Tuesday 11 June 2013

Awaken Your Relationships

Awaken Your Relationships
    "In life one makes and participates in many relationships.  Some flow
easily while others become and remain difficult.

    It is important to be constant with your energy while engaging in a
relationship.  Like any other living being, they require attention.  Be of
good cheer with them whenever possible.  Allow unconditional love to flow
even with the difficult ones.

    As the sun rises each day, decide that it is going to be a good one.
Embrace those about you as you would embrace yourself.  Thus the reason for
the good day and opinion of the self.

    We understand that most of you cringe when asked to embrace the
difficult.  Attempt to take a good look at their core while realizing that
perhaps it is merely armor that they wear.  While moving from one life
experience to another, many bring baggage that causes their behavior to be

    It is not necessary to sacrifice your energy in the relationship.  It
is important, however, to see their soul.  Often it is damaged.

    It is not for you to repair the damage.  It is for them alone to do so
.  You can love unconditionally while remaining at a safe distance for your
own well being.

    In the end, it is about remaining open to the potential of the
relationship.  Movement towards their healing can be accomplished with your
energetic support.  The hard part is recognizing that it is their path and
you cannot do it for them.

    So awaken each day with a bright perspective.  By seeing their energy
potential and believing they can heal can do wonders for their progress.

    Relationships are an intricate essence of your own advancement.  Look
at them through your spiritual eyes.  It will help you in your
understanding of yourself and them."

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