Friday 10 January 2014

Unbelievable: Popular South African Pastor Makes Members Eat Grass

Unbelievable-Popular South African Pastor Makes Members Eat Grass
It is surprising the things people do as they blindly follow a ‘man of God’. As if they are under a spell of some sort, worshippers in a church in South Africa were instructed by their shepherd to become sheep, quite literally.
They were required in ‘obedience to the word from the Lord’ eat grace outside the church’s compound. And eating they did.
The pastor behind this bizarre doctrine is Lesego Daniel. He is the founder and head of a briefcase church called Rabboni Centre Ministries, situated at Zone 2 GaRankuwa, north Pretoria.
The controversial cleric said he was basically trying to prove that human beings can be controlled by the spirit and that they can eat anything to feed their bodies.
Looking at the incredible pictures (see more below), the members seem convinced and are busy eating away the grass – and he didn’t need to pay them anything to do it. Wow!Unbelievable-Popular South African Pastor Makes Members Eat Grass2

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