Wednesday 13 November 2013

Nigerian Women Are Very Beautiful And Captivating By Uzoma Ahamefule

Nigerian actress, Genevieve
Irrespective of the security challenges in Nigeria today, Nigeria remains one of the best places to visit in Africa. It is a blessed country with tourists’ attraction centres. Places like Enugu, Benin, Oguta, Calabar and Jos amongst other numerous cities and states host many museum pieces that are must visits.

Generally, Nigerian people are hospitable and caring. They have a lot of respect for their visitors and try even at their own detriments to satisfy them. It is in their culture. Visit Nigeria and you will see that it is a lovely country with open-minded and friendly people against the reports of western propaganda. But amongst numerous goodies in Nigeria, and today being Mothers Day, this piece is dedicated solely to the hand work of God in the amazing beauty of Nigerian women.

If not for women, the world would be like a well prepared soup without salt. Without them the world is incomplete. They are the joy of the world, specially made and sweet and that was why even where the strongest army failed the beauty and power of a woman with dignity and character conquered. They command a lot of influence. Bring a woman in the midst of men, their bad behavioural attitude changes to better. But the pedigree of some women is impeccable and could be so earth quaking, and some men without guts who feel intimidated to approach them try to slander them with vicious rumours.

Beautiful women are everywhere in the world, but behold, the beauty of womanhood could be in Nigeria because Nigerian women are naturally very beautiful and peaceful. And in case you want to find out yourself, I encourage you to do that but be warned. If you are a man, be spiritually strong before you embark on the curiosity visit to that blessed country for the simple reasons of what your eyes could see, otherwise you could perhaps be consumed helplessly to the lust of your imagination. If you are a woman and a lesbian you may end up in jail if you are not careful since the practice of lesbianism in Nigeria is a crime and the beauty of Nigerian women could be irresistible.

The captivating beauty of Nigerian ladies has in many occasions overwhelmingly swept off the feet of western tourists and made them uncontrollable liars to their partners. While some changed their tourist visas to permanent residence in order to increase the chances of fulfilling that which their eyes had desired, some completely forgot their missions and helplessly broke the heart of their loved ones by breaking their vows.

Because beautiful things and the eyes from creation are magnetically in union, so, be warned, for the power in the beauty of Nigerian women is like the force of a hungry hunting tiger and you cannot ordinarily overcome it without it being a miracle. 

Devoid of taking anything away in women from other countries, when you see a Nigerian woman you will know. By the way she carries herself even from afar should tell you if she is a Nigerian lady. Whether old or young, tall or short, fat or slim she is specially structured and attractive and her swagger is amazing, magnificent and could be pleasantly intimidating. When she walks, she is elegant and a delight to watch. She is full, from up to down, back and front she is complete and well endowed with extraordinary enticing blessings. If a man gets enveloped by what his eyes see in her beauty, his heart is helplessly conquered like Samson and programmed by the manipulation of his own imagination, and whether it is infatuation or true love he is only at the mercy of the woman.

It is not only beauty that attracts men to womenNigerian women are not just only beautiful and romantic but they are equally hard working, industrious and very homely. They know how to take very good care of men and above all, they are very intelligent and that is why they are sought after in the world by men. They are well cultured, and their good hearts in combination with their astonishing beauty could melt the heart of a lion in a man to be vulnerable.

It was the beauty and the charismatic endowments bestowed on Eve that led Adam to damn the consequences of challenging God not to eat the forbidden apple at the centre of Eden. That apple turned out in the world to be the natural sweetest fruit known in the history of mankind. Everybody seems to like to have a taste of it and nobody has ever tasted it without wanting more. This apple is readily available in Nigeria like you can get in the USA, Britain, Germany or Austria etc. But an apple grown in Nigeria is natural and sweeter being a tropical country. It is more expensive in cities like Abuja, Port-Harcourt and Jos etc., but moderate in cities like Lagos, Ijebu, Owerri and Calabar etc.

Visit Nigeria, but behold man, behold woman, be informed, a Nigerian woman is temptingly beautiful, captivating, gorgeous and loving. Her charisma is charming. If you desire her, you must be hopelessly romantic and caring.
When you are back from your trip to Nigeria, perhaps contact me for I am interested in sharing your experience.

The suicide of that rape victim by Ugochukwu Ugwuanyi

In case you missed it, we've been allowed a glimpse into what remains of the life of every female victim of sexual assault. If before now you were beset by curiosity as regards their disposition to life afterwards, your puzzle need not be prolonged for a statement to that effect has been made- an eloquent one for that matter! Yet, for those who have been indifferent to the scourge of rape, it is hoped that the statement made will make them feel different.

It should all the more dawn on the perpetrators, who do not reason beyond their lustful quest to disengage the heat in their groin, that the binge of violation they effect is a stroke that makes their preys

prefer to inhabit the great beyond! Further compounding this absurd preference is the society that instead of providing succour, choose to be vindictive as if the victims are the initiators.

Those who are strong enough, bar all odds to live through the nightmare. Yet, no matter how intrepid they get about it, that urge to end it all never ceases to rear its head from time to time. This is because of the eternal scar our subject-matter bequests on anyone unfortunate enough to be a casualty coupled with how they are treated by us all.

Even as they live with it, their perception of men, romance and relationship get poisoned, such that they fail to believe in love as the force that attracts men to ladies. Instead, they see all advances whether filial or amorous as driven by lust. A survey of commercial sex workers would readily reveal that many of them were led into prostitution by the sexual assault earlier carried out on them, ditto for unapologetic lesbians.

Ladies and gentlemen, pardon me for devoting today's column to this awful practice that has assumed a life in our country and that can now be officially said to consume lives as well. There may be other burning national matters which you think are more deserving of today's space, nonetheless, it cannot but be spared to be used in talking about that abrupt moment of ecstasy which has turned debauched men into dogs going about in search of weaker vessels to get defiled.

We should be incensed to give attention to this menace following the death of 18-year old Janet in Bayelsa state who last Wednesday was confirmed by the police  to have hung herself. This happened barely a week after she was gang-raped by three men. Reports say the rapists forced her at gun point into an uncompleted building where they committed the act. According to family sources, Janet, who was on an errand for her elder sister when the incident happened, got so "sad and devastated" afterwards.

But, who wouldn't be? I'm sure not even call-girls would be pleased to experience this, let alone a lass who may have been reserving her virginity for the right person. She must have resisted every entreaty for her to give away her pride from puberty stage only for her to be raped at age 18. Even if she had lost it, the ordeal of having three men sexually come upon a lady without her consent is one evil that no humane person would wish her worst rival.

Verily, three men cannot forcefully have canal knowledge of a lady in quick succession and not leave her traumatised. Those who get raped by individual males who overpowered them feel so bitter about it, not to take of a young lady whose sexual organ was forced to host three men at a time. But, do the rapists give a hoot? No, they don't! For all that matters is their libido which must be satisfied.

Yet, it isn't as if the satisfaction they derive will last them a lifetime to warrant their throwing caution to the wind. Instead, the pleasure is so short-lived that minutes after they must have climaxed, the urge returns with greater intensity leaving them with no option but to go in search of another prey. What a miserable life to live! In as much as they make life miserable for their preys, they should know that themselves wallow in greater misery. Something akin to the jailer and his inmates.

Yet, this misery precedes the birth pangs for their comeuppance goes beyond that into one that not even life imprisonment can equate. Given that we have a case of Janet's suicide being remotely caused by their horrendous hobby, then should they expect a recompense that transcends them to their generations yet unborn. For it used to be said that the evil that men do lives after them, but may I intimate you that it has changed to: the evil that men do lives with and after them!

I just hope that rapists knew this much before they embarked on their evil act. Assuming they know not, morality and conscience should have refrained them from desecrating their hapless victim to the extent that she would hang herself thereafter. But, we are talking of depraved persons with a dead conscience and to whom morals mean nothing more than just another word.

It was Amit Abraham who once said, “The punishment for rape should be castration." This seems to be a plausible punishment for the offence since it would prevent rapists from having progeny who would suffer for a curse they know nothing about. But I'm afraid this can't obtain here considering the ineptitude of our police. How do you castrate a rapist who is perpetually at large?

There have been countless reported and unreported cases of rape in this part of the world with most of the perpetrators going 'scot free'. Alas, they aren't free. They and theirs are bound by their unjust act of defiling those who are innocent thereby subjecting them to self-slaughter. The rapists should better surrender themselves to be castrated so that they, their offspring and girls generally would have respite.

Considering the dark clouds that the rape (and subsequent deaths) of victims attracts to those involved in the iniquity, one wonders why rapists won't just marry so that they can rape their wives as they so desire. At least, that would have been safer than putting everyone including themselves in harms way.

This is not to say we don't have married men who still engage in the rape of susceptible girls. Such men should not be surprised when their daughters or wives become victims as well. In fact, we should pray for that to be their lot so that they can have a taste of their medicine. Since rapists usually operate in the dark, they may eventually turn out to be those who would inadvertently rape their daughters. And that is very very possible!

The prognosis of the spokesman for Bayelsa police command, Mr Alex Akhigbe, suggests that stigmatization played a major part in the suicide of the deceased. In his words: “I believe the deceased decided to hang herself due to the attendant shame and stigmatisation she experienced after the rape incident.”

This is an indictment on those of us who treat rape victims as lepers. From where I'm standing, persons like this are no better than the rapists. Hence, somebody should tell them to first remove the speck in their eyes before attempting to remove the log from those of rapists or the victims. The truth is that it is such people who make rape cases to grow in leaps.

They do this by giving victims a reason not to tell anyone about their harrowing experience. And when they keep this to themselves, those who commit the crime escape the wrath of the law, thus allowing them go about their distasteful pastime unperturbed. It's one circle that starts and ends with the set of people who love victimising victims of rape.

Now that we have established how they are culpable, the holier-than-thou judges should not close their ears to this screaming statement that Janet's suicide is sounding. They should better give up their inconsiderate stance to allow us treat this rape headache squarely. Their adding more load to the already heavy-laden victims of rape reeks of sheer wickedness.

Finally, we all should do our best in curbing this rape menace that is spoiling to overrun our society. We should strive to abort incidences of rape whenever and wherever we smell it. Also, we should not fail to empathise with the victims. It's imperative for us not to muzzle this final statement from Janet like her harriers silenced her while they took advantage of her. If we do, we'll basically be casting ourselves in the same mould with the rapists.

13-Year-old Boy Shoots His Parents To Death & Grandmother Before Killing Himself

A 13-year-old boy killed his police officer parents as well as his grandmother and great-aunt before spending a full day at school and then taking his own life.
Police believe Marcelo Pesseghini shot each victim in the head with a .40 caliber pistol early Monday morning at the home in Sao Paulo, Brazil, before catching a lift into school with a friend.
The father, Luiz Pesseghini, 40, a police sergeant with 19 years service was found in bed. The mother, Andreia Pesseghini, 30, who had served in the military police for 16 years was found on her knees in the bedroom.
The teenager was found dead from a gunshot to the left temple and his father’s police-issue service revolver was found nearby.
A second gun, a .32 caliber revolver, was found inside the backpack the teenager took to school.
CCTV footage taken from a security camera close to the property in the Brasilândia district in the northern part of São Paulo appears to show him casually walking back home after school.
Everything seems to indicate that Marcelo (Pesseghini) killed his parents and relatives,’ Itagiba Franco, of the Sao Paulo Civilian Police’s homicide department, told a press conference.
Franco said Pesseghini had told a friend he wanted to kill his parents and become a hitman.
‘He always told me he wanted to become a hired killer. He had a plan to kill his parents during the night, so that no one would notice and escape in the parents’ car and live in an abandoned place,’ police quoted the unidentified friend as saying.

80-Year-Old Tried To Shoot Husband, Gun Jammed

Police in Texas said a 73-year-old man’s life was likely saved when the revolver his 80-year-old wife allegedly pressed against his chest jammed.
Fort Worth police spokeswoman Officer, Sharron Neal, said Tempie Strickland and her husband, Sterling Strickland, argued Sunday afternoon about Sterling staying out late and the way he talks to her, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Tuesday.
Tempie Strickland told police she did not want to get into a physical fight with her husband due to his superior size, so she retrieved a revolver from the bedroom, pressed it against his chest and pulled the trigger.
However, the gun jammed and Sterling Strickland was not injured, the report said.
Police said Sterling Strickland asked police not to arrest his wife, but department policy requires officers to make arrests in domestic violence situations if an officer has probable cause to believe an offense took place.
Tempie Strickland was arrested on an attempted murder charge and held in lieu of $100,000 bail.

Comando Brothers: Family Rescues Kidnapped Relative By Storming House, Killing Captor


A family determined to save their kidnapped relative tracked her down to an abandoned Louisiana house, saving her life and killing her captor after she went missing for almost three full days, according to multiple sources.
Bethany Arceneaux, 29, was allegedly abducted Wednesday afternoon in Lafayette by her ex-boyfriend Scott Thomas, also 29, and the father to her 2-year-old son, The Daily Advertiser first reports.
A witness to the abduction, Derrimetrie Robinson, said she saw Arceneaux honking her car horn for help in parking lot as Thomas forced his way into her car and attacked her. When Robinson rushed to the scene, Arceneaux begged the woman to take her son, according to the Advertiser.
Robinson managed to grab the 2-year-old boy during the struggle, as Thomas shoved Arceneaux into his car and sped away, she said.
Later Wednesday evening, police found Thomas’ white Buick near a field.
On Thursday morning, the Lafayette Police Department had little new information about the kidnapping.
Family members began posting fliers of the missing mother and searched surrounding areas, according to the New York Daily News.
“Based off the information officers received at the day care about the way the victim was confronted by Thomas, we believe she may be in a situation where she could be harmed,” spokesman Cpl. Paul Mouton said Thursday as police continued to search.
By dark, the rescue search was called off for the day.
On Friday, as police and family members alike searched near Thomas’ abandoned car, along with areas near his hometown, witnesses gave the family members a tip about a vacant house in a nearby field where the car was located.
Daily Advertiser photographer Leslie Westbrook, who spent much of the day with the family as they searched, was there to capture the intense scenes that soon played out.
A neighborhood resident and another man, along with almost half a dozen members of Arceneaux’s family, took off on four-wheelers towards the house.
As they got closer, family members said they heard the screams of their missing relative begging for help.
The family converged on the house, kicking down the door as Thomas allegedly began stabbing Arceneaux multiple times, according to KLFY, a local news station.
This was not the first time Thomas allegedly abused Arceneaux, but it would be the last.
An armed family member shot Thomas three times, killing him, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Capt. Kip Judice said.
In a chilling photo taken by Westbrook, Bethany is seen, battered and bloodied, being carried to a vehicle by her uncle, Marcus Arceneaux, after the deadly confrontation.
“She’s shook up, she’s sliced up, but she’s all right,” said her brother, Ryan Arceneaux. He and another brother, Kaylyn Alfred, were among the family members who entered the house.
“We found her,” Ryan Arceneaux said. “We went and got her in that house. We kicked doors down.”
The victim was discharged from the hospital Saturday, reunited with her 2-year-old son. She told investigators that while in the abandoned house, she had nothing to eat or drink.
No family member has been charged in the killing of Thomas, and may never be. A state “defense of others” law says homicide can be justified if someone’s life is in danger, local station KATC reported.
“The man began harming her,” Sheriff’s Capt. Kip Judice said. “He [Arceneaux’s family member] did what he needed to do to stop that aggressive behavior from Mr. Thomas. We have to put all the information together before we can comment further on the extent of that confrontation.”
Another brother of the victim, Harold Carter, told The Daily Advertiser that women need to know that “getting back together” with abusive men will lead to serious detriment, and that he felt relieved that “people came out and helped us.”
In June, Arceneaux filed a police complaint saying Thomas locked her in a house and threatened to kill both her and her son.
“He grabbed our son from me and shoved him into the car then got on his knees in front of the cops and said, ‘I swear to God, on all my children, I will kill you,’” Arceneaux said in the report. “Since then, Scott has been riding around my mom’s house and my work looking for me. I am afraid for me and my son’s life.”
In the past, Thomas had choked her, dragged her by her hair and held her and her son hostage, she told officers at the time of a previous incident.
“He keeps threatening to kill us. He put a knife to my neck countless times,” she said in the report.
“She was very afraid of him,” said Arcenaux’s cousin, Dawnetta Roy.

“Why I Slept With My 11-Year-Old Daughter” – 35-Year-Old Man Opens Up To Police In Osun

The Osun State Police Command has arrested a 35-year-old vulcaniser, Ademola Simiyu, of Ile Olode in Ikoyi for allegedly defiling his 11-year-old daughter.


 Simiyu, a father of three, allegedly committed the act on Wednesday, October 23, when he woke up the girl at about 12 midnight while she was sleeping with her siblings and forcefully had carnal knowledge of her.

The suspect was said to have stifled the cries of his daughter by covering her mouth with his palm. The girl reportedly started bleeding heavily but the father refused to take her to the hospital, out of fear of questions that could be raised concerning the bleeding.

But his deeds came out in the open on October 24 when the girl reportedly told her mother what her father did to her during the former’s visit to the girl who had by then fallen sick.

Crime Reports gathered that when the case was reported to the police, detectives immediately took her to the hospital for medical examination and treatment.

When interrogated by the police, Simiyu was said to have confessed to the deeds, saying that he did not know what came over him. He also revealed that he married the girl’s mother in 2000 and they had three children between them but that they had lived apart in the last two years because of a misunderstanding they had, saying that he had been the one taking care of the children.

It was gathered that the medical report indicated that the girl had coital bleeding while vaginal examination revealed laceration in her vaginal wall, with foul smell and discharged altered blood coming from it. The report also indicated that her hymen had been torn and there was tenderness around her vulva and pelvis.

Confirming the incident, the state Police Public Relations Officer, Folasade Odoro, a Deputy Superintendent of Police said that the Commissioner of Police, Dorothy Gimba, had directed that a diligent investigation should be conducted into the case, decrying the high number of defilement and r*pe cases within the society.

Meanwhile, Crime Reports learnt that the suspect had been charged to Court 4, Osogbo Magistrates’ Court on a three-count charge. Though he pleaded not guilty to the charges, the magistrate ordered that he should be remanded in Ilesa prison. The case was adjourned to November 28.

Boy With Huge Tumor Uses Viagra To Shrink Growth

Tumor Boy Homeland Security 

The pill responsible for reinvigorating the s*x lives of thousands could also help give a young boy a chance at a normal life.

Jose Serrano, 10, of Juarez, Mexico has an enormous tumor on his neck that stretches across his chest, inhibits his movement and threatens his life.

The Daily Mail reports that an important part of Serrano’s treatment is taking Viagra, which has been shown to reduce the size of tumors in children. The drug is most commonly prescribed to treat impotence.

The goal is to get the tumor down to a size at which it can be safely operated on and removed. Time is of the essence because the growth forms cysts, some of which are on his lungs and close to his windpipe, the Daily Mail reports.

Serrano’s story is told in a new British show on TLC called “Body Bizarre.”

In September, Albuquerque, N.M. station KOAT did a story on Serrano, who travels to New Mexico for treatment at the University of New Mexico hospital. His parents get help paying for his care from a Baptist church in Rio Rancho, N.M.

So far, the treatment has noticeably shrunk the tumor.

“Words can’t express how grateful we are to the people who have helped us,” Serrano’s mother, Cindy said, according to the Daily Mail. “It’s surreal. It feels like a dream come true.”

Serrano said he looks forward to a day when his tumor is finally gone.

“If the doctors can cure me I will be so happy,” he said. “I would be thrilled. I would be healthy and I’d be able to do anything I want.”

Monday 11 November 2013

Russian Man Nails Own Testicles In Protest Against Crackdown On Political Rights

A Russian performance artist was hospitalised Sunday after stripping unclad and nailing his testicles to a Red Square cobblestone in protest against the Kremlin’s crackdown on political rights.

A video of the graphic action, available on Russian websites, showed artist Pyotr Pavlensky sitting unclad outside Lenin’s Mausoleum being covered with a blanket by police officers while horrified passersby looked on.

The state-run RIA Novosti news agency said Pavlensky was taken to a police station after being treated in a central Moscow clinic.

The Saint Petersburg-based artist said in a statement posted on the website that he was trying to draw attention to Russian society’s inaction in the face of the development of a “police state”.

Russia marked its annual Police Day holiday on Sunday.

It is not the first time the 29-year-old has resorted to eye-watering methods of protest.

He has previously sown his lips together to demonstrate against the jailing of two female members of the p*ssy Riot punk band who staged an anti-Kremlin performance inside Moscow’s main cathedral in 2011.

He was also arrested after wrapping his unclad body in barbed wire outside a Saint Petersburg government building in May.

Russian LGBT activists in U.S. to lobby against anti-gay law

Lyudmila Romodina and Oleg Klyuenkov, LGBT activists from the northern Russian port city of Arkhangelsk, hate Russia's anti-gay "propaganda" law but they don't support the idea of a boycott of the Sochi Olympics in Russia as a way of protesting it.
The two members of the LGBT rights organization "Rakurs," which means "Perspective" in Russian, say they hope the Olympics, which will be held in February in the southern Russian city of Sochi, might help to shine a light on discrimination against gay people in Russia, as well as spur discussion.
"We don't want any extra rights" but gay people in Russia do want rights that are equal to those of their fellow Russians, Klyuenkov told CNN in an interview in Washington during a 10-day visit to the United States.
Kluyenkov argues the anti-gay "propaganda" law, which the Russian government says is aimed at protecting young people, "actually forbids people to talk in public about the problem of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Could Russia arrest gay athletes?
Athletes: Sochi boycott not the answer
Should Sochi Games be boycotted?

"In practice, other social groups are permitted to express their problems but not LGBT people. And that is discrimination. They are not equal when it comes to their right to freedom of expression," Kluyenkov said.
Arkhangelsk has overturned its regional ban on anti-gay "propaganda" but U.S.-based Human Rights First cautions the step may be only "an administrative act to ensure compliance with the federal law."
Kluyenkov and Ludmila Romodina began their trip in Portland, Maine -- Arkhangelsk's "sister city" -- meeting with the city council and with staff of the district's Congressman.
In Washington, they visited Capitol Hill and discussed the Sochi Olympics with staff of Sen. Patty Murray, a Washington state Democrat. They will end their trip in New York.
"Rakurs," they say, is a non-governmental organization with approximately 100 members, not all of them active. Some have moved to bigger cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, where economic opportunities are greater.
The group rents an office in a community center and Romodina laughs wryly when she explains the landlord told the group he would rent to them "if we don't run naked through the halls and in feathers."
The motto of their organization: "See the goal, believe in yourself and don't look at the obstacles."
"It would be more difficult if Oleg or I or our little band of activists were hidden, but we are open. That is much easier. It's easier emotionally and in our relations with society," she said.
The group, she says, holds protests, "public actions," but only "one person at a time," due to local laws.
In one, she says, three people stood about 150 feet apart, holding signs.
"Our director, my mother, and our bookkeeper," she explains. "My mother's sign said something about the law demeaning her child. It's hard for her. I experience discrimination but she does too. It hurts her."
Human Rights First's Innokenty Grekov says it's not clear how the anti-gay "propaganda" law might be enforced at the Sochi Olympics.
President Vladimir Putin has said everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, will be welcome but the activists believe that applies only to international participants and visitors and not to Russian supporters of gay rights.
Grekov says the law, so far, is "being used indirectly" in order to put pressure on civil society.
"There have been no legal decisions on the law because the government does not want that to happen," he says. "They want to distract public attention from other serious problems in Russia -- political, social and economic."
Kluyenkov adds: "They don't want to go to court on these issues because they know that on the level of Europe or international law they would lose."
The activists are worried about a draft law that would allow children to be taken from their parents if the parents are gay.
Its sponsor has withdrawn the law in order to re-write it but LGBT rights supporters believe it will be re-introduced after the Olympics are over and the spotlight of international attention moves elsewhere.
Grekov says the draft "is written imprecisely" and it is not clear whether it would let authorities take children away if their parents "allow homosexuality" or "engage" in it.
Grekov insists the activists are not trying to stir tensions between the United States and Russia over the gay law or its possible enforcement at the Sochi Olympics.
"We come from the position that the worse relations are between the U.S. and Russia the worse the situation for LGBT and human rights groups as a whole in Russia," he says. "We want people to discuss this, in their kitchens, at the markets. This can be a positive thing."
In August, Human Rights First issued a report on the anti-gay "propaganda" law and on the state of LGBT rights in Russia called "Convenient Targets."
Since 2006, it says, 10 regional legislative bodies have adopted laws prohibiting the "propaganda" of homosexuality but those laws have seldom been applied.
It also reports that during the first half of 2013 there were 13 beatings and one murder "motivated by anti-gay bias." In 2012, there were 12 attacks; in 2011, three.
The report recommends, among other things, that President Barack Obama and the U.S. government direct the State Department to seek clarification of the anti-"propaganda" law.
Kluyenkov says his organization hopes that the international community "will continue appeal to Russia to repeal discriminatory laws, work with its civil society, and respect human rights and international obligations."

Oklahoma Police Arrest Prison Escapee After 33 Years On The Run


Oklahoma City police have arrested a man who escaped from a Maryland prison more than 30 years ago after he contacted them to say he was tired of paying off a business partner who threatened to expose him as a fugitive.

Anthony Rackley, 62, escaped from a Maryland prison in 1980 after being convicted of robbery. He later took on an alias and earned a living raising funds for the Lions Club community service organization.

“He called initially to report an extortion,” Master Sargent Gary Knight of the Oklahoma City Police Department told Reuters on Friday.

“He called back and said he needed to talk to us about a situation. He said ‘I’m a prison escapee from Maryland.’ He was very forthright and forthcoming.”

Going by the assumed name Jack Watson, Rackley told police his fundraising partner knew he was a fugitive and was demanding a large chunk of the money they raised for the charity to keep quiet.

When the man asked for additional money earlier this week, Rackley said he had had enough.

“He was willing to go back to jail to stop it,” Knight said.

Authorities in Maryland are seeking Rackley’s extradition, Oklahoma City police said. Oklahoma City police were investigating the business partner.

False Testimony: Man Freed After Being Jailed Wrongfully 34 Years For Murder

A US man who served 34 years for murder was freed after the sister of the sole witness said the testimony was a lie.

Brenda Anderson testified in 1979 that Kash Delano Register, 53, shot and killed her neighbour Jack Sasson in a carport attached to his Los Angeles home.

But more than three decades later, Anderson’s sister, Sharon, told a judge Register was the victim of a false testimony and an apparent police cover-up, the LA Times reports.

None of the seven fingerprints found on Sasson’s car matched Register’s and police never found the murder weapon, according to the newspaper. Investigators did seize a pair of pants from Register’s closet that had a speck of blood on them, but the blood type, O, matched both Sasson and Register.

At trial, prosecutors relied on the eyewitness testimony of Brenda Anderson, then 19, who said she was at home when she heard gunfire, looked out the window and saw Register sprinting from the Sassons’ carport.

Register was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison, despite his girlfriend testifying that he was with her at the time of the shooting.

Register’s release was set in motion in 2011, when another of Brenda Anderson’s sisters, Sheila Vanderkam, was horrified to discover he was still in prison.

At the time of the shooting, Vanderkam said her sisters had just hidden a package of beauty products they had stolen from a neighbour. Sharon Anderson said they heard gunfire, but weren’t close enough to get a good look at the shooter.

Vanderkam, who worked at the same LAPD station as the detectives investigating the shooting, claims she told police in 1979 that Brenda had lied.

“The detective placed his finger over his mouth (like a shush sound) and just stared at me,” Vanderkam said in her declaration. “He made it very clear to me, without actually saying anything, that I was to stay out of it.”

Sharon Anderson also said she told police at the time that they had the wrong man, but that her comments were never disclosed.

Clashes between police, foreign workers leave 2 dead in Saudi Arabia

Hundreds of people were reportedly arrested in Riyadh after unrest. (Picture courtesy of 
 Hundreds of people were reportedly arrested in Riyadh after unrest. (Picture courtesy of 

Two people were killed and 68 others injured in clashes between police and foreign workers following a visa crackdown in Saudi Arabia, the official news agency reported.
Police arrested 561 people Saturday in the capital of Riyadh, according to the Saudi Press Agency.
The arrests came after "unidentified" people barricaded themselves in narrow streets, where they threw stones at residents and vandalized shops and cars, according to a police statement posted on the news agency's website.
In the aftermath of Saturday's clashes, a police spokesman urged workers without proper documents to surrender at a shelter in the capital until they could be deported.
Most of the workers impacted by recent police raids are African migrants. Reports circulated last week of the death of an Ethiopian man, prompting the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry to issue a statement that it "condemned the killing of an Ethiopian and mistreatment of its citizens residing in Saudi Arabia."
Saudi Arabia launched a "security campaign" this month to crack down on workers violating visa rules.

TRAGEDY: At Least 7 Die, Mostly Women And Children, As Bus Plunges Into River

At least 7 passengers died in a horrible road accident along Okosu River in the Sampou community of Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.

okosu_busThe accident occurred on Saturday and caused a traffic jam on East-West Road.
An eyewitness, Mr. Emmanuel Eziya, told the jouirnalists that the 18-seater bus was going to Yenagoa from a traditional marriage at Oginigbo in Ughelli South local Government Area of Delta State.
According to him, the bus somersaulted, veered off the road and plunged into the river when it allegedly attempted to overtake a vehicle.
“Thought the river is shallow, only those who knew how to swim could be rescued,” he added.
He says the driver died alongside his passengers.
But a nursing mother was said to have survived as she was able to swim out of the river. However, she lost her child in the crash.
The other passengers of the bus were mostly women and children.
According to the information available, about 8 people are currently receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital in Bayelsa.
Efforts to reach the Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps in the state, Mr. Vincent Jack, failed.
However, Bayelsa State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Hilarry Opara, confirmed the accident.
“I can tell you that seven persons died on the spot. Others are receiving treatment in the hospital,” Opara said.

A Husband’s Love

For about three weeks now I have written on Love And Submission in marriage. These are the very basic ingredients for a successful marriage and home. Any home where these two ingredients are practiced in their real sense is guaranteed peace and joy. I have written three articles sequel to this one, in case you missed any of them, here they are; Love And Submission 1, Love And Submission 2 and When Submission Is Not An Option.
In Love And Submission 1 & 2, I focused on Submission as a requirement for a wife, now I want to express my thoughts from scriptures, on the husband’s duty to love his wife according to Ephesians 5.
Love Your Wife Like Christ Loved The Church
Husbands have a huge task of loving their wives like Christ loved the Church, with a sincere, pure and constant love that remains notwithstanding her failures, shortcomings and attitude.
Christ loved the Church to death, without waiting for her to be perfect. He gave Himself up for her; for husbands this does not mean literal death but could mean death to ego, pride and all those inherent nature of man to Lord over his wife.
God has made the man the head of his home undoubtedly, but he is required to employ the tactics of a loving leader, like Christ was and still is to the Church.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her Ephesians 5:25 (AMP)
Love Your Wife To Faultlessness
Is it possible? Yes it is, when you model Christ-like love to your wife in spite of her faults, you lovingly lead her to that state of grace where she seeks to be like you. She is motivated by your love and begins to desire to love God even more because of the fruits she finds in you.
I know this so well because my husband’s love life has often provoked me to walk on my own and also work hard towards becoming a better wife to him.
There is a weight that comes with this command; Christ loved the Church and gave up Himself for her…
So that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word. That He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such things [that she might be holy and faultless]. Ephesians 5: 26-27 (AMP)
This makes me believe that husbands will in some way be accountable for how they loved or did not love their wives; they would be required as husbands to present their wives to God, holy and spotless. Not that they have become Christ, but they represent Christ in their marriages and have become the saviour of their wives. Ephesians 5:23 (AMP)
So men, when you love your wives, you are simply fulfilling or obeying a command from God, and following in the footsteps of the greatest husband ever; Christ Himself.
Love Your Wife Like Yourself
The Bible says you and your wife have become one flesh after you got married. God requires that you love your wife like you love yourself. Nourishing, cherishing and protecting her, the kind of love that makes her feel secure in you and the marriage. Assuring her that you are there for her like Christ has promised to never leave or forsake the Church.
Even so husbands should love their wives as [being in a sense] their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself. For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church. Ephesians 5: 28-29 (AMP)
“Love never fails” the Bible says, when a man loves and a woman submits; the marriage is ecstasy. This series continues…
What would you add to this, how else do you think you can love your wife, how else can your husband can love you?
© Teshuva 2013

Your Marriage Is As Good As You

The state of any marriage depends largely on the state of the couple. A marriage cannot be better than the couple in the marriage.
If a marriage is sick, it tells the state of the couple. If it is healthy, it means the couple is healthy. No marriage can grow beyond the couple, that is a sure fact. Every husband and wife will bring into the marriage whoever he or she is.
The only way to make any marriage healthy is for the couple to ensure that they are healthy. I do not mean physical growth here; I mean spiritual growth that affects the emotions, character, attitude, choices, decisions, perspectives, words, and actions of both the husband and the wife.
The Preacher, His Son, The World, And His Sermon
I heard the story of a preacher and his son that would help illustrate what I mean.
This preacher was in his study trying to get his sermon ready for the next day Sunday. His young son kept coming to the door and making distracting demands on him. He thought very hard on how to keep the boy busy long enough to give him time to tidy up his preparation. He finally came up with a page in a magazine with the a picture of the world map, he tore the page out, tore it in very tiny bits and gave to his son saying, “Son fix the world map and I will give you a quarter.”
Satisfied that he had given the boy very long and difficult task, he went back in to continue his sermon. Just as he was about settling down, he heard a knock that almost jolted him as he was not expecting that knock until at least an hour had passed. He rushed to the door only to find that the boy had actually “fixed” the man.
Curious and surprised he asked his little son how he was able to do it in almost no time, the boy replied, “Dad, I found a man behind and I figured that if I fixed the man, his world would be alright.”
The man gave the boy what he promised, and went back in to rewrite his sermon; his son had just given him a more inspirational message to preach on Sunday.
How Is Your Spirit?
Just like the boy figured, I believe too that when a husband and wife are all right spiritually, their marriage would be all right, all round. The focus of couples should then be on how to develop a healthy spirit and maintain it too. They should always ensure that they are growing in their walk with God and they are dying daily to flesh. They should ensure that they are developing godly character on a regular basis, working on their weaknesses and growing on their strengths. When this becomes their focus, their marriage will not suffer from the pressure of the enemy.
How To Maintain A Healthy Spirit
-Feed on the word of God with the aim of getting transformed daily
-Read the Bible using it as a mirror to know how your spirit looks
-Do topical studies on issues you are struggling with
-Spend time talking with God every day
-Spend time in God’s presence, so that your flesh will be subdued
-Work hard at developing and improving your love walk with God and man
-Note the areas your spouse have been complaining of and make deliberate efforts to stop or improve on them
-Never get complacent with your faith
I believe that if every husband and wife will take care of their spiritual health, their marriages will be taken care of. Your prosperity in every area of life including your marriage is directly proportional to the prosperity of your soul and spirit.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2
Do you know that your spiritual health affects the health off your marriage? Are you making deliberate efforts to improve on your spiritual health and marriage?
© Teshuva 2013

Enslaved By Your Help

Amongst some other things I have passion for, I love to help others. I love to do anything I can to help another person, many times I have done so at my own inconvenience.
I also know several other people who would help some others whether or not it is convenient, people who would go all out and out of their ways to help others and put a smile on their faces. People who are passionate about others in need.
God has called us to help one another, He knows every man needs some man, He puts those in need in our way so we can help and also puts those who would help us in our path.
Our Expectations
There is the tendency for us to expect those whom we have helped to stay indebted to us. We expect them to treat or respond to us in a certain way because we rendered or are rendering help to them. When they do not respond to us the way we expect, when they do not help us in return, we get disappointed and angry.
Motive Check
When we do anything for anyone we should do it as unto The Lord without expecting that same person to favour us back, God can use anyone to help us if He needs to. That way we will not enslave the people we a have helped with our expectations of them.
The Control Desire
Some people also would want to control the recipients of their help. Just because they have assisted them, they want to run their lives and make them do exactly what they want them to do.
With No Strings Attached
We should help people sincerely without any string attached, out of genuine and selfless love not with hopes of what we want back from them.
Helping some one does not make us lord over them. We should help without trying to make them our slaves for life. Helping should be motivated by love and love does not control.
When we help in this way then we have done acceptable service unto God, we have done it to God, our reward is with Him, and He is a faithful rewarder.
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17
So what do you say? Do you think we should enslave people just because we helped them?