Wednesday 13 November 2013

Nigerian Women Are Very Beautiful And Captivating By Uzoma Ahamefule

Nigerian actress, Genevieve
Irrespective of the security challenges in Nigeria today, Nigeria remains one of the best places to visit in Africa. It is a blessed country with tourists’ attraction centres. Places like Enugu, Benin, Oguta, Calabar and Jos amongst other numerous cities and states host many museum pieces that are must visits.

Generally, Nigerian people are hospitable and caring. They have a lot of respect for their visitors and try even at their own detriments to satisfy them. It is in their culture. Visit Nigeria and you will see that it is a lovely country with open-minded and friendly people against the reports of western propaganda. But amongst numerous goodies in Nigeria, and today being Mothers Day, this piece is dedicated solely to the hand work of God in the amazing beauty of Nigerian women.

If not for women, the world would be like a well prepared soup without salt. Without them the world is incomplete. They are the joy of the world, specially made and sweet and that was why even where the strongest army failed the beauty and power of a woman with dignity and character conquered. They command a lot of influence. Bring a woman in the midst of men, their bad behavioural attitude changes to better. But the pedigree of some women is impeccable and could be so earth quaking, and some men without guts who feel intimidated to approach them try to slander them with vicious rumours.

Beautiful women are everywhere in the world, but behold, the beauty of womanhood could be in Nigeria because Nigerian women are naturally very beautiful and peaceful. And in case you want to find out yourself, I encourage you to do that but be warned. If you are a man, be spiritually strong before you embark on the curiosity visit to that blessed country for the simple reasons of what your eyes could see, otherwise you could perhaps be consumed helplessly to the lust of your imagination. If you are a woman and a lesbian you may end up in jail if you are not careful since the practice of lesbianism in Nigeria is a crime and the beauty of Nigerian women could be irresistible.

The captivating beauty of Nigerian ladies has in many occasions overwhelmingly swept off the feet of western tourists and made them uncontrollable liars to their partners. While some changed their tourist visas to permanent residence in order to increase the chances of fulfilling that which their eyes had desired, some completely forgot their missions and helplessly broke the heart of their loved ones by breaking their vows.

Because beautiful things and the eyes from creation are magnetically in union, so, be warned, for the power in the beauty of Nigerian women is like the force of a hungry hunting tiger and you cannot ordinarily overcome it without it being a miracle. 

Devoid of taking anything away in women from other countries, when you see a Nigerian woman you will know. By the way she carries herself even from afar should tell you if she is a Nigerian lady. Whether old or young, tall or short, fat or slim she is specially structured and attractive and her swagger is amazing, magnificent and could be pleasantly intimidating. When she walks, she is elegant and a delight to watch. She is full, from up to down, back and front she is complete and well endowed with extraordinary enticing blessings. If a man gets enveloped by what his eyes see in her beauty, his heart is helplessly conquered like Samson and programmed by the manipulation of his own imagination, and whether it is infatuation or true love he is only at the mercy of the woman.

It is not only beauty that attracts men to womenNigerian women are not just only beautiful and romantic but they are equally hard working, industrious and very homely. They know how to take very good care of men and above all, they are very intelligent and that is why they are sought after in the world by men. They are well cultured, and their good hearts in combination with their astonishing beauty could melt the heart of a lion in a man to be vulnerable.

It was the beauty and the charismatic endowments bestowed on Eve that led Adam to damn the consequences of challenging God not to eat the forbidden apple at the centre of Eden. That apple turned out in the world to be the natural sweetest fruit known in the history of mankind. Everybody seems to like to have a taste of it and nobody has ever tasted it without wanting more. This apple is readily available in Nigeria like you can get in the USA, Britain, Germany or Austria etc. But an apple grown in Nigeria is natural and sweeter being a tropical country. It is more expensive in cities like Abuja, Port-Harcourt and Jos etc., but moderate in cities like Lagos, Ijebu, Owerri and Calabar etc.

Visit Nigeria, but behold man, behold woman, be informed, a Nigerian woman is temptingly beautiful, captivating, gorgeous and loving. Her charisma is charming. If you desire her, you must be hopelessly romantic and caring.
When you are back from your trip to Nigeria, perhaps contact me for I am interested in sharing your experience.

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