Tuesday 29 December 2015

Small-Scale Business

Since then and up until now, large businesses or companies tend to capture and captivate (more!!!) clientele trust, industry authority, and niche market credibility compared to small businesses. While they are not always deserving, larger companies always get that “positive image” from the buying or consuming audience. They can easily get people to patronize their products and services just because they are doing bigger things- thus they are more visible in the marketplace. The owners of small businesses will tend to think that it can be very difficult to play with the “big boys” (tough to compete with larger and more established businesses). However, small business owners should think that they can also do BIG and GREAT things. Well, not necessarily similar to how big companies operate, but they can still do it. If you have a small business, you can easily make it look bigger.
The agenda is not essentially appearing bigger and providing your customers with false hopes and beliefs (leading your clients to think that your company is something that it is not or has something that it can’t deliver). But everyone has to start somewhere and starting “small” should not be a hindrance for you to aim high and accomplish grand business goals. As a small-scale business owner, it is important that you identify the advantages or value as having a small business or company. This will help and guide you to find the leverage to succeed and become bigger in the future.

Value of Running A Small Business

The value of running a small business is not always clear to the consumer world and especially to small-scale business owners themselves. Since today’s marketplace is dominated by large multinational corporations, small companies and businesses have the tendency to be “set aside” and given no particular consumer interest or client attention. This is why small business owners will likely lose hope and eventually quit even as early as before they can make a name in the niche market they are in.
However, running a small business does have its advantages over big corporations and companies. It is just up to the small business owner to identify them and make them as assets to eventually escort him or her to become a leading competitor in the industry.
Here are some advantages of running a small business or company. These advantages are the manifestations and testaments of the value of running a small-scale business. Even those who are yearning to start their own can make these advantages as their own motivation and inspiration.
  • Investment. In running a small business, the investment is not a big issue. People who own small- scale businesses or those who are planning to still put up their own have the privilege and luxury to avail of financial grants, small business aids, and economic support are readily accessible and available for them. These grants can be issued to the small-scale business owner from government-run programs, banks, or other large business corporations. Actually, there are a number of industries that are willing to provide or offer business grants. Thus, small business owners have the advantage to apply for loans and/or credits for him or her to invest into starting the small-scale business through a hassle-free process.
    This might be one of the reasons why many people are running small-scale businesses. Most small businesses require very little start-up money. Of course, this is a big advantage for those business-minded people who don’t have much money to invest into the venture but has the work ethics, creativity, talents, and skills to create a very lucrative business. Generally, small businesses only have a low operational cost. Because of this, the revenue can easily be turned into profit contrary to the revenue from bigger business. Business-related costs (like cost of owning a home office, transportation costs, and costs of good sold) can be deducted from personal income taxes.
  • Control. A small-scale business owner has the sole control of all the aspects of his business. Unlike in large corporations and companies where it is difficult to make decisions and for change to occur, a small-scale business owner can easily look through and handle all the factors that can govern and direct his business towards accomplishing his or her goals.
  • Focus. Small-scale business owners have the edge on concentrating well on specific things rather trying to do much without accomplishing them. Unlike large businesses that need to oversee many things as they are composed of a wide array of products of services, small business will only devote all the company’s efforts, money, and time to their products or the specific niche they are in. Doing dozens of different things all at once usually cripples “already established” business corporations at some point.
  • Easy Recording. It is very easy for small businesses to record their transactions. Monitoring and tracking of all business transactions in a small-scale business is easy- it can easily be maintained and can be regularly updated. Either the small-scale business owner can just place an accounting software in his computer/laptop or hire a qualified accountant. Most accounting responsibilities in a small-scale business is easy to manage. With better business transaction recording, the more helpful it is for owners to reports and financial statements- thereby, managing the business smoothly and correctly.
  • Assets and Liabilities. A small-scale business owner will not have any problem with his or her assets and liabilities. The management of assets (which includes checking and saving accounts) and liabilities (which includes the money the owner owes to other people) is not a difficult task or responsibility.
  • Human Resources. Apart from being able to know each other, all people working in a small-scale business will likely have good professional communication and working relationship. A small workforce in a small-scale business will not make it difficult for the owner to get to know more his or her people and evaluate their skills and performance regularly. Aside from forming a close bond with the employees, the owner will have the advantage to optimize his work force to meet deadlines and accomplish work objectives timely.
The value of running a small-scale business lies on these advantages. Although those mentioned are just some of the benefits, one can definitely say that there is also a sense of common purpose why a number of people are into small-scale businesses. It goes beyond just earning. It also opens up the avenue for jobless people to find work opportunities as small businesses start locally.

Making Your Small Business Seem Larger

If you want to make your small-scale business appear bigger, you need to learn the basics. Taking it to the next level only requires you to start with just three things- business cards, email address, and website.
When you have the means to invest on over-the-top, pricey, and metallic business cards, then by all means go for it. Your business cards will represent you and your company when you are not there. These cards are simple ways to advertise your company and what you can offer the buying audience. Invest on business cards that are of reasonable cost and high-quality standard. Don’t rely on self-printed cards made out of ordinary paper. The style and design of your business cards should mirror the type of business you have. You must meticulously design and style your cards or no one will take your business seriously (this is usually the most common mistake of small=scale businesses that leads to their imminent downfall).
In your business card, you have to provide all the details that you need your clients to know you and contact you. An important detail that should be clearly stated on your business cards is your company email address. This will be the medium your clients can use to communicate to you. It does not take much technical know-how to register to a domain. Make sure your email also imply the same professionalism.
Having a company website can be a powerful tool for clients to know more about your company and what your products or services are. If you don’t have a website or have an ugly one, the buying public will not take you seriously. It is best to have a simple yet effective website to help you compete in the niche market you are in. Before deciding on the web hosting tool that is suited for you, do some research (you can either do online research, read reviews, or ask other people who have websites).
There are more things that you can do to help your small-scale business appear bigger in the eyes of the consuming public. The size of your business should not be an obstacle for you to do great things!!

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