Monday 23 December 2013

12 Cool Reasons To Be Smart

Hello, it is an understatement to say I read a lot of stuff on the Internet. Some of it I blog about, others I share on Nairaland or other websites whilst I just assimilate others personally.

I am sharing this one with you

12 Reasons Why It is Cool to be Smart

1. You Don’t Have To Try As Hard
Contrary to popular belief, it’s really cool to be smart! Being brainy has a lot of perks, so get ready to soak up all of the great things that life has to offer you.

First of all, you don’t have to try as hard to do well. If you’ve already got the knowledge, it takes a lot less effort to do well on a test, finish an assignment, study, or get your work done. With all of that time back at your disposal, you can fit in plenty of fun on the side!

2. Being Smart Is In
In the olden days, being smart meant that you were looked down upon as a “nerd” or a “geek,” and mocked mercilessly for your intelligence. These days, though, being smart is considered “in.” Even one of the biggest hit shows on TV, ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ revolves around smart people!

It’s a great time to be smart, so don’t bother dumbing yourself down. Be proud of your intelligence!

3. Win More Arguments
If you ever get into debates or arguments with people, you know how much high intelligence can help! Smart people win arguments left and right, because they always know how to out-smart their adversaries.

They may find you annoying and say that you think you’re “smarter than everyone else,” but so what? You actually are, so if the shoe fits, put it on and go for a run!

4. Get Better Jobs
You’ve probably heard it said that you should be nice to the nerds, because you’ll end up working for them someday. That saying didn’t come into existence for no reason!

Smart people generally have the qualifications and intellect required to snag better jobs. That’s just the way it is. You might as well be one of those people on top of the job market, right?

5. Understand the Best Jokes and References
Some jokes are so intelligently planned and executed that they sail right over the heads of people of average intelligence. If you’re smart, though, you’ll be able to understand even the most difficult-to-comprehend jokes!
Who doesn’t love a good joke?

6. Raise Smarter Kids
If you’re hoping to start a family one day (or you’re already in the process of doing so), think about your kids! Smarter parents usually result in more intelligent children, either due to genetics or learned behaviors.

Creating a new generation of intellectuals can only be good for humanity as a whole, so passing your smarts onto your kids is very cool, indeed!

7. Be a More Well-Rounded Person
Uneducated people generally have a very small view of the world around them, and they miss out on a lot of the great things life has to offer. That rarely happens to smart people, though! They see things that the average person would never even notice, and they understand the way things work in a completely different way.

If you’re smart, rejoice and remember that it’s part of what makes you such a cultured and well-rounded person.

8. Make More Money
Like we mentioned earlier, smart people have a tendency to get better jobs than the average Joe Schmoe. As you can imagine, money goes along with that! Intelligent people are more likely to have incredible job opportunities that result in high paychecks.

It doesn’t get much cooler than a big pile of green. Bill Gates would probably agree.

9. Better Conversational Skills
Some people have a hard time with holding long, thoughtful conversations. But if you’re smart, you have plenty of interesting things to say, and you’ll be better equipped to turn those tidbits into an actual conversation.

Interpersonal relationships are one of the most important things in life, and communication is the key to success, so this perk definitely comes in handy!

10. Get More Respect
Have you ever heard someone go on a rant against “stupid people”? Honestly, the world is filled with uneducated folks who can be a real drain on the rest of society. As a result, disrespect is sent their way regularly, and they probably don’t have any idea why.

Intelligent people, on the other hand, are respected by their peers and sometimes even complete strangers. That’s an incredibly good feeling!

11. Get Awarded for Your Brilliance
Athletes get a lot of rewards for playing a good game or getting a certain rank, but what do smart people get for being intelligent? Well, oftentimes they get prizes, too!

Whether you’re in school or working in an adult job, rewards are given for being successful, and intelligence can help you get there. It could come in the form of a trophy, a plaque, or even a promotion or raise!

12. Even the Celebs Are Doing It
If you thought being smart equated to being stuffy, boring, and/or ugly, think again! Even some of the most glamorous celebrities have brilliant minds, with some going so far as to pursue higher education in Ivy League schools.
Here’s just a short list of celebrities who are considered very smart:
• Natalie Portman
• Emma Watson
• Jake Gyllenhaal
• Rashida Jones
• Conan O’Brien
• Matt Damon

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