Friday 15 January 2016

Liverpool defender Mamadou Sakho jokes about painful collision with Olivier Giroud on Snapchat

Considering that Mamadou Sakho and Olivier Giroud have played alongside each other numerous times for the French national team, you might think that they'd cut each other some slack when playing for their club sides.
The pair are firm friends, compatriots with Les Bleus - despite being direct adversaries in the Premier League, their mutual comradeship should stop them from being too rough with each other.
It clearly doesn't, however. If this pic from Sakho's official Snapchat is anything to go by, the Liverpool man took an absolute battering from his Arsenal counterpart during the 3-3 draw between the two sides at Anfield.
Both Mamadou and Olivier are notoriously physical players, and their running battle on Wednesday night obviously took its toll. Sakho was left with a serious shiner on his forehead - one which he's attributed to his handsome opponent in the aftermath of the match.

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