Tuesday 22 October 2013

A Case Of Political Witch Hunting : Honorable Moses Idahosa : I Do Not Know Ethel Joan Nwandike

Above is a photo that has been going around on various blogs claiming to be that of Ethel Joan Nwandike a Lady who claims she was invited for an occasion and raped by a Honorable Named Moses Idahosa from Benin City,on the 9th of October, in a story that somewhat seem like that from a Nollywood Movie.
The story goes like this: 

She is presently on admission in a hospital and she needs help,she needs encouragement,she needs you to help her find this man who has violated and mutilated her mentally and physically...Please spread this story and let us show Ethel love.

it goes on...... 

If you know any organisation that can help her recovery process please contact them and send them her email Haleyanderson48@yahoo.com.
Just to give you a recap of the story, the so called Ethel Joan Recounts the shocking story of rape, abuse, torture and near death!

"On October 9,2013 A friend of mine MOSES IDAHOSA reached me and invited me to come to Benin city for an event, i have known him since 2011 so I thought nothing of it,like no harm can be done after all we go way back and stuff,so I booked my ticket from Lagos and I flew to Benin on the 13th October a Sunday for the event.
 read more from here
Now that's the story that was supposedly given by Ethel Joan Nwandike, i wonder who cooked up this story as the person will well almost make a Good play writer, but did not perfect the job.
In an interview with the Honorable himself Moses Idahosa who has come out to confirm that this is obviously a case off political witch hunting by evil seeking people who will go to any lent to spoil his Good Name.
Honorable Moses Idahosa has confirmed that he dose not no anybody of that nature and so also the management of the said hotel (Alice hotel) was contacted to confirm if such an incident did really occur at their establishment which they said they are unaware of, so the question now is were did this whole scene play out?
The surprising issue here is that at the end of the story a plea is made for assistance in finding Honorable Moses Idahosa who Ethel Joan Nwandike, claims she has known since 2011 and that man invited her for the event in Benin, a well known figure The City of Benin in Edo State, that should shake up some dust...
And Ethel goes on to say shes not ashamed to come out and say she was raped and shes using this medium to reach out to the public.
Please take note of the photo below and see for yourself if this is Ethel Joan who claims she was raped and is not ashamed of coming out to the public
See pic that has been in circulation and i guess we all know the story of the Royal who beat his wife? same pics have been circulated as that of Ethel Joan 
Honorable Mose Idahosa is not in hiding he is a respected public servant, a respectful Husband and Father, whose image is being put to the test by certain individuals.
Honorable Mose Idahosa Speaks : please note i am unaware of these stories and i implore the well meaning people of Edo State and Nigeria to please disregard the stories being circulated.
Ethel Joan Nwandike, please come forward and present your case if indeed you exist!!!

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