Wednesday 4 September 2013

Justice Served: Father Beats Rapist To Death While Saving 5 Year Old Daughter, No Charges Pressed

It’s every parent’s nightmare: your child is being sexually assaulted. But, luckily for his daughter, a Texas father was within running distance of where the crime was occurring. This Dad was able to rescue his little girl. But, unluckily for the man who committed the crime, this father was angry and scared enough to beat him so badly that he died. The father’s name has not been released to protect the little girl’s identity, but his story is enough to make every parent ask for an extra hug before bed tonight.
The incident occurred on June 9 in Lavaca County in southeast Texas. The five-year-old girl and her brother were sent by their father to feed the chickens on the family’s farm. At some point, 47-year-old Jesus Mora Flores grabbed the girl and carried her to a small shack. The girl’s brother ran back to get his father, who raced towards the shack, where he heard his daughter screaming. The Dad was, naturally enough, enraged when he saw both his daughter and the man molesting her naked from the waist down. He grabbed Flores and rained blows down upon his head and neck until the man was unconscious.
The father, once he made sure his daughter was safe, realized what he had done and called 911 in a panic. He grew frustrated as the dispatcher told him that authorities were having trouble locating the property. At one point, he told the dispatcher that he’d put Flores in his truck and drive him to the hospital. Before he could do so, deputies arrived. By the time emergency personnel arrived, Flores had died. The girl was taken to the hospital where she was examined and it was confirmed that she had been sexually molested.
With that proof and the testimony of witnesses who saw Flores take the girl, Sheriff  Micah Harmon decided that he would not press charges. In Texas, it is legal to use deadly force to prevent a major crime like sexual assault. Harmon told reporters at the time:
“You have a right to defend your daughter. The girl’s father acted in defense of his third person. Once the investigation is completed we will submit it to the district attorney who then submits it to the grand jury, who will decide if they will indict him.”
That grand jury decided on Monday not to indict the father. They said that he showed “genuine remorse” and, through the evidence on the 911 tapes, they concluded that he did not intend Flores to die.
The father’s attorney, V’Anne Huser, told reporters during a news conference after the grand jury’s decision that the family will not be granting any interviews.
“He’s a peaceable soul. He had no intention to kill anybody that day.”
All of the evidence that the sheriff’s office and Texas Rangers provided to the county prosecutor indicated that Ms. Huser is correct. The father showed regret that day for Flores’ death and authorities have seen nothing that makes them doubt him. They believe him to be remorseful and that he never intended for Flores to die.
Most residents of the county support the father. Said one, right after the incident:
“I agree with him totally. I would probably do worse. The family will have to deal with that the rest of their lives, no matter what happens to the father. Even if they let him go, he and his child will have to deal with that the rest of their lives.”
This is how the legal system should work, I feel. The grand jury were given all the evidence and made the right decision. Some people question the grand jury system, which they view as archaic. But a grand jury can act as a buffer, sending on only those cases that they decide should be prosecuted. They help keep the court system from being swamped by questionable criminal cases. In the case of this father, they not only did that, they kept a family from being torn apart. They have enough trauma to deal with – their 5-year-old girl was raped. Thankfully, because of a system our founders were smart enough to include in our constitution, this family can begin their healing intact.

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