Tuesday 27 August 2013

Parents' Divorce Affects Kids' Social Skills

A recent study has resulted out in a fact that kids of divorced parents do not perform good, both socially and academically. Check the details here:
In this world, a child always seeks and looks up to his parents for any need or emotional support. But when parents decide to get separated without giving a thought to what will happen to the life of their child, this situation delivers many worries for the kid. There are many examples when kids see their parents fighting and using foul language against each other. That is why such children do not grow as confident and intelligent individuals. This is also because they never get the right kind of guidance to handle the situations and difficulties of life. Thus, a disturbed parent relationship can even disturb the whole life of a kid. So, take a look here at a review about a new study that has stamped this aspect with their research. View inside!!

Parents' Separation harms Kids' Social Skills and Personality

This issue was published in the issue of American Sociological Review. And it was done by Hyun Sik Kim who is a PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Wisconsin Madison. She used data from early childhood longitudinal study described more than 3,500 U.S elementary school students who started going to kindergarten in 1998.
Here, subjects of parents were also made while checking their impact on children on periodic basis. It made the task of detecting the period of families in which they went through divorce. And it also provided the state of conditions of after and before periods of the divorce. The result of the research showed that children performed poor in maths in the period of the proceedings of their parent's divorce. However, there was a section of children who showed no issue while their parents were divorcing. Thus, a conclusion was made out that, on one hand, divorce can affect the overall individuality of a child. And on the other, children even learn to cope up with such drastic situations at some point of time.
In fact, this study also stressed on the point, like every wound heals, so children start learning to cope up with the worse conditions at their home. But, in the long run of life, they do not become as good individuals as the children of intact families do. Thus, to save a child, to whom, you have given life, do not act in hastiness, forget your differences and try to stay united to make your special kid the most confident and intelligent person. In the end, it would be wiser to say that even if you don't complement each other much, kids should be the main purpose of your living together forever!!

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