Monday 11 November 2013

Your Marriage Is As Good As You

The state of any marriage depends largely on the state of the couple. A marriage cannot be better than the couple in the marriage.
If a marriage is sick, it tells the state of the couple. If it is healthy, it means the couple is healthy. No marriage can grow beyond the couple, that is a sure fact. Every husband and wife will bring into the marriage whoever he or she is.
The only way to make any marriage healthy is for the couple to ensure that they are healthy. I do not mean physical growth here; I mean spiritual growth that affects the emotions, character, attitude, choices, decisions, perspectives, words, and actions of both the husband and the wife.
The Preacher, His Son, The World, And His Sermon
I heard the story of a preacher and his son that would help illustrate what I mean.
This preacher was in his study trying to get his sermon ready for the next day Sunday. His young son kept coming to the door and making distracting demands on him. He thought very hard on how to keep the boy busy long enough to give him time to tidy up his preparation. He finally came up with a page in a magazine with the a picture of the world map, he tore the page out, tore it in very tiny bits and gave to his son saying, “Son fix the world map and I will give you a quarter.”
Satisfied that he had given the boy very long and difficult task, he went back in to continue his sermon. Just as he was about settling down, he heard a knock that almost jolted him as he was not expecting that knock until at least an hour had passed. He rushed to the door only to find that the boy had actually “fixed” the man.
Curious and surprised he asked his little son how he was able to do it in almost no time, the boy replied, “Dad, I found a man behind and I figured that if I fixed the man, his world would be alright.”
The man gave the boy what he promised, and went back in to rewrite his sermon; his son had just given him a more inspirational message to preach on Sunday.
How Is Your Spirit?
Just like the boy figured, I believe too that when a husband and wife are all right spiritually, their marriage would be all right, all round. The focus of couples should then be on how to develop a healthy spirit and maintain it too. They should always ensure that they are growing in their walk with God and they are dying daily to flesh. They should ensure that they are developing godly character on a regular basis, working on their weaknesses and growing on their strengths. When this becomes their focus, their marriage will not suffer from the pressure of the enemy.
How To Maintain A Healthy Spirit
-Feed on the word of God with the aim of getting transformed daily
-Read the Bible using it as a mirror to know how your spirit looks
-Do topical studies on issues you are struggling with
-Spend time talking with God every day
-Spend time in God’s presence, so that your flesh will be subdued
-Work hard at developing and improving your love walk with God and man
-Note the areas your spouse have been complaining of and make deliberate efforts to stop or improve on them
-Never get complacent with your faith
I believe that if every husband and wife will take care of their spiritual health, their marriages will be taken care of. Your prosperity in every area of life including your marriage is directly proportional to the prosperity of your soul and spirit.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2
Do you know that your spiritual health affects the health off your marriage? Are you making deliberate efforts to improve on your spiritual health and marriage?
© Teshuva 2013

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