aren't so opposed to "corporate lobbyists," the Supreme Court's Republican-majority "Citizens United" decision in 2010, etc.), the people who vote for a Democratic Presidential nominee are very disturbed by our government's corruption; and those people will be turned off to a Democratic Presidential nominee if that nominee becomes exposed, during the 2016 Presidential campaign, to have a clear record of corruption. Republicans won't be voting for the Democratic nominee anyway, but non-Republicans will at least consider voting for that person; and, if that nominee becomes exposed during the campaign to have a long record of corruption, then the turnout of voters for that person will be significantly reduced on Election Day, because non-Republicans do care, a lot, about whether or not a particular nominee is corrupt. Although Republicans might not be disturbed at all to know that a political candidate is controlled by the super-rich (and Romney's voters certainly did not care), non-Republicans will be very disturbed if they find that a Democratic candidate is corrupt. These voters will be disheartened to know that both of the major parties' Presidential candidates are corrupt. Especially after America's experience of the 2008 collapse, the TARP, and the lies by the G.W. Bush Administration about "Saddam's WMD," etc., the public's finding out that both parties have corrupt nominees to become President will depress the Democratic vote far more than it will depress the Republican vote.

Consequently, it makes no sense at all for a Democrat who has an extensive and incontrovertible record of corruption to be chosen by Democratic voters in the 2016 primaries to become the person who will represent the Democratic Party in the general election contest against the Republican nominee. If Democratic primary voters don't learn of their nominee's corruption before the primaries, then the Democratic Party could well end up being stuck, in the general election, with a nominee who will be extremely vulnerable to the Republican Party's exposure of that person's corrupt record, during the general-election campaign.

Hillary Clinton's corruption thus far has not been exposed by the Republican Party, because they've had no need to do so: she hasn't been the Democratic nominee for President. But there is also another important reason:

The Republican Party is naturally reluctant to expose a Democratic politician's corruption if the chief beneficiaries of it have been major Republican donors. For example, Wall Street has benefited enormously from Obama's protection; like he told Wall Street's chieftains in a private meeting at the White House, on 27 March 2009, "My administration ... is the only thing between you and the pitchforks." Obama was courting there the very same people who had donated a far higher percentage of the McCain campaign's cash than they had donated of the Obama campaign's cash; Obama might have been aiming to pull more of their money his way next time; but, in 2012, Wall Street went overwhelmingly for Romney, because Romney was offering them an even better deal than Obama did. Republicans won't accuse Obama of corruption that benefits their own big donors. For example, how would the Republican Party have been able to attack Obama for his corruption, if their own nominee, Romney, was an even bigger sell-out to those very same donors? Consequently, the Republican Party has instead accused Obama only of alleged "corruption" to environmental industries, such as solar-power firms, irrespective of whether any corruption at all was actually involved there.

It is likely to be different if Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee. In one important respect, however, she is just like Obama: her corruption has been chiefly in service to big Republican donors. Ever since her husband entered the White House in 1993 with that strategy, it has been the dominant strategy for major Democratic Presidential aspirants; Hillary's corruption in shaping her health-care plan to benefit the private HMO industry, and Bill's corruption shaping his deregulation of Wall Street to benefit Citigroup and other Wall Street titans, has been a winning political strategy. Obama has merely been doing what Hillary would have been doing if she had become the President. In that sense, they are virtually the same. But here is how the situation would be different if Hillary Clinton would become the Democratic Party's nominee for the Presidency in 2016:

Hillary has an established record, whereas Obama did not. It is a corrupt record (even more corrupt than her husband's); and here it is:

I'll start with the credit-card industry's passage of "bankruptcy reform," which was finally voted on in the U.S. Senate on 10 March 2005, while Hillary was the junior Senator from New York. This legislation had begun when Republicans pushed for it under her husband, who clearly and vigorously opposed it. (His wife was typically more conservative than he; and it was so in this case.)

Just before George W. Bush entered office, the AP headlined on 20 December 2000, "Clinton Vetoes Bankruptcy Bill," and reported that President Bill Clinton did so "because he said it was unfair to ordinary debtors and working families who fall on hard times. ... The president said the bill would allow debtors who own expensive homes to shield their mansions from creditors while debtors with moderate incomes, especially renters, must ... comply with rigid payment plans. ... 'This loophole for the wealthy is fundamentally unfair and must be closed,' Bill Clinton said." Then G.W. Bush became President instead of Al Gore, the U.S. public elected a Republican Congress in 2002, and so the Republicans had their way. Hillary Clinton was planning to run for the Presidency in 2008 and she wanted to have Wall Street's backing. 17 Democratic Senators voted outright in favor of this Republican legislation, in order to be able to raise enough campaign cash from the banksters so as to retain their Senate seats. The Democratic 2008 Presidential contenders Senators Chris Dodd and Barack Obama, unlike Senator Hillary Clinton, voted against this Republican bill. Senator Joe Biden was amongst the 17 Democratic whores who voted in favor of it, and this alone should have disqualified him from consideration to become the Democratic Presidential nominee, except that he virtually had to vote for it because he represented Delaware and thus relied especially heavily on credit card companies to finance his campaigns.

This is how anti-abortion murderers and CEO crooks finally secured all their sought-for exemptions from "bankruptcy reform," which offered only Republican "tough love" for the middle class and poor - and an outright kick in the teeth to people bankrupted by medical bills, by job loss, or by divorce, the three biggest causes of bankruptcies, which studies showed accounted for almost all filings. (In fact, nearly half of all personal bankruptcies were due simply to medical expenses; and because of this new law, most of those cases would henceforth produce something akin to slavery capping the patient's misery.) Still, a large share of the total dollars involved in bankruptcy cases were assets held by the very few super-rich going bankrupt, and the Republican "bankruptcy reform" protected those bankrupts, so that MBNA and the other banks which had pushed so hard for this legislation received only limited real benefit from it. Perhaps the executives of those banks, who were protecting themselves from risks they were imposing upon others, were even more concerned to protect themselves in the event that they might need bankruptcy protection themselves, than they were to enhance the bottom lines of the companies they managed. This was a failure of their fiduciary obligations.

On 30 September 2002, BusinessWeek reported (p. 112), concerning the new U.S. bankruptcy law that seemed about to be passed in a Republican Congress and supported by the Republican President, "The legislation is especially harsh on lower-income debtors."

The lobbyists who actually shape - if not write - the laws, are hired by the relatively few people who have the financial wherewithal to employ lobbyists' services. Those lobbyists are real soldiers in this authentic class war. And most of the other real soldiers consist of the think tanks (like the Heritage Foundation, and the American Enterprise Institute), and the numerous political action committees, that the conservative rich hire to indoctrinate, and to pump money into, the election campaigns of their supportive politicians.

For example, was it pure coincidence that the biggest single contributor, at $240,675, to the G.W. Bush 2000 Presidential campaign, was MBNA Corp., the bank that lobbied the hardest for this bankruptcy "reform" bill? (Enron gave Bush less in that campaign, but was his top career giver, because Enron had financed Bush's Texas rise.) Was it coincidence that, in addition, MBNA's CEO, Charles Cawley, personally raised $369,156 from others for Bush? Another MBNA executive, Lance Weaver, was also a Bush "Ranger," having raised over $200,000 for Bush. After all, Bush's Democratic predecessor, President Clinton, had vetoed similar Republican legislation. But, ironically, the corruptors ended up being defeated this time around, by their own internecine war on this matter: when big-business bucks went up against Religious-Right bucks and votes, the whole deal crumbled. It turned out that violent anti-abortion protesters were seeking a special exemption in the new bankruptcy bill, to protect their assets from bankruptcy seizure by their victims (such as by abortion-doctors they shoot), but the banks (allied with Democrats on this point) opposed such an exemption. The Religious Right, and big business, customary allies, split here, and so the entire bill bombed.

However, this legislation was revived after Republicans increased their majority in the Senate in 2004, and the biggest barrier to passage in its reincarnation consisted of some of the corrupt executives themselves, who were determined to shield their personal assets from possible civil suits by stockholders and by others, including corporate creditors. Thus, on 2 March 2005, The New York Times headlined "Proposed Law On Bankruptcy Has Loophole: Wealthy Could Shield Many Assets in Trusts." The main sponsor of this revived bill was, of course, a Republican senator, who claimed ignorance of that provision. How odd, then, that his bill would protect banks against only poor deadbeats, while letting the richest ones off. So, whom had these banks been lobbying so hard to protect themselves from? - it was from the kinds of people they never met and didn't want to meet: the middle class and poor. Bankers seemed far less interested in protecting their institutions against people such as themselves. After all, they're God's People; and, as for debtors who might have to lose their homes in order simply to pay catastrophic medical bills, or whatever - God is evidently not so fond of those people anyway. Thus, on 8 March 2005, the U.S. Senate voted 53 to 46 to defeat a proposed Democratic amendment which would have removed the bill's shield for anti-abortion murderers. Republican Senator Orrin Hatch called this amendment a "poison pill" aimed solely to protect deadbeats by blocking passage of "bankruptcy reform." The next day, another Democratic amendment aimed to preserve a longstanding bankruptcy provision, which even the SEC acknowledged to be necessary in order to prohibit corruption by investment banks in certain bankruptcy cases. As the Washington Post headlined March 10th, "Senate Delays Action on Bankruptcy: Bipartisan Amendment Would Limit Advice By Investment Banks." It reported, "Earlier yesterday, five other proposed changes to the bill were voted down. ... [Among the] amendments that were defeated, largely along party lines, [was one] would have given elderly people more protection to keep their homes during bankruptcy."

Passage of this bill, and its signing into law by President Bush, represented Republican victory at the end of a lengthy campaign by large banks against their non-wealthy customers. The final version of this bill passed the U.S. Senate on 10 March 2005, vote #44, at 6:12 PM, and 74 Senators voted for it, and only 25 voted against it -- all 25 were Democrats (see this record of the roll-call vote:

Each and every Republican in the U.S. Senate voted for it. The only Senator who avoided voting was the Wall Street Democrat Hillary Clinton, who was the only one of the 100 U.S. Senators shown as "Not Voting" on this legislation - so that it could pass but without her vote being recorded on it. Even the senior Senator from her own state of NY, Chuck Schumer, who was well known to support Wall Street on almost everything, voted "Nay" on this monstrosity against the middle class. There were 54 Republicans in the U.S. Senate, and 54 of them voted "Yea" on this. There were 45 Democrats: 19 were "Yea," 25 "Nay," and 1 "Not Voting." There was one Independent Senator (former Republican James Jeffords of Vermont): 1 "Yea." So, on this bill, which had 100% Republican support, and which was opposed by 25 of the 45 Democrats, or by 56% of the Democrats, Hillary was a no-show.

On 28 August 2006, the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition headlined "Senator Hillary Clinton: All Show and no Substance," and the well known government whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, along with the organization's board member William Weaver, condemned her as: "an elected senator who has served six years in her seat, never taking a strong stand in support of her constituents on any serious or controversial issue; a senator who has used her record-breaking TV public appearances to say 'nothing' ... an elected official who has no record of conducting investigations into cases that are matters of great concern to her constituents and to our country ... a politician who has spent all her focus and energy on a campaign of shallow publicity glitz." Examples cited included James J. DiGeorgio and Carl Steubing, who "were subjected to illegal drug experimentation by employees of the Stratton Veterans Affairs Center in Albany, New York; killed by servants of the very government they fought to protect. Scores of other veterans were injured in these experiments. ... Between 2000 and June 2006, numerous contacts with Senator Hillary Clinton over the Stratton tragedy went unacknowledged, or glossed over. ... No less than five Clinton staff members heard presentations and received documentation about the experiments, and Senator Clinton is personally aware of the detailed facts of the case. This personal knowledge did not translate into action. ... Senator Clinton's failure concerning Stratton is not an isolated event; it is part of a pattern of studious avoidance of principled action in the face of serious government misconduct, and the refusal to come to the aid of those people who expose the misconduct." Among the cases also discussed were: Bunnatine Greenhouse, Sergeant Samuel Provance, and Russ Tice - some of the most egregious examples of whistleblowers whom the Bush Administration wronged. Hillary Clinton bent so far backward to win the support of Republicans, that she should have made a Yoga video, but all that she thereby gained (besides support from a large number of Democratic fools who believed - if they believed in anything - that win-at-all-costs was what politics was all about, and that democratic principles don't really exist) was increased contempt from Republicans.

Click on this, and you'll see who owns Hillary Clinton; it's what you would expect from what I've just reported. But if you're too tired to click, here it is, pasted below:
Here is the similar list for Elizabeth Warren:
Obviously, no one is owned by such organizations as Emily's List,, Harvard University, and MIT. However, Emily's List is now committed to Hillary Clinton, because they're purely female-sexist and want only to be with any "winner" who is female and not Republican; all that they care about is the two X chromosomes and the "Democrat" label. But, at least, Wall Street is nowhere to be found there. Perhaps the question is: If Wall Street doesn't want her in the White House, do we? My answer to that one is easy: YES!

Hillary's corruption goes beyond that, however.

When a fascist putsch, a coup d'etat, overthrew at gunpoint the popular progressive democratic President of Honduras on 28 June 2009, and all countries of the world except Israel and the United States promptly declared the junta-installed government illegitimate, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to join all other nations in rejecting the fascist regime. As I previously reported this matter in detail, the U.S. Ambassador to Honduras told her in a cable, that President Manuel Zelaya had been illegally replaced by the junta-appointed stooge Roberto Michelettti, yet she still refused. The Ambassador's urging to her said: "The actions of June 28 can only be considered a coup d'etat. ... It bears mentioning that, whereas the resolution [by the junta] adopted June 28 refers only to Zelaya, its effect was to remove the entire executive branch. ... His forced removal by the military was clearly illegal, and [puppett-leader Roberto] Micheletti's ascendance as 'interim president' was totally illegitimate." However, instead, she joined with then-Senator Jim DeMint (now head of the Heritage Foundation and the chief sponsor of the political career of Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz) in propping up the fascist regime. Promptly Honduras descended into hell, suddenly having the world's highest murder-rate, and becoming a haven of narco-trafficking. What was Hillary thinking? She expressed contempt for Zelaya, but what was really happening here was that American international companies liked paying their Honduran contractors sub-human wages to workers at their plants in Honduras. The Honduran aristocrats owned those factories, and the U.S. aristocrats shared with them the profits from this "free-market" slavery. What did Hillary care about the ongoing terror, murders, and soaring narco-trafficking?

Furthermore, as I headlined on 11/11/13, "The Kochs Have Bet Big that the Earth Is Doomed," and I documented that the Obama Administration were fighting to help them win that bet. Hillary Clinton had been part of that effort. As I reported on 26 March 2013, Hillary Clinton's State Department produced an environmental impact statement on the Koch-proposed Keystone XL Pipeline that was a triple-hoax: It refused to estimate the impact that the Pipeline would have on global warming; it was itself subcontracted out to an oil company services firm; and that petro-friend subcontractor had no climatologist. The coup de grace of her sell-out on global warming, however, might be this:

On 2 October 2013, Joe Romm at Think Progress headlined "More Bad News For Fracking: IPCC Warns Methane Traps Much More Heat," and he reported that, "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that methane ... is far more potent a greenhouse gas" than previously known, so bad it "would gut the climate benefits of switching from coal." And then, just five days after that stunning report, Jon Campbell in upstate New York headlined "In Oneida County, Hillary Clinton Touts U.S. Oil-and-Gas Production," and he reported that at Hamilton College she praised fracking for methane, by saying, "What that means for viable manufacturing and industrialization in this country is enormous."

People who don't mind being raped might want Hillary Clinton to rule over it, instead of Barack Obama or George W. Bush. But everyone else will instead want to give Elizabeth Warren a chance to prosecute such people and to put a stop to the raping of the public that has now become routine by this nation's aristocracy. When you have the Kochs being served by politicians such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, isn't it time, at long last, for a real change? An authentic change?

Do Democrats want change, or do they want just more of the same? If they want the latter, more corruption, then Hillary Clinton will be a fine choice. Otherwise, they will unite around a progressive 2016 candidate in order to beat her, then beat the Republican nominee, and finally restore democracy to the United States again, with a progressive President in the White House. That will give the nation a President who can use the bully pulpit, because the criminality that has been in charge can finally instead be charged, and most of it will be Republican, which will have them howling and flailing, because the facts will be 100% on the side of that President, no further lies will be necessary in order to win the political battles.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

Ethiopians back from Saudi recall beatings, robbery, jail

When Abdallah Awele moved to Saudi Arabia from Ethiopia last year, he thought he would land a good job and earn enough money to send home to his family.
But instead, Abdallah, 21, said he was beaten, robbed and jailed for living in the country illegally.
"I wanted a good salary and a good life, that's why I crossed the border," he said.
"When I was in Saudi Arabia, I was successful, I was saving a lot of money and I had nice things. But I lost all of it. Now I am home and I won't go back there."
Abdallah was one of at least 23,000 Ethiopians living illegally in Saudi Arabia, and part of a group of close to 400 flown home on Friday after being expelled.
According to Ethiopian officials, three of their nationals were killed this month in clashes with Saudi police as the clampdown -- set in motion after a seven-month amnesty period expired -- got under way.
"I had 3,500 Saudi Arabian riyals (930 dollars, 690 euros). We were taken to prison, I lost my luggage, and all of my money was collected by the police," Abdallah said.
"Even my shoes were collected by the police," he said, speaking barefoot after leaving the airport with about 30 other men.
Abdullah, who had a job guarding animals, was jailed for six months -- during which he said he was denied food and medical help.
"There is a lot of unhappiness in there," he said, showing off scars on the back of his neck.
Facing limited job prospects and harsh economic realities back home, large numbers of Ethiopian men and women head to the oil- and gas-rich Arabian peninsula every year seeking work.
The International Labour Organisation said many face physical and mental abuse, menial pay, discrimination and poor working conditions, and the Ethiopian government announced last month it was banning domestic workers from travelling to the Middle East to look for jobs after widespread reports of mistreatment.
Beatings, robbery, jail
Like Abdullah, Abdurahman Kamal said he too was beaten before being jailed for ten days. His employer revoked his salary and his visa before handing him over to the authorities.
"The police asked for money but at that time I didn't have the money, so the police beat me," said Abdurahman, 21, who worked as a driver.
Now he says he is relieved to be home after three years in Saudi Arabia.
"I get to go back to my family," he said, wearing a torn shirt that revealed his scarred torso.
With 91 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous country in Africa after Nigeria, but also one of the poorest.
Ethiopia's unemployment rate -- 27 percent among women and 13 percent among men, according to the ILO -- is the main driver for young people seeking better opportunities abroad.
The UN refugee agency says that over 51,000 Ethiopians risked their lives this year alone on the risky sea crossing across the Gulf of Aden, where reports are common of ships sinking or refugees drowning after being thrown out too far from the shore.
It was greener pastures that led Ahmed Abduljebar, 25, abroad three years ago. He moved to Yemen to work as a waiter and was arrested when he crossed into Saudi Arabia without a visa.
He said he was robbed and beaten before being jailed for three months, and complained Ethiopian authorities should have responded faster to release Ethiopians from prison.
"The Ethiopian embassy is a very big problem, because it's not protecting Ethiopians," he said. "If you're in prison, no one is asking after you, and they are not collecting you quickly."
Ahmed said while he is happy to be home, he "feels sick" knowing there are still thousands of Ethiopians still in prison.
While they now face the difficult task of finding work at home, they agree they have no plans to return to the site of their nightmare.
"I would never go back again to Saudi Arabia," Abdurahman said.

Youths burn Boko Haram sponsor politician’s house in Maiduguri

vigilante-group-in-kano-nigeria-boko haramVigilantes on Monday torched the home of a senior politician they accuse of supporting Islamic militants in northeast Nigeria, witnesses said.
The arson came as soldiers acting under a state of emergency killed some 40 men accused of belonging to the extremist Boko Haram group on the outskirts of Maiduguri city, according to a soldier who said he participated in the fighting. The soldier requested his name not be used because he is not authorized to speak to reporters.
The arson was the first indication that the vigilantes, who have been arresting alleged extremists and handing them over to the military, could be getting out of control.
Members of the party of the targeted politician and party chairman Mala Othman said opponents used the vigilantes ‘‘to settle cheap political scores’’ in Maiduguri. Neighbors said soldiers smuggled Othman out of the house before it was invaded by scores of young men who set it ablaze.
Soldiers have been guarding the property since 2011, when Othman said he was receiving death threats from Boko Haram. Residents spoke on condition of anonymity, for fear of reprisals.
On Saturday, joint task force spokesman Lt. Col. Sagir Musa told reporters that they were monitoring the vigilantes’ actions to ensure they act within the law.
Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan in May declared a state of emergency, saying the extremists had taken control of some towns and many villages in the northeast. The insurgency poses the greatest security threat in years to Africa’s biggest oil producer and its most populous nation. Boko Haram preaches that Western education, religion and medicine is forbidden.
Some 2,000 people have been killed since 2010.
The military says a joint task force of soldiers, police, customs and immigration officials has the situation under control. But they appear to have chased the militants into mountains dotted with caves, from which they emerge to attack towns and villages.

Many Nigerian ladies will end up singles for life because of some or all of the following reasons

Many Nigerian ladies will end up singles for life because of some or all of the following reasons. It is one person's opinion though, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below..

1. Media Exposure
It is so disheartening how a lady will glue her eyes on a mobile phone from morning to night, only to raise it up to focus on television to watch another celebrity entertainment channel. Tell, what else will dominate this lady’s mindset aside how to live a fake celebrity life being promoted on television channels?

2. Brainwashed
Many African ladies now dislike cooking and home chores just because they had been totally brainwashed by movies showcasing men playing the role of women in a family, and due to excessive exposure to modern media that promotes gender-equality in a destructive way that’s aimed at destroying the unique African family setting that made our previous African marriages everlasting and envious to the westerns. Now, with this attitude, how do you expect a African man to desire to marry when he knows he is only buying more headache and trouble than helper for himself?

3. Excessive Makeup Turns Most Decent And Serious-Minded Men Off
If you have observed, you will discover that most men dislike excessive makeup, and more don’t even like it at all; reason they often times discourage their true loved ones to do away with it cos it speaks ill of a lady even though so many men will applaud and complement you for looking like an Egyptian mummy. A slight makeup is okay; but if you are out for marriage, try always to look simple and natural, it will attract better men, decent and serious-minded, except you are still living in your high school life and not thinking towards marriage.

4. Stop Giving Your Number Out To Every Joystick & Harry
No man would want to propose marriage to a lady whose phone is always talking and laughing with unserious calls. You may not be a playgirl, but he would judge you as one, and will likely flee at the slightest chance or disagreement.

5. You Don’t Bring Any Value Into The Life Of Men You Date or Are Dating
Because your best friend married without contributing anything to the man that finally married her, doesn't mean it will work for you that way. Think, work towards equipping yourself so that you can be a value and also add value to his life to convince him that you are worth committing to. Adding value to his life isn’t by giving him money, or material gifts, nope….good counsels, being his best friend, helping him attain his goals in life, lending him moral, mental and spiritual support, and by not just being a liability that only bring requests and problems to be solved.

6. Your Friends Run Your Life
How do you expect to find a husband when you still allow your clique of friends to be dictating which man you meet is worthy of your love and which is not? When will you wake up and face the fact that those your best friends even though they cherish you, wouldn’t want you to marry before them or to marry the best man?

7. You Give Everything Out During Dating
As a single lady who has not been taken to the altar, you need to reserve some things for your husband to be, especially your body, respect it and preserve it at all cost. In the past, men rushed to marry to get certain things or privileges they had been constantly denied while being single. Such privileges include and not limited to: constant sex and companionship, good food and tidied home, etc. But today, a single man gets even the best and of course more of constant sex, good food and excellent home-keeping more than his married counterparts, so tell me how the hell you want him to desire to marry you when you have given him virtually everything he desires from a wife while being his girlfriend? And the most painful part of it all is that he knows that you are prepared to cut down on s*x supply, cooking, home-keeping, etc once he marries you, so why would he not want you to remain his girlfriend for life?

8. You Package Yourself Wrongly
In your attempt to look sexy, adorable and maybe appealing to guys, you have derailed from appealing to appalling. In fact you look more whorish than modest; more distractive than attractive, and more disgusting than adorable. Your dressing style determines who gets attracted to you most times. If you dress high school, only high school-thinking guys will be attracted to you, and if you dress excessively sexy and provocative, only randy men will come to you for urgent satisfaction of their immediate s*x urge, so don’t be fooled by media hyping of certain kinds of dressing, they are meant for certain set of ladies you wouldn't like to be associated with, be careful. Remember, not all clothes that look sexy are good for a seriously searching for a soul mate single lady.

9. You Lack Manner, Character, Wisdom and Good Upbringing
Definitely, your ‘hot girl’, ‘pretty girl’, ‘sexy girl’ looks will win you so many men; both the good, and the bad, but your inner beauty, your character and manner are the things that will determine whether any of those men would stay or run after accomplishing their evil missions. In order words, do away with nagging, being possessive, challenging with men in negative ways, the mentality of ‘what a man can do a woman can do better’, is a the lie devil has used to deceive and destroy so many ladies today, please do away with it.

I Wish I Knew My Father’–Shan George Laments

The Cross River State-born actress, Shan George, who had her movie debut in ‘Thorns of Rose’ in 1997, has been married twice and has two sons, but she says she can’t stop wondering how her father looked.
The 43 year-old half-caste actress revealed to Showtime Celebrity in an interview saying, ‘I wish I knew my father. I’m the only child of my mother, and my father was a White man. My mum is a very wonderful person, but I guess there is always going to be that part of me that keeps wondering who my father is. I tried several years to trace his whereabouts all to no avail’.
‘Consequently, I travelled to Manchester in search of the man that fathered me. But my mission was not accomplished. I gave up hope of meeting my father at the age of 35.’
So sad!

12 Fish You Should Never, Ever Eat

Steer clear of this seafood that's bad for you and the environment 

By Emily Main, Prevention
 One fish, two fish, bad-for-you-fish. Yes fish, no fish, red fish…OK fish? Our oceans have become so depleted of wild fish stocks, and so polluted with industrial contaminants, that trying to figure out the fish that are both safe and sustainable can make your head spin. "Good fish" lists can change year after year, because stocks rebound or get depleted every few years, but there are some fish that, no matter what, you can always decline. 
 The nonprofit Food and Water Watch looked at all the varieties of fish out there, how they were harvested, how certain species are farmed, and levels of toxic contaminants like mercury or PCBs in the fish, as well as how heavily local fishermen relied upon fisheries for their economic survival. These are the 12 fish, they determined, that all of us should avoid, no matter what. 
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1. Imported Catfish
Why It's Bad:
Nearly 90% of the catfish imported to the US comes from Vietnam, where use of antibiotics that are banned in the U.S. is widespread. Furthermore, the two varieties of Vietnamese catfish sold in the US, Swai and Basa, aren't technically considered catfish by the federal government and therefore aren't held to the same inspection rules that other imported catfish are.
Eat This Instead: Stick with domestic, farm-raised catfish, advises Marianne Cufone, director of the Fish Program at Food & Water Watch. It's responsibly farmed and plentiful, making it one of the best fish you can eat. Or, try Asian carp, an invasive species with a similar taste to catfish that's out-competing wild catfish and endangering the Great Lakes ecosystem.

2. Caviar
Why It's Bad:
 Caviar from beluga and wild-caught sturgeon are susceptible to overfishing, according to the Food and Water Watch report, but the species are also being threatened by an increase in dam building that pollutes the water in which they live. All forms of caviar come from fish that take a long time to mature, which means that it takes a while for populations to rebound. 
Eat This Instead: If you really love caviar, opt for fish eggs from American Lake Sturgeon or American Hackleback/Shovelnose Sturgeon caviar from the Mississippi River system.

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3. Atlantic Cod
Why It's Bad:
 This one was difficult to add to the "dirty dozen list," says Cufone, because it is so vital to the economic health of New England fishermen. "However, chronic mismanagement by the National Marine Fisheries Service and low stock status made it very difficult to recommend," she says. Atlantic cod stocks collapsed in the mid-1990s and are in such disarray that the species is now listed as one step above endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species. 
Eat This Instead: The good news, if you love fish 'n' chips (which is nearly always made with cod), is that Pacific cod stocks are still strong and are one of Food and Water Watch's best fish picks. 
4. American Eel
Why It's Bad:
Also called yellow or silver eel, this fish, which frequently winds up in sushi dishes, made its way onto the list because it's highly contaminated with PCBs and mercury. The fisheries are also suffering from some pollution and overharvesting.
Eat This Instead: If you like the taste of eel, opt for Atlantic- or Pacific-caught squid instead.
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5. Imported Shrimp
Why It's Bad:
Imported shrimp actually holds the designation of being the dirtiest of the Dirty Dozen, says Cufone, and it's hard to avoid, as 90% of shrimp sold in the U.S. is imported. "Imported farmed shrimp comes with a whole bevy of contaminants: antibiotics, residues from chemicals used to clean pens, filth like mouse hair, rat hair, and pieces of insects," Cufone says. "And I didn't even mention things like E. coli that have been detected in imported shrimp." Part of this has to do with the fact that less than 2% of ALL imported seafood (shrimp, crab, catfish, or others) gets inspected before its sold, which is why it's that much more important to buy domestic seafood. (Still need convincing? Find out the Top 5 Reasons You Should Never Eat Shrimp Again.)
Eat This Instead: Look for domestic shrimp. Seventy percent of domestic shrimp comes from the Gulf of Mexico, which relies heavily on shrimp for economic reasons. Pink shrimp from Oregon are another good choice; the fisheries there are certified under the stringent Marine Stewardship Council guidelines. 
6. Atlantic Flatfish
Why It's Bad:
 This group of fish includes flounder, sole, and halibut that are caught off the Atlantic coast. They found their way onto the list because of heavy contamination and overfishing that dates back to the 1800s. According to Food and Water Watch, populations of these fish are as low as 1% of what's necessary to be considered sustainable for long-term fishing.

Eat This Instead:
Pacific halibut seems to be doing well, but the group also recommends replacing these fish with other mild-flavored white-fleshed fish, such as domestically farmed catfish or tilapia.
7. Atlantic Salmon (both wild-caught and farmed)
Why It's Bad:
 It's actually illegal to capture wild Atlantic salmon because the fish stocks are so low, and they're low, in part, because of farmed salmon. Salmon farming is very polluting: Thousands of fish are crammed into pens, which leads to the growth of diseases and parasites that require antibiotics and pesticides. Often, the fish escape and compete with native fish for food, leading to declines in native populations. Adding to our salmon woes, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is moving forward with approving genetically engineered salmon to be sold, unlabeled, to unsuspecting seafood lovers. That salmon would be farmed off the coast of Panama, and it's unclear how it would be labeled. Currently, all fish labeled "Atlantic salmon" come from fish farms. 
Eat This Instead: Opt for wild Alaskan salmon now, and in the event that GE salmon is officially approved.

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8. Imported King Crab
Why It's Bad:
 The biggest problem with imported crab is that most of it comes from Russia, where limits on fish harvests aren't strongly enforced. But this crab also suffers from something of an identity crisis, says Cufone: "Imported king crab is often misnamed Alaskan king crab, because most people think that's name of the crab," she says, adding that she's often seen labels at supermarkets that say "Alaskan King Crab, Imported." Alaskan king crab is a completely separate animal, she says, and it's much more responsibly harvested than the imported stuff. 
Eat This Instead: When you shop for king crab, whatever the label says, ask whether it comes from Alaska or if it's imported. Approximately 70% of the king crab sold in the U.S. is imported, so it's important to make that distinction and go domestic.
9. Shark
Why It's Bad:
Problems associated with our eating too many sharks happen at all stages of the food chain, says Cufone. For one, these predatory fish are extremely high in mercury, which poses threats to humans. But ocean ecosystems suffer, too. "With fewer sharks around, the species they eat, like cownose rays and jellyfish, have increased in numbers," Cufone says. "And the rays are eating--and depleting--scallops and other fish." There are fewer of those fish in the oceans for us to eat, placing an economic strain on coastal communities that depend on those fisheries.

Eat this instead:
 Among the recommendations for shark alternatives are Pacific halibut and Atlantic mackerel.

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10. Orange Roughy
Why It's Bad:
 In addition to having high levels of mercury, orange roughy can take between 20 and 40 years to reach full maturity and reproduces late in life, which makes it difficult for populations to recover from overfishing. Orange roughy has such a reputation for being overharvested that some large restaurant chains, including Red Lobster, refuse to serve it. However, it still pops up in grocer freezers, sometimes mislabeled as "sustainably harvested." There are no fisheries of orange roughy that are considered well-managed or are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council, so avoid any that you see.

Eat This Instead:
Opt for yellow snapper or domestic catfish to get the same texture as orange roughy in your recipes.
11. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Why It's Bad:
A recent analysis by The New York Times found that Atlantic bluefin tuna has the highest levels of mercury of any type of tuna. To top it off, bluefin tuna are severely overharvested, to the point of reaching near-extinction levels, and are considered "critically endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Rather than trying to navigate the ever-changing recommendations for which tuna is best, consider giving it up altogether and switching to a healthy, flavorful alternative, such as Alaska wild-caught salmon.

Eat This Instead:
If you really can't give up tuna, opt for American or Canadian (but not imported!) albacore tuna, which is caught while it's young and doesn't contain as high levels of mercury.
12. Chilean Sea Bass
Why It's Bad:
 Most Chilean sea bass sold in the US comes from fishermen who have captured them illegally, although the US Department of State says that illegal harvesting of the fish has declined in recent years. Nevertheless, fish stocks are in such bad shape that the nonprofit Greenpeace estimates that, unless people stop eating this fish, the entire species could be commercially extinct within five years. Food and Water Watch's guide notes that these fish are high in mercury, as well.

Eat This Instead:
These fish are very popular and considered a delicacy, but you can get the same texture and feel with US hook-and-line-caught haddock.