Monday 19 August 2013

Being Profitable and Successful with Income Investing

If you are an employee, you are certainly receiving a regular flow of income which is your salary. But if you want to earn more and ensure a better future not only for you but your family as well, you should start to learn the basics of income investing. Income investing simply means putting your money into much more profitable ventures.
The pros and cons of income investing
Among the pros or advantages of income investing include the following:
-          Income investing lets you earn more. If you are only a salaried individual, your monthly income is quite fixed unless you receive salary adjustments or in case you are promoted. With income investing, your money can be put into better use and there’s a greater chance for you to earn more. Who knows that because of income investing, you can be the next business tycoon of your country.
-          You could eventually become a full time businessman or businesswomen with income investing. If you are going to be successful with income investing, you can eventually shift from being a regular employee to being the boss by having your own business.
-          You can manage your own time and activities with income investing. Because you are essentially engaged in business, income investing lets you enjoy the power or capability to use your daily time according to your preference.
-          Income investing widens your knowledge. Income investing not only lets you earn but also to learn or expand your skills and capabilities. Whether you are going to stay in the business or not, you always have that skill in income investing or business in general.
Among the cons or disadvantages of income investing are the following:
-          You are exposed to business risks with income investing. As the old business saying goes; the higher are the risks you take, the higher are also the potential income you could gain. But there’s a twist, higher risks also means higher losses if you fail from income investing. With income investing, you could always achieve the best results or perhaps, the worst.
-          You need substantial amount of capital. Majority of the ventures you could think of when it comes to income investing will require you to produce substantial amounts of capital either physical asset or perhaps, cash.
The different types of ventures or income investing opportunities
-          Putting up your own business or company. The most basic opportunity in income investing is for you to put up or establish your own business or company. The business could involve the production of physical goods, or perhaps, the offering of services.
-          Income investing with deposit accounts. If you are afraid of taking too much risk, your income investing target should be depository accounts. Just place your money in the bank or open time deposit accounts and you’ll earn interests. The only problem with this form of income investing is that the interest rate or income is very minimal.
-          Income investing by offering loans. You can also lend your money to people or any other entities that require funds. How do you earn from this form of income investing? By the charging interest to your debtors.
-          Income investing with real property. Buying property is a good form of income investing. You could actually put the land or property into use or perhaps, wait for some time or years for its value to appreciate before you eventually sell it.
-          Income investing with stocks. Stocks are negotiable instruments which represents ownership to a company or business. They are usually traded and there prices could also fluctuate based on several factors.
-          Income investing with bonds. Bonds are actually a form of loan made by the company or entity offering the bond. Instead of leveraging on the price. You can earn from this form of income investing through the bonds’ interest rate.
-          Income investing with foreign currency. You might already be familiar with the term Forex or foreign exchange market. People usually earn from money market trading by taking advantage of foreign exchange rate fluctuations.
-          Income investing with precious metals. Another good alternative when it comes to income investing is the buying and selling of precious metals or minerals. Popular examples include silver, gold, diamond, and platinum. The values of these assets are generally appreciating as months and years go by, making this income investing option a viable opportunity.
10What are the things you should consider before eventually starting with income investing?
Of course, you won’t jump into income investing without fully assessing several factors. And these factors include your risk profile, the availability of income or extra funds you could invest, your future life plans or goals, a thorough research on the most profitable form of income investing, etc. You should also take note that you must only use excess funds in income investing and not the amount that should go to your regular or monthly household expenses. This is to ensure that in case you fail with your income investing option, you are not left with zero pennies.

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