Tuesday 11 June 2013

Self Awareness

The Importance of Self Awareness
  "Each physical life offers an opportunity to expand the soul.  Life
lessons are created to offer the choice in regard to the accomplishment of
that.  The physical reality offers the choices but alas also offers
many distractions that can keep one from attaining their full potential.

    Attempt each day to have awareness of your participation.  Within the
chatter and noise of the physical lies a path to the core of your own
soul.  It is important to maintain the trueness of that path by being
totally aware of your participation in this physical realm.

    Decide to release unnecessary drama that can cloud your purpose.
Often that includes separation from those who are creating the drama, and
taking responsibility for your energy within the moment.  A complicated
moment it may seem, however, once the energy is silenced, the clarity of
your soul speaks loudly.

    Take the time for the exploration.  Be aware of your soul and its need
in this reality.  Often the chaos is a reflection of those around you, not
necessarily your own vibration.  By being self aware, you may be able to
discern the root of the chaos.

    Align with the rhythm of your inner energy.  Be aware of all its
nuances, and become harmonious with it.

    It is a great gift to be evolved, but the moment becomes more enhanced
by being aware.

    Pay attention to the small moments.  They are the seeds to the garden
of your experience.

    Be aware of what your energy brings to the table.  Be responsible for
altering your perspective in the situation.  That ingredient may realign
the drama and enhance the evolution."

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