Monday 31 August 2015

Unexpected Foods That Combat Diabetes

Diabetes is a very common disease in Western society. With more people becoming over weight, diabetes and heart disease are often quick to follow. Bad dieting and food intake are common causes of diabetes, convenience food and busy schedules make it too easy for people to fall into a trap of lazy and bad habits. By implementing a more knowledgeable stance to your nutritional intake, you will be able to remain healthy and greatly reduce the risk of diabetes. Here are 11 foods that can help to combat diabetes.

Guava – healthmeup 

This exotic fruit has many reasons that make it a great food for combating diabetes. A study conducted by I-Shou University of Taiwan revealed that consuming guava without the skin can reduce sugar absorption in the blood stream. Guava is also high in vitamin C which can reduce the damage of cells linked with diabetes.

Beef – Alpha

Many ‘experts’ claim that lean red meat is bad for you; when in fact red meat such as beef is great for combating diabetes. One should choose lean cuts such as fillet, sirloin or rump. Protein will keep you fuller for longer and fight off unwanted cravings for unhealthy foods, less hunger means less insulin spikes

Avocado – Olle Svensson

The green machine that is creamy and rich, a rare food that does not damage your digestive tract. Avocado is full of monounsaturated fat and is slow digesting, keeping blood sugar from spiking too much after meals. The good fat in avocado can even help reverse the effects of insulin resistance and stop any risks of diabetes.


Brown Flaxseed - Alisha Vargas
Brown Flaxseed – Alisha Vargas

This may sound like bird seed but it isn’t. These shiny brown seeds tackle diabetes in 3 different ways. Flaxseed is rich in protein, healthy fats and fibre and a great source of magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral that helps cells use insulin and metabolise fat. A true worthy addition to any diabetics’ diet, for longer lasting flaxseed, buy them whole in bulk and keep refrigerated.

Peanut butter

Peanut Butter - Anna
Peanut Butter – Anna

A recent study revealed that peanut butter can stave off people’s appetite for 2 hours longer; compared to a high carb, low fibre snack. Monounsaturated fats contained in peanut butter are also a healthy support for your metabolism. Try making a peanut butter dip for your veggies and always buy organic brands, peanut butter can and will go with more than just jelly so it’s up to you to experiment!


An apple a day – Alice Popkorn
An apple a day may not keep the doctor at bay but they can certainly help. They are low in calories but high in fibre, (4g per apple!) and stop hunger and insulin spikes between meals. Apples also counteract bad cholesterol and stop erratic spiking of the blood sugar in us. Granny Smith and Red Delicious are two of the most nutritious varieties of apples available. Have a sliced apple with your oats and milk in the morning to create a perfectly balanced breakfast.


Nicholas Fuller, PhD, from the Boden Institute Clinical Trials Unit, University of Sydney, Australia. Carried out tests that proved that after eating eggs for 3 months, one had better appetite control than those who did not eat eggs. People with type 2 diabetes also showed no signs of increased cholesterol. Egg protein is full of amino acids and other vital nutrients, people think that eating egg yolks is bad for you but one or 2 a day will not harm most people. Eggs can hold of hunger pangs also making them a top selection for people wishing to fight off diabetes.

Breaking News: Nigeria Qualify For 2015 Afrobasket Finals

The Senior Basketball Team in Nigeria, D’Tigers has qualified for the Finals of the ongoing FIBA Afrobasket 2015 in Tunisia, after defeating Senegal with 79 – 88.

It was indeed a hard fought match, and a hard earned win by the D’Tigers who led through the first quarter, down in the second and third quarter, before a glorious fight back with a superb performance, especially by Chamberlain Oguchi.
D’Tigers of Nigeria

The match deadlocked with 76 points apiece, before a courageous fight back in overtime (OT) by the D’Tigers to win the match by 88 points to 79.

The tension was palpable all around the court with both teams not giving an inch to each other.
So far in the Tournament, the team was able to pull through to the Quarter finals after spanking Mozambique with 83-47, and, the competition underdogs, Gabon with 88 – 64 points which led them to the Semi-Final leg with Senegal.
The Will Voigts led Team will now face the winner between host, Tunisia and Angola in the final.