Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Secret To A Happy Relationship? Sleep Close Together.

Spooners, rejoice! Turns out couples who sleep close together tend to be happier in their relationship.
That’s according to research by a University of Hertfordshire psychologist, who spoke to over 1000 people about their favourite position for Zs as well as how satisfied they are with their partner.
Nearly all the pairs – 86% – who snoozed less than an inch apart were in a happy place relationship-wise, compared to only 66% of those who slept more than 30 inches away from each other.
'One of the most important differences involved touching,' reports the psychologist, Professor Richard Wiseman. ‘94% of couples who spent the night in contact with one another were happy with their relationship, compared to just 68% of those that didn't touch.’
Smitten couples also tend to sleep naked, if another recent poll is anything to go by. So, we say brave the morning-breath/hair-swallowing/head-butting potential and snuggle up in the buff

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