Monday 28 December 2015

IS mutilate and kill mum in broad daylight for breastfeeding in public

ISIS monsters mutilated and murdered an innocent mum who was breastfeeding her son under a tree.
Women-only group the Al-Khansaa Brigade meted out the horrific punishment on the streets of Raqqa, Syria.
The mother had tucked her son under her black burqa to shield him from public view, only to be spotted by members of the murderous group.
Aisha, a former Raqqa resident living in southern Turkey told the Sunday Times: “An [IS] policewoman took the baby, gave it to another woman, and then killed the mother.”
Pro-IS social media sites later claimed the mother had violated public decency, and revealed she was mutilated before she was killed.
Created about 18 months ago, the Al-Khansaa brigade includes women from North Africa, Gulf Arabs, Iraqis, Chechens, and western Europeans.
Up to 60 British women are thought to have joined the psychotic group, with 20-year-old Glaswegian Aqsa Mahmood understood to be a key member.
The all-female brigade appear to be particularly ruthless towards mums.
Widow Um Hamid, 50, said she had been told to give her youngest daughters in marriage as a fee for food rations but instead she chose to go hungry.

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