Friday 8 November 2013

Cute cat ‘mocks’ Manchester United’s Ashley Young by showing off diving antics

Cat 'dives' like Ashley Young
Ashley the cat likes a cheeky tumble (Picture: YouTube)
Manchester United winger Ashley Young hit the headlines with his diving exploits this week – and it appears his antics are starting to influence others.
Indeed, the animal world seems to be keeping track of Young’s behaviour, with Ashley the cat now showing off his diving talent.
The feline has taken to tumbling under minimal contact in order to get attention, in a direct attempt to copy Young.
The proof/spoof was displayed on YouTube, with user MrFlyingPigHD showing Ashley the cat in action at home.
The video has already racked up nearly 25,000 views, with the 15-year-old cat proving popular among the online community.
It appears you can teach an old cat new tricks…

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