Wednesday 30 December 2015

10 Important Benefits Of having A website Explained

However, there is another powerful reason (not a benefit as such) for having a website; potential clients 'expect' you to have one! A website has become an essential requirement for almost every small business, without one you are effectively invisible to a very large chunk of your market.
  • 1) Attract new clients with high and 'accurate' search engine listings - Useful, informative content material and a correctly designed and optimised website, will achieve good search engine results for key phrases relating to your business service (and often location). This will ensure that potential new clients can find you
  • 2) Win clients away from your competitors - Many of your competitors will have older, home-made or badly designed websites. This will affect their credibility and search engine rankings. A well designed and engaging small business website will make you a more credible option and will also list you well above these competitors.
  • 3) A quality website = a quality business - This is the perception of your potential clients. A business that invests in a quality website demonstrates its commitment to providing a quality service.
  • 4) Out-perform some of your larger competitors - A focused, well optimised 'small' business website will often perform better than many larger business websites, whose pages are often bloated with unnecessary code, and overly complicated in terms of visitor usability. An efficient website with good navigation and accessible content, will allow you to compete more effectively with many of your larger competitors.
  • 5) Quickly build trust and credibility - Your potential guests 'love' to see references, it is one of the most powerful persuaders which can work in your favour. Of course you can give references over the phone, but it would be tedious to reel off a dozen good references for every potential client that called! You can list a good selection of references (testimonials) on your website, and these will be available for potential clients to review at their leisure.
  • 6) Stand out from the crowd - A small business website gives you the chance to create and project your business identity to your potential clients. Use it to highlight your Unique Selling Point(s) and give your visitors something to connect with on an emotional level. "We value your business." "Your in safe hands." "Local family run business you can trust." "Look! We can provide exactly what you need." etc.
  • 7) Encourage more repeat business from existing clients - A Content Management System (CMS) allows you to update your own website content, as often as you wish. This ability can be used to provide special offers or deals for existing clients (and new clients of course) to encourage them to use your services again. They may already be satisfied with your services but they are still looking for a good deal; encourage them to come back to you more often.
  • 8) Make yourself visible to new technology - These days your potential clients are just as likely to search for business services using their i-Phone or other mobile device as they are to use a PC or laptop. It is essential that you have a website which is accessible and readable using these devices. Many of your competitors websites will not be.
  • 9) Anticipate your potential clients' needs - You would be surprised how often a potential clients is lost because they can't find a telephone number or contact email, or any number of other basic, essential pieces of information such as; business location and how to find, opening / service times, prices etc. Provide the essential information your potential clients need and they will take you seriously.
  • 10) Ease of communication - An effective small business website will provide a number of methods for clients and potential clients, to communicate with you, and vice versa. Good communication builds trust and loyalty, saves time, and avoids misunderstandings.
    The essential methods are: Webmail (allows to read and respond to client emails from any location and at any time), CMS (allows you to communicate news and special offers), website enquiry form (a fast, universal response method), interactive road map (provides aerial views of your location, zoom, directions, travel times and distances).

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