Wednesday 2 October 2013

Chivalry Is Dead

Chivalry Is Dead


So ladies, isn’t that right? You feel the men aren’t gentlemen anymore. Like they don’t leave the doors open, or get up for you to sit down, or use the “5 magic words” when talking to you. You feel they treat you inappropriate yeah? And all of this has led you to believe that chivalry is dead right? Well…, Chivalry is dead and the women killed it! There is a very huge difference between how men and women see things. A woman’s test in life is material; a man’s test in life is a woman. By “test”, I mean those are the things we desire. Men have nice cars, not because they like nice cars but because they know that women like nice cars. That’s how it is. This is because men are hunters and the car’s the bait. The woman’s like “ooh, nice ride” and then the man’s like “gotcha bitch” (in his head of course). When you go to a woman’s house, the place is so comfortable. Now that’s why men have to get pretty comfortable houses too. The truth is if a man could “bang” a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn’t buy a house.
But that’s not exactly where Chivalry actually died; it died when the feminist move started in the magazines where women got advice about men from other women and they don’t know what the hell they talking about. I was walking across a magazine stand the other day and I came across one of such magazines, and it said on the cover “A 100 ways to please your man” by…some lady. And that is so much crap. There ain’t no 100 ways to please a man. There’s only 3; “bang” him the best way that you can, don’t cheat on him, make him nice meals and just don’t talk too much. That’s it!! But the women actually pick up these magazines and absolutely kill their self-esteem. The magazines make the women feel uglier, and sadder; make them feel like their clothes aren’t good enough and they have them forget how beautiful they are. And because you think you’re not pretty anymore, we all suffer. If cunt was a stock, it would be plummeting too often because you’ve flooded the market with it. You’d be watching the news and newscaster’s like “Cunt plummeted again……..gas is up ten points”. It’s real depressing just thinking about it.
This is how confusing it is, the practical application of what I’m talking about. You’d be at a club, chilling with your buddies and all of a sudden, this girl walks in and she looks so damn “good”. Not good in the classical way though, good like; half her bum hanging out of her skirt…hmmm, her tits all mashed up together popping out of the top of the turtle neck and stuff…hmmm. And you’re with your buddies, ya’ll got a couple of drinks in you and somebody tries to talk to her. Then the fella’s like “Damn!! Look at them titty’s”. And then she takes offence and she’s like “Hold on!!! Just because I’m dressed this way does not make me a whore.” And that’s right, gentlemen that is absolutely right. Just because they’re dressed a certain way doesn’t mean they are a certain way, don’t you ever forget it but ladies you must understand that it is very confusing. It just is. I mean that’d be like me; A.Y the writer walking the streets in a fireman’s uniform. Someone might run up to me and be like “Help! Please help! My house is on fire!” And then I say “Just because I’m dressed this way, doesn’t make me a fireman.”
Back at the bar, I’m like “alright lady, I understand; you are not a whore…but you are wearing a whore’s uniform just for the record.”
Another reason why I agree that Chivalry is dead is because men these days tend to undermine the women’s feelings, and you can’t do that. You can’t do that because feelings are very important to the ladies. Too important. I’m just learning that. Everything is based on how they “feel”. You could hear it when they tell stories. When a man tells a story, it’d be just facts; who, what, when, where, why. An example is “You remember Tony, we was at Gary’s house, then Tony said this… and then I punched that nigga and then I broke out.” That’s it, that’s the end of the story. Now when a woman tells a story, she’s like, “Well I was in my period and I just finished talking to my mum…blah blah blah…” They never get right to the point. They always include all these feelings. But you see, they have to talk about them feelings. That’s how they always get me. I’d be chilling and watching TV and stuff when my lady walks up to me and says “ Ayo, we need to talk.” I’m like “Oh Crap!!!” Now I don’t say that out loud. That’s how I feel inside; frustrated, because every time “we need to talk”, it’s always about something that I gotta do. We never talk about any the stuff she has to do. She leaves me defenceless.
Anyway, the point of this write up is to confirm to those of you that are still in doubt that Chivalry is really dead. And ladies, the minute you find a guy who just manages to pick up your stuff when it falls on the floor, forget about waiting for someone who would open up doors and pick up cheques; he’s a keeper. There aren’t many of them around.

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