Tuesday 26 January 2016

British Muslim women hit back at David Cameron by tweeting their awesome achievements

Muslim women have organised a 'Twitter storm' against David Cameron to protest comments he allegedly made in private last week about, "the traditional submissiveness of Muslim women."
The comments were apparently made in relation to the English language test, which Cameron's government has recently announced as part of an effort to improve migrant integration.
"David knows that the traditional submissiveness of Muslim women is a sensitive issue," the Telegraph quoted a Government source as saying, "but the problems of young people being attracted by extremism will not be tackled without an element of cultural change within the community."
Unsurprisingly, the phrase "traditional submissiveness" didn't go down too well with a lot of Muslim women.
41-year-old author Shelina Janmohamed was one of the people who found the comments frustrating.
"There were a lot of ideas about Musliim women squashed together, which for me just do not represent the diversity, and the talents, and the achievements of Muslim women in the UK," she told Mashable. "For me they just re-enforce a particular stereotype."
She said she was saddened by the headlines and thought Cameron's purported statement would only make "life harder for Muslim women."
"So I responded in the most British way I could, which was with some sarcasm," Janmohamed said. "I tweeted some tweets with the hashtag #traditionallysubmissive — some fun examples and a bit of black humour — and it got picked up."
More and more Muslim women got involved with the hashtag, and Janmohamed planned Twitter storm for Sunday evening, with the aim to send a clear message to the Prime Minister.
Janmohamed described the response to the hashtag as overwhelming and incredibly inspiring.
"There was so much energy, it was so vibrant, it was so upbeat, it was so optimistic, it was so funny... they really took their response to the Prime Minister in a really upbeat, positive way that suggests that Muslim women really want to engage with the government," she said.
"There's such a huge diversity of opinion, of talent, of how Muslim women look, of what they do — all of them trying to make the point that there is no one submissive type of Muslim woman," Janmohamed said. "[T]hat really needs to be recognised by both the Prime Minster and the development of Government policy."
 But come to think of it all these women could say these because the are based in UK and Europe that protects the rights of all Humans to a very reasonable standard unlike most Arab countries that have relegated women to  being totally submissive with no voice.

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