Friday 22 November 2013

The Olufi of Gbongan Osun State Nigeria Oba Adewale Asabi

Olufi Adewale Asabi, who reigned from 1926 to 1948, was the son of Olugboira and Osunfolahan. Despite the fact that he was a prince, he was made to work on the farm by his parent and in his early manhood, he had learn the value of dignity of labour.

When he came to the throne as Olufi of Gbongan in 1926,he knew he had a lot to do and did not waste a minute in executing his plan.The first thing he did was to unite his people so that they might not forget the diffrence between the various groups . He then proceeded on his plan to expand the town. As a very wealthy ruler,he engaged all able-bodied men in the town, made them cut the forest around the town and gave out land freely to those who willing to build houses. He was very generous.

After the work of expandsion,it was determination of Asabi to develop Gbongan to a point where it could be know,at least,to important towns in his neighbourhood. He needed money for the exercise .With the help of his Chiefs ,he raised money locally to constructed roads linking Gbongan with some important trade centers and towns in Yoruba land, prominent among the roads was the one linking Gbongan with Iwo town.It was the agreement between the ruler of Iwo and Olufi to construct the road half way to each of the town so that they could meet mid-way.
The roads to Wakajaye,Akiriboto II and Ode omu were all constructed and used during his reigh .
Trading activities developed well during Asabi's reign.Gbongan's was able to trade with Ede ,Osogbo,Iwo,Ibadan,and Ile Ife during Asabi his reign make the rulers in places like Iwo,Orile Owu,Apomu,Ikire and Ile Ife welcome traders from Gbongan and protect their interest,Asabi befriended these rulers.To futher strengthen Gbongan's relationship with ILE IFE Asabi gave his daughter, Oyewe,to Oni Adesoji Aderemi as wife.
He encourage traditional activities and even led people,most of the time to perform sacrifices at the the shrines of various deities.
He used to lead his people during Edi and Egungun festival and encouraged people living in the farm to come home for the festival.He not only encouraged the tranditionalist,he equaly encourage CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS Invited them to trandition festival.
To improve the communication system the more ,he requested the district Officer attach to Gbongan to advise the then Resident Officer to grant Gbongan a post agence.
The request was granted and post Agence was sited very close to his palace.
He also request for sanitary inspectors.The District Officer then did not hesitate to grant his request he then wrote British colonia District headquter in Lagos , the request was granted but not situated in Gbongan but Ikire a nearest most populated town ,call Oluyoro hospital.
Gbongan benefited a lot from Asabi's.
He build palace for himself through direct labour . The palace,apart from the main court,consisted of about Eighty roams,with zoo and palace Hall,main gate leading into the courtyard,and Egungun festivals once a year in the front of the King Asabi Palace.
He maintain an occasional market in front of his palace and kept a mini zoo .
He hated idleness and any lazy man found roaming about the town was compulsoryly sent to the farm to cultivate own farm.
Victim of the laws were said to have come to show appreciation by offering Oba Asabi part of the harvest.
In his praise,a song was locally composed for Olufi ,which goes like this.
Laye Olugbon mo ke borun meje
E o ma fiwe l'orin.

Laye Aresa mo ke borun mefa,
E o ma fiwe l'orin

Laye Asabi mo ra koko
Mo ra 'ran mo ra Sanya baba Aso
Af'ole loni Gbongan o dun a'fole''
During the reign of Olugbo I bought seven veils.
Keep song in record
During Aresa I bought Six Veils.
Keep song in record.

During Asabi reign I bought Koko(a type of green cloth)
Velveteen and sanya father of cloths.
Only lazy people will say Gbongan is not prosperous''

This song was mostly rendered by women of Gbongan long after his demise in 1948 .It goes to show how much love Asabi enjoyed.It goes as a great ruler.

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