Thursday 5 September 2013

Over 40? 15 Tips To Easily Lose Inches and Look (and feel) Sexier Than Ever

Here are my simple tips for losing weight and keeping it off. They are all very simple tips. They all work for me, but everyone is different. I would honestly love to know what works for you!
I strongly prefer simple actionable tips, that work with what you enjoy. Nothing else will work long term.
Disclaimer: I have never read a weight loss book. I have absolutely no scientific knowledge.:
1. Weigh yourself every day. I keep an eye on my weight, by having the scales next to my shower. It may seem obsessive, but it helps me not to lose focus. My weight seems to fluctuate within a 2 kg range randomly. I don’t panic if it gets to the top of the range.
2. Water is the key. I don’t know why, but drinking water really helps me. The more water I drink, the better my body functions. (If you don’t like water, put a few drops of apple juice in the glass to give it some flavor.) And I don’t stop drinking before I weigh myself, because I would be kidding myself. Weight loss starts with honesty to yourself.
3. Avoid processed foods. The basic rule – all packaged, processed food is unhealthy. I avoid it, where possible. Not easy, but worth the effort. The interest of food companies is certainly NOT your health.
4. Avoid sugary drinks and fast food You know it. Don’t be fooled by low calorie or diet claims. These foods and drinks are only making you fat and miserable.
5. Get 7 hours of quality sleep. Staying healthy is about basics. Water and sleep are my basics. I make sure I get enough sleep. I aim for 7 hours minimum and 8 hours at the weekend. I also have a really good quality bed, to make sure I get quality sleep. I know a good bed is not cheap, but it is one of life’s bargains because quality of life is much higher if you get good sleep. And it helps my body function better. Strange but true.
6. Get off that couch. In my mind, losing weight is 33% about food, 33% about giving your body what it needs to function (rest, water, etc) and 33% about moving. TV is simply a waste of my time, especially if I am sitting on a couch and have chips to go with it. If I need the TV, I can go to a health club with exercise machines with a TV attached. But better still – avoid the TV and do some social sports. And I try to avoid late-night TV. It is wrong in so many ways.
7. Salad is important. I am not really fond of the taste of salad. But my body seems to like it. And the strange thing is, once I take a bite or 2 of salad, I find it difficult to stop eating it. I am convinced that it is a large part of losing weight, but I can’t explain why. It is a large part of every meal I eat.
8. Eat fish, vegetables and fruit where possible. You hear this regularly. And I believe it is true. Fish, vegetables and fruit make me feel healthier and more energetic, and I am told there is more nutrition and less calories.
9. Ignore scientific evidence… First red wine was the answer to a long life. Then red wine was not healthy and the guy who claimed it was discredited. Then … Frankly, I don’t care. I love a glass of red wine, yoghurt, honey, a cup of coffee, sultana’s, the occasional burger and chips, etc. Let them prove what they want, as long as they let me make up my own mind.
10. Enjoy one glass of alcoholic beverage. This is a hard one. I switched from beer to wine, and gradually cut back to 1.5 glasses on a night maximum, even in a social setting. Seems easy to do, but it wasn’t. But, like stop taking sugar coffee or tea, once you do it, it becomes completely natural. Cut back, and savor your glass of wine.
11. I don’t do guilt. No matter what I eat, I don’t do guilt. My life is too short for guilt. That doesn’t mean I don’t try to do better, and I try to avoid the same situation. But I don’t do guilt. Ever.
12. Set a maximum weight limit. My target weight is 78kg. I don’t panic until I get over 80kg. But if I get over 80kg, I am very hard on myself until I get under 80kg. The good news is that it usually only requires a week of control to get there, because I quickly recognize my weight has gone too high.
13. Don’t shop when you are hungry. This is a very old rule, but it works. I only buy what I need, rather than what I crave.
14. Don’t have unhealthy food in the house. I am not a person with great discipline, so I protect myself against myself. The less chips and biscuits I have in the house, the bigger the barrier to pigging out….
15. Make many small adjustments. When I started my weight loss program, I took many small steps. I used to drink coffee with full cream milk, and then I switched to skimmed milk. I cut cheese out of breakfast. Making small changes that reduce my calorie intake, but that do not sacrifice life pleasure, are a no-brainer. Be aware of where the calories are in your food and explore your options! You can probably reduce calorie intake 10% without any sacrifice or effort.
These are some great tips, but the reality is that you may want a little extra information to help you shed those few pounds. If you’ve tried shedding unwanted pounds in the past and failed, maybe this will help:

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